diy solar

diy solar

The portrayal of Israel as innocent victims of palestinian animals is absurd.

You guys are jockeying are both attempting to moral preen which is why liberal tactics work so well.

It is mainly young [clueless] liberals who share your view on this - your position is actually presented as the "high ground" and I think it is interesting that you apparently cannot see that. As to my own position, I have no need to try to impress you or anyone else here morally or otherwise.

The only problem I have is the United States shielding them from the consequences.

I agree that the US should stay out of this conflict and the Ukraine conflict as well.
Gaza residents couldnt simply evacuate and there are reports IDF attacked them anyway.

This whole operation has all the appearances of Israel wiping gaza off the map in its agenda of zionist genocide. Israel intends to force all gaza refugees into tent cities in Sinai and not return to gaza. Its bullshit and if they do that the west bank is next. Zionists will have their dream but spend the next thousand years playing victim while "terrorists" justifiably attack them there and wherever in the world they travel.

Our back and forth here was mainly about what constituted "terrorism" or a terrorist act. I think that is settled based on your last several posts.

As to the rest of it, we each have our reasons for choosing who we would like to see prevail and there is nothing either of us can say that will change the mind of the other, or anyone else here for that matter.
Its interesting the pro israeli posters here have little to say about the breaking news that Israel knew this was going to happen, and had a shockingly weak response as it was happening. And now has killed 10x as many palestinians and levelled gaza, turning its whole population into refugees.
But gee the only reason Israeli settlements have swallowed up Palestinian lands whole, is because of their need for security. Starting in 1948 when they swept through Palestinian villages killing thousands of civilians, women and children, who they executed.
And anyone critical of this is an anti semite or an ignorant liberal youngster.
Actually the Jewish propaganda machine is starting to stumble with the outrageous scale of their atrocities.
Our back and forth here was mainly about what constituted "terrorism" or a terrorist act. I think that is settled based on your last several posts.

As to the rest of it, we each have our reasons for choosing who we would like to see prevail and there is nothing either of us can say that will change the mind of the other, or anyone else here for that matter.
I once automatically took the side of Israel. Back around 9/11 when PLO terrorists were blowing themselves up in Jerusalem for Saddams $25k reward checks.
As time has gone by and I saw things from the enemys perspective, and looked at our bizarre foreign policy supporting Israel when they really dont do much for us (compared to, say, the Saudis who we owe an immense debt to for our prosperity)and took a more balanced position. I also have made friends with some Arabs, both immigrants and their children, and must say theyve never treated me with the absolute disrespect Ive been treated with in several instances by Jewish people. You dont forget that kind of thing and I know they dont represent all but they were as Jewish as they could be.
There are a number of videos on youtube showing the way American Christians are often treated in Israel by the more orthodox, its just terrible and Im not sure why Christians are rushing to support them when theyre just goya to them. No different from Muslims calling them infidels.

Finally about that "anti semitism" label, that would be fair if people were hating on Jews for no other reason than their faith or ethnicity being Jewish. Just like if we were to dislike blacks simply for their skin color. Its perfectly valid to point out the astronomically high violent crime rate in the black community, as well as criticize Israels repression of Palestinians and continued encroachment upon their land, especially in light of the well documented Zionist movement.
People are critical of what theyre doing not who they are, and who they are doesnt give them a free pass for what theyre doing like many seem to believe.
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You sure like to "tell" people what they are thinking...... incredibly manipulative behavior.

Na...... The left chants " From the river to the sea"

There you go again deflecting.

There you go again "Telling" how a person feels. Projecting at its finest.
Assessing your position from what youve expressed in your posts isnt telling you what to think or manipulating you. You arent that weak.
If you dont think your position is what he perceives, perhaps you could explain it to him, or rethink your position if it doesnt look attractive to you.
The pro Israel side for the most part thinks they can do no wrong. On october 7th this was perhaps a reasonable position.
Now that the dust has cleared, and we see things werent what they appeared, and in light of Israels brutal reprisals, it isnt so reasonable.
It helps to understand the Hamas strike wasnt out of nowhere for no reason, but the reaction to 17 years of gaza residents living under the jackboots of an Israeli blockade. These people were subjected to a life of humiliation and despair. Given the resources available a "terrorist" attack was the tool they had to work with.
Assessing your position from what youve expressed in your posts isnt telling you what to think or manipulating you. You arent that weak.
Putting words in my mouth does.
If you dont think your position is what he perceives, perhaps you could explain it to him, or rethink your position if it doesnt look attractive to you.
I all ready have.
The pro Israel side for the most part thinks they can do no wrong. On october 7th this was perhaps a reasonable position.
There is NO government that is "clean" Barbaric actions are well Barbaric and I will never agree that it is "reasonable"

Now that the dust has cleared, and we see things werent what they appeared, and in light of Israels brutal reprisals, it isnt so reasonable.
It helps to understand the Hamas strike wasnt out of nowhere for no reason, but the reaction to 17 years of gaza residents living under the jackboots of an Israeli blockade. These people were subjected to a life of humiliation and despair. Given the resources available a "terrorist" attack was the tool they had to work with
Since 1948. Is real has killed thousands of Palestinians many of them were children do you think it really matters to the dead child whether it was by a bullet or a sword?
I doubt the beheadings were widespread.
Israel is blowing up this propaganda to justify its Zionist genocide which you obviously have no problem with. Who are the real barbarians here?
Your right. All these "first hand accounts" mean nothing. No pictures or video then don't believe the story. The first thing a country going to war has to do is paint their enemy as sub human. A guy told me once to "believe nothing what you hear and half of what you see".

diy solar

diy solar