diy solar

diy solar

Solar assistant: do you use it?

Do you use solar assistant with your solar system

  • Yes

  • I used to, not anymore

  • No but I plan to use it one day

  • No and I don't see a reason to purchase it

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I haven't seen anyone mention these devices, I currently have one at a few properties. You can run 2 IP cameras with it, it does cloud backups, DNS, VPN, NAS features and a whole lot more, best of all it runs a VM's which is where I have HA running.

They're as little as $300 without drives, but there is a smaller model if desired, if I could only get SA to run as a VM I would be set with this single device running all my solar and home automation services, cameras, VPN, and network/cloud backups. Pretty amazing device for the price and it's not all dangled together with USB accessories.

Never thought about using the synology to run HA.

Which package did you use for the VM environment?
Buy the power supply cable direct from SA or from Watts247.
I bought the whole kit and caboodle from SA.
Including cables.

No finger pointing that way if it didn’t work.

I’m guessing other have used different configurations.
I did, but not any more.

I realized that monitoring solar (FOR ME) is pointless after about a month of having my system commissioned. I can't control the sun nor the output, so why bother watching it? it's going to produce what it's going to produce.

I find it far more efficient and valuable to take the moment to randomly walk by my SCC digital display to see the momentary state of the system. it's only for validation that everything is working as it should be.
As I said previously. Raspberry Pi's (other than the Zero and Zero W / W2) do not use USB power supplies. They have a USB connector for power, and they use a similar voltage, but it needs to be over 5V. Sometimes you get lucky and get something that outputs a high enough voltage to make them happy, but most of the time that's not the case.

This provides a good explanation of the problem:

Mine is connected via a USB based power supply that uses an internal buck converter for 48V to 5V.
I'm using Solar Assistant with a 12 KW Growatt inverter and 4 home grown 16S LIFEPO4 230 amp hour batteries with 200 amp Seplos BMS. It works great as a basic remote management solution. Definitely recommend giving it a try.
I feel like several people are responding "NO..." when they couldn't use it with their system anyway...

In my case, I was able to overcome the poor voltage readings in my MPP LV1012-MS with SA to control when to switch to Utility/Battery. Otherwise, the unit was switching incorrectly based on incorrect battery voltage readings.
I use both. I have a rooftop grid-tied system with Enphase and an EG4 off-grid 6000ex.
Are there any inexpensive CT readers that might work with SA so you could read the AC coming off the Enphase system?

Edit.. Nevermind, you could use an Emporia.. if those work with SA.
I feel like several people are responding "NO..." when they couldn't use it with their system anyway...

In my case, I was able to overcome the poor voltage readings in my MPP LV1012-MS with SA to control when to switch to Utility/Battery. Otherwise, the unit was switching incorrectly based on incorrect battery voltage readings.
Isn't "No" an appropriate response for that scenario, though? I mean, I would *like* to have SA, but my system isn't supported, so.. No, I don't plan/intend to buy it.
Isn't "No" an appropriate response for that scenario, though? I mean, I would *like* to have SA, but my system isn't supported, so.. No, I don't plan/intend to buy it.
I think I just would not have voted in that case...

Perhaps the Poll should have been reworded to specify if it was applicable to your system, would you use it? Or maybe a 5th option... "I can't use it" ?‍♂️

IDK, the way the polls look now, it would make someone wonder what's wrong with SA that there are so many people who don't want it

diy solar

diy solar