diy solar

diy solar

Smallest size 1500 watt pure sine wave inverter?


New Member
Sep 19, 2023
What's the smallest size 1500 watt pure sine wave inverter out there that is actually decent?

What's the smallest size 1500 watt pure sine wave inverter out there that is actually decent?


Small and decent don’t go well together for an inverter. But you may not need a quality inverter, it depends upon your loads. What do you intend to power with the inverter?
Mostly 110v fridge or freezer when the power is out.
Also to run misc equip, 12v fridge, or maybe a small LCD TV when traveling/camping.
Mostly 110v fridge or freezer when the power is out.

Then most any decent/cheap 1500W inverter will be fine. Probably even 1000W would do it (but measure your fridge's startup surge first). Giandel makes some decent-cheap inverters. EDIT - can't find their 1500W on Amazon right now. But WindyNation sells a good 1500W inverter, but it's not super compact (usually a good sign of better quality):

If you want more compact and think you can power your fridge with a 1000W inverter (likely, but confirm first):

Also to run misc equip, 12v fridge, or maybe a small LCD TV when traveling/camping.

The 12v fridge won't need an inverter. An LCD TV requires very little power (depending upon size). You didn't mention a microwave, which is good, because those can be problematic to power from inverter, depending.