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diy solar

Solis Techview

Hi @Tony_AH. I have just installed my RAI-3K-48ES inverter. After much hassle, I got the Techview app working and you can change the charging times from the app. This is how I got it working...
  • I used a spare mobile phone to run the app. Since the wifi connection is a direct connection between the phone and the inverter, I was having to turn off all internet connections (mobile data include) on my phone simply to connect to the inverter (my phone doesn't like direct WIFI connections as they have no connection to the internet).
  • The wifi password is solis100
  • Once connected, you need to go through the initial setup steps on the app (even though the inverter has already been set up) to get to the charging time settings. After doing this, I went back and checked that all the settings on the inverter are still correct.
The Techview app is not great however, I have found the information useful, especially the graphic of the power flow.

I hope this helps.
Hello @Geoff_S - thanks for this all very helpful. I have hit a snag with Techview, the login for installer seems to work, but I get hit with the 'user defined settings' page which I don't want to mess with. However, on the landing screen I can see Installer Info and it lets me select that page if it's logged in as an installer, but under 'Coupled Mode' where the ToU and off-grid and reserve battery switches are, I can't change anything - anyone else come across this? I have an existing ticket with Solis about the Techview user manual which they shared by email (nice of them to publish this, not!) but I've taken the opportunity with the open ticket to quiz them on this - wondering if I need a firmware update but have been hesitant to do so as it's been working fine otherwise!
Hello @Geoff_S - thanks for this all very helpful. I have hit a snag with Techview, the login for installer seems to work, but I get hit with the 'user defined settings' page which I don't want to mess with. However, on the landing screen I can see Installer Info and it lets me select that page if it's logged in as an installer, but under 'Coupled Mode' where the ToU and off-grid and reserve battery switches are, I can't change anything - anyone else come across this? I have an existing ticket with Solis about the Techview user manual which they shared by email (nice of them to publish this, not!) but I've taken the opportunity with the open ticket to quiz them on this - wondering if I need a firmware update but have been hesitant to do so as it's been working fine otherwise!

Hi @Umski. I had the same experience on the Techview app. The Installer page goes through a set up process, where the first step is selecting the grid standard. Unfortunately, the app only uses the "User defined" settings. I ended up accepting these settings and then went back to the inverter and set it back to G98 grid standard (all while Grid output was off and the grid was isolated from the inverter). Once I went through the setup steps, the Installer page now shows the correct settings.

However, even though I have access to the ToU settings on Techview, any changes I made on the app did not reflect on the inverter. So all that effect was in vain. I now just use the Techview app to check battery status and power status.

I assume because you did a self install you are not able to use the Solis Cloud app? I normally use this app to monitor the power flow to batteries, house and grid as it works anywhere I have a phone signal. It's a similar view to the TeckView app but you can see a bar graph below for the power flow for the whole day
@Tony_AH I chose not to use the cloud app. Since I don't have a PV array on my system, I was not too concerned about monitoring the power usage remotely. I may change my mind and install the data logger later.
Hi @Umski. I had the same experience on the Techview app. The Installer page goes through a set up process, where the first step is selecting the grid standard. Unfortunately, the app only uses the "User defined" settings. I ended up accepting these settings and then went back to the inverter and set it back to G98 grid standard (all while Grid output was off and the grid was isolated from the inverter). Once I went through the setup steps, the Installer page now shows the correct settings.

However, even though I have access to the ToU settings on Techview, any changes I made on the app did not reflect on the inverter. So all that effect was in vain. I now just use the Techview app to check battery status and power status.

@Tony_AH I chose not to use the cloud app. Since I don't have a PV array on my system, I was not too concerned about monitoring the power usage remotely. I may change my mind and install the data logger later.
Thanks @Geoff_S I suspected it may be something like this - one of the values was out of range so I wasn't comfortable with fiddling with it but that's a good tip to accept and then change back! I had a feeling it wouldn't be much use as a whole anyway - the reserve battery switch was one thing I was curious about, as at the moment with intermittent PV although I have the lower SoC at 20% I like to preserve or deplete the charge depending on weather forecasts or electric use so I end up having to go into the garage to fiddle!
Not from Techview. But I can do it from the SolisCloud app and website now.
OK, I give up. Where on earth do you go in the Solis cloud app or logging in on a desktop PC to get to the battery charge timer settings?
I didn't install my system, maybe it's a hidden feature only available to the installer?
OK, I give up. Where on earth do you go in the Solis cloud app or logging in on a desktop PC to get to the battery charge timer settings?
I didn't install my system, maybe it's a hidden feature only available to the installer?

You can do that from the front panel, it is explained in the manual you can download from HERE

Not all setting can be done from the online portal, it is mostly just for viewing performance.
OK, I give up. Where on earth do you go in the Solis cloud app or logging in on a desktop PC to get to the battery charge timer settings?
I didn't install my system, maybe it's a hidden feature only available to the installer?
You can raise a ticket with Solis to ask for Remote Control from the App or Solis cloud website. You'll need a G3 datalogger and fairly recent firmware. I can change my battery charge times from my phone or laptop using that.
You can raise a ticket with Solis to ask for Remote Control from the App or Solis cloud website. You'll need a G3 datalogger and fairly recent firmware. I can change my battery charge times from my phone or laptop using that.
View attachment 132615

How do you raise a ticket? Is it done via the app, or on the website?

I've just installed this inverter and have it all configured and working up to the screen you've captured here, however don't have that option in my drop down.

Does it really require someone at Solis support to update my account to enable what appears to be a rather crucial function?
Woohoo. Raised a ticket via the solis website and they've updated my account so I can now control my inverter through the solis cloud app.

I've just tried it and updated my time of use charge times remotely no problem.

For anyone else using this inverter.

To raise a ticket, go here

Once they update your account log out and back in, and you'll have the option to control it.

Baffled why this wouldn't be enabled as default. But can confirm it works and will make this inverter a lot easier to live with.
Baffled why this wouldn't be enabled as default. But can confirm it works and will make this inverter a lot easier to live with.
I think it's because if you changed some settings incorrectly you could cause damage and/or breach the Energy Export regulations, so they need you to specifically request the function and take responsibility for it.
Anyone using Solis Cloud with this inverter, do you have the PV generation displayed?

On my overview I've got a gap at the top left where it looks like PV could be displayed. Top right is grid, bottom left is battery and bottom right is load.

The inverter appears to be working fine. Charging overnight worked and I was charging today with the excess solar (battery wasn't at 100%).

It's just the app that doesn't have any record of any generation. Today yield is 0 and Current Power only ever showed 0 as well. But I know there was 2kw of solar generation today (via another monitor).
Anyone using Solis Cloud with this inverter, do you have the PV generation displayed?

On my overview I've got a gap at the top left where it looks like PV could be displayed. Top right is grid, bottom left is battery and bottom right is load.

The inverter appears to be working fine. Charging overnight worked and I was charging today with the excess solar (battery wasn't at 100%).

It's just the app that doesn't have any record of any generation. Today yield is 0 and Current Power only ever showed 0 as well. But I know there was 2kw of solar generation today (via another monitor).
I have the RAI and the Cloud app seems to have no concept of the PV being AC coupled even though it has a CT on the PV output - I think the app and ecosystem has been largely coded around hybrid or standalone inverters which is a bit rubbish IMO
I have the RAI and the Cloud app seems to have no concept of the PV being AC coupled even though it has a CT on the PV output - I think the app and ecosystem has been largely coded around hybrid or standalone inverters which is a bit rubbish IMO
Submit a ticket to Solis support.

I'm not sure if it's a config error that I did when signing up to the cloud and registering the 'plant', or there's something up their end. However support were able to fix it so that I've now got PV generation displayed in Solis Cloud for the 3K 5G RAI AC Inverter.

Probably worth doing at the same time as requesting remote control.

Something to note on the remote control. Under the Time to Charge settings, there are 3 times you can set to charge, with 3 different charge rates. That's not true when it sets to the inverter - only the first charge rate is ever used (so, you can't charge for 2 hours at 10a, then 2 hours at 50a, etc. It would all be at 10a if you did that).
Hi, my first post also.

I have just programmed my RAI-3K-48ES-5G from the control panel to charge on economy 7 but as my inverter is in a loft space it would be far more convenient to use the Techview app. However, firstly I've noticed you need to be almost on top of the inverter to get a decent WiFi signal and secondly the passwords "solis123" or "solis123456" are not working so I can't connect to the Solis WiFi. Any there any other passwords known to anyone?

Is it even possible to change the charge times from the Techview app?

Does your inverter have the little wifi antenna attached at the bottom? I could well imagine an installer leaving that off.

Mine seems to have quite impressive range going through two thick brick walls.

Not yet TechView is much help other than for viewing current use.
Submit a ticket to Solis support.
Did that months ago, it sat doing nothing until the guy from UK support contacted me with the user manual for Techview - I then passed on all the weird stuff and it went back to 'head office' apparently - haven't heard back since so not holding my breath :rolleyes: but interesting that your experience with the plant registration seems to be the underlying cause - I'll flag that at some point - the only thing I'm using the cloud info for is the SoC value otherwise I have separate monitoring for all the other values...
Anyone using Solis Cloud with this inverter, do you have the PV generation displayed?

On my overview I've got a gap at the top left where it looks like PV could be displayed. Top right is grid, bottom left is battery and bottom right is load.

The inverter appears to be working fine. Charging overnight worked and I was charging today with the excess solar (battery wasn't at 100%).

It's just the app that doesn't have any record of any generation. Today yield is 0 and Current Power only ever showed 0 as well. But I know there was 2kw of solar generation today (via another monitor).
I have the same on my display. All my panels use micro inverters under the panels, some EnecSys and some Enphase. I was told that because I don't have a Solis String inverter for the the panels the app wouldn't be able to see the output from the panels. I believe removing this solar feed input (top left) is controlled by the cloud administrators as it was briefly visible on my app then turned off as I don't use their hardware.
I have to monitor my Enphase micro inverters with a Enphase Envoy S Standard Communication Gateway and the EnecSys micro inverters are monitored via the original EnecSys gateway and a Rasberry Pie local to my network. EnecSys went out of business some years ago and finding a monitoring system was a problem although an online system has been set up by someone now for a fee.
Did that months ago, it sat doing nothing until the guy from UK support contacted me with the user manual for Techview - I then passed on all the weird stuff and it went back to 'head office' apparently - haven't heard back since so not holding my breath :rolleyes: but interesting that your experience with the plant registration seems to be the underlying cause - I'll flag that at some point - the only thing I'm using the cloud info for is the SoC value otherwise I have separate monitoring for all the other values...
You're welcome to quote my ticket number (133683). So the Solis support agent can use the same solution from my ticket. This is for the missing PV Output value in Solis Cloud.

TechView is practically useless for me too - I just use it to remotely monitor SOC. I'm guessing this app is mostly treated as EOL at Ginlong.
I have the same on my display. All my panels use micro inverters under the panels, some EnecSys and some Enphase. I was told that because I don't have a Solis String inverter for the the panels the app wouldn't be able to see the output from the panels. I believe removing this solar feed input (top left) is controlled by the cloud administrators as it was briefly visible on my app then turned off as I don't use their hardware.
I have to monitor my Enphase micro inverters with a Enphase Envoy S Standard Communication Gateway and the EnecSys micro inverters are monitored via the original EnecSys gateway and a Rasberry Pie local to my network. EnecSys went out of business some years ago and finding a monitoring system was a problem although an online system has been set up by someone now for a fee.
Mine is all micro inverters under the panels. PV now showing fine now whatever Solis support changed on my account.

Total Yield is still 0 (I think this is a different bug), but I do get a display and values for current production and the detailed charts below the flow graphic on the overview.
My Solid Cloud keeps switching between the full detailed view with the proper chart, and a much simpler view with just a generation figure in an arc.

Anyone else getting this?
My Solid Cloud keeps switching between the full detailed view with the proper chart, and a much simpler view with just a generation figure in an arc.

Anyone else getting this?
I haven't had those symptoms but the last few days I have often found I couldn't get any information on the phone app, it was as if I wasn't logged in but it said the system was online. The app worked OK yesterday and today seems OK so hopefully normal service has resumed.

diy solar

diy solar