diy solar

diy solar

System drawing/mapping


New Member
Oct 22, 2020
What program/application do you guys use for making nice looking drawings of system components and wiring connections? Basically rectangles that can be sized, colored lines and text. Something that can be made into PDF.
I have a mac and have been playing with PAGES, but pretty cumbersome for my age and abilities.

I use a napkin and a crayon but others here have recommended

That explains a lot.

I use a whiteboard to really figure complex stuff out. and are the same thing. I use a tool like that when my crazy ideas need to be presented to someone else. As with many things, when I write it down, I often solve my problem myself. The exercise of writing/drawing stirs something in my brain that makes it easier for me to find solutions.
I use excel to do all the math and Snagit that puts my images on the excel pages.
Here's an example
I use Visio. There is a version that includes electronics symbols, but honestly you can make your own by grouping privative elements together.

Apparently there is a resale market for Visio. Visio is very expensive from Microsoft ($500+).

I use PowerPoint to draw lines. I use excel to do most math unless its really simple, than I use a calculator.

PDF making is pretty simple for me. I just print and send to a pdf file instead of the printer. That option is available on all my computers.
Thought You'd say Linux

Well... I'm still on windows because manufacturers are lazy and don't make drivers for linux, and the generic ones weren't working properly either... Else I would be on Debian most likely, or FreeBSD (most stable OS ever :love: ).

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diy solar