diy solar

diy solar

Solar Panels not producing enough


New Member
Aug 26, 2022

I have a small home roof install: 10x225 w plus a Sunny Boy 2100TL inverter
We installed the system 10 years ago, but only recently started looking at the stats
I've checked and the MAXIMUM power I ever get is 1.8KW, which is way short of the expect 2250 W my system should give
Even If I deduct 10% ( 1% per annun), I should get a minimum of 2KW
I am wondering if this is because the Inverter maximum is 2200W, so is kind of "clipping" the maximum output
As i said, I don't know if this always being the case or a ercent development, as I did NOT check the solar production until very recently
I was thinking of replacing the inverter with a slighltly bigger Sunny Boy ( 3Kw-4Kw, or around)
This will also allow me to add a couple of extra panels
I have an EV , so was trying to chage the car with the excess solar, but the minimum the charger allows is 6A, so around 1.5KW, so its a bit short to charge the car and at the same time to power the house ( around 400W)
I have looked and found a couple of second hand SB inverters in Ebay, but I'm not sure is worth spending money

What do you think?

I also found some faulty inverters so being an Electronic hobyist , thought they may be easy to repair, but I have no experience on Inverters, so any advise will be appreciated
pretty much every online estimation tool i've used has noted that you can expect around 80% overall efficiency. what you're describing sounds exactly right to me.

when testing the output of my brand new 250w panels, in perfect conditions and placement.... i still couldn't get them to their rated power. was only ~95% of rating. this is expected.
Have you considered the option of adding panels to the inverter you already have? That would be the cheapest way to bump you up over ~1.9kw, but long term if you are trying to charge an EV i suspect you are planning a more substantial upgrade than that.

I agree the number is pretty normal. It might have been higher in the beginning but 10 years on i think your equipment is doing just fine.

If you want to have a 1.5kw load going on for hours (EV charging) you should probably plan on doubling or more your solar so that it's not dropping under that threshold with every passing cloud.