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diy solar


Tommy, you have Trump or you have Biden and Obuma for a 4th term.
D71, my tea leave reading skills really sucks.

and at my age, my crystal balls don't work for me

hell the only way I can get a nut anymore is the image below (48V 4000W!)
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D71, my tea leave reading skills really sucks.
Do you think 1 or both of them will be removed? What do you think? Do you think Biden could tea bag Ryujin after doing a line of cocaine? That cocaine found in the white most likely belonged to hunter or joe. The way joe acts - think he is on cocaine sometimes.

Bob, I talked about a machine operator I was chatting with, he voted trump (2020) last time he was black
he is one that trump lost with J6th

you have to build your base, if you want to win

if you can show me how he is building on his base, I would be wrong
The election is still in the primaries .. base building comes later.

Guess you don't remember all the things Donald did that benefitted blue collar workers, African Americans and Hispanics .... all he has to do is remind them.
When's the last time the UAW was for a Republican candidate ... Do you think they would be for Haley?

How many times do we need to hear the machine operator story?
Do you think they would be for Haley?
Bob, IMO no, but that's on us

in wisconsin we worked very hard to limit union membership.
in 1950 60% of manufacturing was union positions, 2024 we are at 12%
IMO maybe opening world markets would have turn out differently if
we worked on increasing that participation rate
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Bob, I agree, but someplace it says each state controls elections and how it's done

I'm not saying it's going to matter, I just think it's written someplace.
Are you in favor of this kind of judicial activism?
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The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives,
shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof

Bob, do you think I'm wrong for thinking it is written someplace?
The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives,
shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof

Bob, do you think I'm wrong for thinking it is written someplace?
Yes, I think your wrong ..... Does it say anything about who?
Does is say anything about presidential election?
Only says time, place, and manner.
Does it say anything about who?
Bob, the manner word is the only reason it's at SCOUS

grizzzman, I'm not disrespecting you, I'm giving you space.
if you address me again, I'll respond

and Representatives may include him
Seems like on that basis she should have been out 6 months ago.

They have known all of this 6 months or so after words 2 so-called republicans would go to jail Raffensperger and Sterling. Maybe Kemp again 2 ppl died when a signature count was suppose to have been done.

Nathan Deal - Governor Kemp’s Dauhters boy friend died in strange accident. An agent investigating committed what they called suicide. Kemp went into hiding. Far as know there was no signature count
Bob, as I said my tea reading skills suck.

I will be looking to read their ruling

Bob, I agree, but someplace it says each state controls elections and how it's done

I'm not saying it's going to matter, I just think it's written someplace.

there is a question
Do you think States can cede from the Union and it still stand? The State can rule on the 14th Amendment without the Supreme court involved at some point ie: can’t just take a Presidential Candidate off?

That was tried and put down in the Civil War. The Federal Govt will go to War. 🤣🤡😀

Are you ready for the big divorce and break up of the USA?
All these immigrants will be heaved hoe into whatever the blue states can hang onto.
Are you sure those States want to cede from the Union?

It is already favored for Trump at Supreme Court.

diy solar

diy solar