diy solar

diy solar

Solis RHI 5kw + Pylontech US500 not stopping discharge at defined SOC

mine does exactly the same RHI 6kW, the odd thing is i went from the 3kW unit which didn't do this to the 6 which does, even when fully charged and plenty of PV it always draws 1Amp / 120ish watts from the battery. I have been told its a firmware issue.
Right now my battery is at 20% and losing 62w feeding nothing. Will do until 17%, then charge up to 21% and battery will hopefully go to sleep. Solis must fix this !!!
If it helps anyone out there:
S5 EH1P 6K L
2 x Dyness A48100 , total 9.6Kw
Firmware updated by Solis : A10037 (original 3D0037)

The wattage figure mismatch seem to be fixed all over. I can now see 24W, 19W or 14W, 9W the same as what my Dyness battery app tells me (was 62W before displayed on Solis). Seems this firmware has fixed that incorrect figure display.

However, behaviour is not what I would want, same as 3D version.

SOC 20%
Force Charge 18% - 300W charge rate
Self use on
Battery Reserve off

Battery normal use going down to 20%, then it does stop using battery power for the house consumption.
When there is no Solar, inverter using constantly from the battery 9W to 24W feed the inverter with its DC.
My preferred way is that the inverter completely stops using the battery (so why is that SOC setting for!!!) and feeds from grid AC setting up battery in standby 0A consumption.

Now, once it goes under the FC setting 18%, it does charge the battery from grid up to the SOC 20% and keeps draining 9W to 24W from battery. On top of that, with this new firmware the battery will also drain that amount when there is solar power coming and the house is consuming more than that.

Today, when battery was at 18% and tricking down, I’ve enabled also the Battery Reserve mode to 21%, then inverter started charging the battery up to 22% and then the battery was put in stand by (which is what I want) and zero consumption from battery, 0W grey displayed on Solis app.

I think the key here is that those percentage detections are not exact from what the inverter is doing so there might be some points down more that the exact number you setup.
In this post it was mentioned battery reserve at 30% but didn’t kick battery recharge until it was 27%, then to 31% and standby. That’s the key I believe.

Added: same problem. I got the battery up from 18% to 22% as of Backup mode triggered and it doesn't charge.
Had to turn backup mode off and on.

Made a couple changes. Will it work ok tomorrow?, I hope so.
Driving me crazy.

I don’t mind battery going down once from 20 to 17% at a 9W to 24W rate from battery (would consume the same from grid) but after it recharges it to 20% as per SOC the inverter should put battery on standby to alleviate unnecessary stress on it.
Will post as I get more tests done, hope it helps out there.
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Where is that DOD setting? Haven’t seen that. Is not mentioned in the manual.
It is under the user-defined config settings - like here

Seems this firmware has fixed that incorrect figure display.
that's better.

My preferred way is that the inverter completely stops using the battery (so why is that SOC setting for!!!) and feeds from grid AC setting up battery in standby 0A consumption.
My understanding is that the Solis Inverter (and in fact many inverters) are powered only by DC input - so just PV or Battery. I don't think they have any AC-derived PSU. Guess that is so they can operate in off-grid / power-outtage situations.

How do you get to that menu? I haven’t seen it. Can you change the values? Thanks

that's better.

My understanding is that the Solis Inverter (and in fact many inverters) are powered only by DC input - so just PV or Battery. I don't think they have any AC-derived PSU. Guess that is so they can operate in off-grid / power-outtage situations.

No as I can see because if you have no battery or is disabled or standby how does it get powered?
These inverters would use DC or convert from AC when not available from battery.
It's under battery type "user-defined"

My Solis Hybrid shut down overnight before we got batteries - then powered up when there was sufficient light to raise the voltage of the PV panels.
It's under battery type "user-defined"

My Solis Hybrid shut down overnight before we got batteries - then powered up when there was sufficient light to raise the voltage of the PV panels.
Thanks. Found it.
Before playing in there ;) as I don’t know if 100% safe for my battery type, I have Dyness and I select that, cannot specify custom DOD when I pick Dyness, only SOC and Forcecharge.
I’ll try a couple things first with backup mode percentages. I did manage in the past to get the battery to go to sleep mode (after one recharge) and then charge fine the next morning. If I manage that I will paste exact configs here so others can confirm.

Can you confirm that your battery was always going to sleep when 80% DOD reached (20% left) and then charging ok next day? Not sure if you specified here your exact Solis model and firmware… thank you. Any piece of info might help everyone here
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This should help solve the issue when the battery does not charge the next day:

Might not be ideal but is working.
I select Dyness as my battery as is what I have, you should select your brand Pylon or whatever.

SOC 20%
Force Charge 20% - I selected 300W charge rate as the minimum I can select, 5000W is the default.
Self use ON - make sure all are zeroes on the dates to charge/discharge and you have "Stop" selected , not "Run"
Battery Reserve ON => 21% (also make sure you allow charge from grid to Battery)

This is what happens:
Battery goes down normal consumption until it reaches 20%.

At this point the inverter should stand by the battery and power from AC, but this is not the case with the solis, hence the "issue".

Instead, the inverter will power itself from Battery DC from 20% to 19% at a rate of 19W (5W up or down), when it touches 18% (this is 3% less than the Battery Reserve setting of 21%, as someone mentioned) the battery will be charged at max amps (5000W) up to your setting of Battery Reserve pct +1 extra pct, this is 21%+1% => 22%... and then... what we all want, the battery to go to Standby with 0W consumption from battery (inverter to use AC grid if it needs power):


It took ~9 hours to go from 20 to 18% (I have a 9.6 Kw battery system) consuming those 19W from DC, should be less if you have less capacity.

The trick to get the battery to charge the next morning is to setup Backup Supply to "Disable" in Control Parameter menu.
You can see below, battery is charging. I didn't have to do anything with the inverter this morning.


When Backup Supply was set to "Enable" the issue, as some have mentioned here, is that the Battery does NOT charge the next day.

Tonight I will test something else that might work too and have the battery a bit better charge throughout the winter:
SOC 38% & Force Charge 38% - I selected 300W charge rate as the minimum I can select, 5000W is the default.
Self use ON (if this is not ON then battery doesn't get used under the battery percentage set)
Battery Reserve ON => 39% (also make sure you allow charge from grid to Battery)


What I expect to happen is:
Battery will go down normal consumption until it hits 39%.
Then it will trickle the 19W off the battery from 39% until it reaches 36%, it should then charge up to 40% and go to standby.
Next morning it should charge normal when sun hits panels.

I'll post here how it goes. if anyone is doing alternative tests and / or confirm the theory it would also help!

Next tests could include to use the Custom Self Define parameters as @SeaGal mentioned in the earlier post #29
to try to get the inverter to just put the battery to standby when it reaches a certain percentage the first time it happens, and avoid to have to set all this up to force the battery to be recharged once to get the standby activation and the 19W consumption from DC instead AC.
Battery doesn't need this extra stress and usage, would increase its life & performance.
Also, the "recharge" at 5000W does also come from AC to battery DC and it consumes extra energy to do that, not sure why Solis is forcing this behaviour.

PS: if you don't have the A10037 firmware, this should also work, but you would see incorrect W in the DC usage of battery.
I used to see 62/63W before, however my Dyness app was telling me 19W which does match now the inverter figures.
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Good detective work - looks like the setting backup supply to disable helped.

We have the RHI 3.6 Hybrid - not sure of software revision though. Over discharge SOC is set to 15%, Force charge set to 10%.

The battery will discharge to 15% at which point the inverter stops supplying house load. From then on (until daylight), the inverter is powered from the battery (as I said above this has to be from DC), dropping about 1% in 5 hours.

This time of year I force a charge using economy 7 night rate, but that is done over the CANBus, not from the inverter settings itself.
Good detective work - looks like the setting backup supply to disable helped.

We have the RHI 3.6 Hybrid - not sure of software revision though. Over discharge SOC is set to 15%, Force charge set to 10%.

The battery will discharge to 15% at which point the inverter stops supplying house load. From then on (until daylight), the inverter is powered from the battery (as I said above this has to be from DC), dropping about 1% in 5 hours.

If you do the Battery setup as mentioned, then you can get the battery on standby.

This time of year I force a charge using economy 7 night rate, but that is done over the CANBus, not from the inverter settings itself.

Do you have the custom settings setup for your battery? if so, what is the DOD you have? 80%?
Doesn't it go to standby on its own at 80% if that is setup?
I have charge set to 100%, over discharge set to 15% and DoD set to 85%. It didn't makes sense to me to have all those 3 values, as they could be set to be inconsistent with each other.

I don't want the Solis to turn off at night, as I need to do a force charge at this time of year.
I have charge set to 100%, over discharge set to 15% and DoD set to 85%. It didn't makes sense to me to have all those 3 values, as they could be set to be inconsistent with each other.

I don't want the Solis to turn off at night, as I need to do a force charge at this time of year.
Solis wouldn’t turn off, just battery would go to standby and icon to grey at a lower DOD (i.e. if you setup DOD 80%, battery should stop discharging at all with 20% remaining battery and standby … next morning it should charge.

Have you tested something like that with your custom battery config ?

That’s next test I believe !
Mine stops providing power for the house load when it gets to the 15% / 85% DoD that I specified, as expected
Mine stops providing power for the house load when it gets to the 15% / 85% DoD that I specified, as expected
But, do you manage to see it on standby (grey icon 0W for battery at 15% remaining battery) or does it trickle down some Wats with the battery icon in purple until it reaches forcecharge and same again?
That’s the key I think. If your settings don’t get the battery to standby I think my recommended settings up there are the best to be managed IMO
The battery will discharge to 15% at which point the inverter stops supplying house load. From then on (until daylight), the inverter is powered from the battery (as I said above this has to be from DC), dropping about 1% in 5 hours.

On the DC charge... the inverter does indeed use DC for its own consumption however, if the battery is in standby or off or not available the inverter will do convert AC to DC and then consume it after. Doesn't necessarily need to come up from the battery.

See as my test yesterday:

First is when it reached 39% down overnight. It stopped providing to the house, but inverter preferring DC from battery to feed itself:


Once the battery reached 36% after ~10 hours at 19W-24W DC consumption from inverter, it did recharge the battery as per the Battery Reserve ON setting and put the battery on standby, then the inverter did start using AC -> DC to feed itself.
This morning is charging already ok, didn't have to touch anything on the inverter. This is because the Control Parameter -> Backup Supply is set to "Disabled". If it were enabled, the buggy firmware wouldn't charge the battery.



What I'd like to achieve is a method where the inverter to set the battery to Standby once it reaches a percentage down the first time is discharging to the house, without having to be in this interim DC-feed mode only from battery to inverter and then recharge the battery once per night and all of this fiddling around.

So far what I have listed above is the closest I've managed.
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OK, not sure I understand what the standby mode is or how it is triggered. We don't use the Solis app, so don;t have those coloured icons to look at, sorry.
OK, not sure I understand what the standby mode is or how it is triggered. We don't use the Solis app, so don;t have those coloured icons to look at, sorry.

Is just the battery drains 0W to house and inverter , solis app would put that icon in grey and that is battery standby mode.

Right now the only way I have been able to see it triggered is after a backup reserve mode charge, as on my 2 tests above.
Also, if disabling the charging from grid (not recommended for obvious reasons) and battery goes all the way down to the force charge setting (not the SOC setting that seems ignored for this purpose).

I cannot play with the DoD setting because I don't have the custom settings and values for my battery, is not an option I can enter anything, as I am picking my Dyness battery setup (not custom, unlike you).

I wonder if you put your battery DoD at 84% from 85%, but leave your SOC at 15% what would make to your inverter behave.
Probably the Solis right now is even ignoring the DoD setting as you have 85% but it does discharge battery up to 90%.

I see 3 options:
1. Nothing will happen and DoD will be ignored.
2. Battery will stop feeding the house at 16% but will start feeding just the inverter at the constant 9W-29W rate all the way down to your forte charge of 10%.
3. Battery will go to standby directly, with 0W consumed from battery, inverter will convert from AC to DC for its own needs.

I bet you it would do 1, but if that test were to do 3 that is the way to go.
I see 3 options:
1. Nothing will happen and DoD will be ignored.
2. Battery will stop feeding the house at 16% but will start feeding just the inverter at the constant 9W-29W rate all the way down to your forte charge of 10%.
At 15% that happens, but only 1% per 5 hours is used by the inverter, so will have PV input before then

3. Battery will go to standby directly, with 0W consumed from battery, inverter will convert from AC to DC for its own needs.
Don't think that is technically possible. AFAIAA the inverter can only be powered by DC input.
Don't think that is technically possible. AFAIAA the inverter can only be powered by DC input.

If I physically unplug my battery to the inverter , it does stay up even if is overnight without PV.

It is physically impossible for the inverter to stay up and ON unless the inverter does convert AC to DC to feed itself when DC is not available, as @Hiedi pointed above metering the AC.

It discharges to 30% after Backup Mode is activated. After that
the battery is discharged with about 30W (measured). At 27% it recharges from the
Grid and switches off the battery completely at 31% (0A). The Solis is
now supplied with approx. 25W from the Grid. (measured with extra Eastron
counter between Solis and Grid)
As far as completely satisfied with the
behavior. Unfortunately, it no longer charges the battery at all. Backup mode off and on fixes the problem until the next night...

When the battery is in standby mode after a Backup Mode recharge, the Inverter does use AC to feed itself, transforming it to DC for internal use. Makes total sense it does it this way.

The problem here is that we'd want to get that standby mode to happen *before* the one-time forced recharge.

It will act as a Solis Gridtie inverter and powers down when the array voltage falls below 75V

Well, tell me then where is the Solis getting its DC energy to run at 4AM in the morning and the battery in standby and saying there is 0W consumed, the Solis app and the Dyness app... because the only place it can get it from is AC conversion to DC and then usage... and the solis inverter was up logging and all. Screenshots up there.
Following this thread with interest. I have a Solis 3.6kW Hybrid inverter with 2x Plyon US2000Cs - not yet fully commissioned but I have already noted I lose around 1% per day. The Plyons say they are in idle mode. (green lights flashing, SOC bar graph is off), but not sure whether that really means they aren't providing any current to the inverter.

One thing I did note is a change in the commissioning procedure between version 1.1 of the manual (the version on the supplier website) and version 1.5 of the manual (latest from Solis).

v1.1 says turn on the AC first and do all the settings, then close the DC battery isolator.
v1.5 says turn on the DC first, sort out the grid settings (e.g G98/G99 etc) then enable the AC.

I originally though this was just a change of procedure to ensure the grid settings were set correctly before making the grid connection, but I decided to follow the v1.1 manual route because that felt safer re getting battery settings sorted out before connecting a battery. However I couldn't get any life out of the inverter screen at all with AC only. I had to close the DC battery breakers before I could get the inverter kicked into life.

As first power up for me was only last week and I'm still working on commissioning my power meter connection (which is remote from the inverter) I I haven't got much data/experience to add right now, but given commissioning i.a.w. v1.1 of the manual certainly wasn't possible with my inverter it does feel like the whole thing could be firmware related.
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One thing I did note is a change in the commissioning procedure between version 1.1 of the manual (the version on the supplier website) and version 1.5 of the manual (latest from Solis).

v1.1 says turn on the AC first and do all the settings, then close the DC battery isolator.
v1.5 says turn on the DC first, sort out the grid settings (e.g G98/G99 etc) then enable the AC.

I originally though this was just a change of procedure to ensure the grid settings were set correctly before making the grid connection, but I decided to follow the v1.1 manual route because that felt safer re getting battery settings sorted out before connecting a battery. However I couldn't get any life out of the inverter screen at all with AC only. I had to close the DC battery breakers before I could get the inverter kicked into life.

Interesting that Solis have (finally) updated the manual. When we got ours first installed (before PV panels were setup) we put AC on and nothing! Thought the inverter was broken, so rechecked the AC supply and that was fine ?. Then after some searching for technical data I found that the Solis (and I understand many other inverters only power via DC ☀️?. So, if you don't have battery or light on your PV panels, it isn't going to power up at all.

This was confirmed when we got our Solis 3.6kW Hybrid running with PV, but before batteries. At dusk the Solis would power right off and not start till first light. Like you, I was able to tell that was happening from the lack of lights flashing on the waveshare / power meter from in the house.
Just re-found the info, that I referred to above, from Solis support site, where it confirms "All of the Ginlong inverter's internal electronics are powered by the DC"


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diy solar