diy solar

diy solar


The Constitution does not directly mention secession.

A universal state succession occurs when one state is completely extinguished
and its sovereignty is replaced by that of one or more successor states.

by that reading it would seem the state would just change names

the space would still be America
grizzzman, legislative, but the constitution is a peoples bill of rights, not law IMO
The United States Constitution establishes three separate but equal branches of government:
  • "Legislative: Makes laws"
  • Executive: Enforces laws
  • Judicial: Interprets laws

    The Congress is voted in by the people.
  • The point that I am making is Congress deals with laws ( If you go by the constitution ) And that is the legislative branch. Not the Executive branch.


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grizzzman, legislative, but the constitution is a peoples bill of rights, not law IMO
The Bill of Rights is only the 1- 10 amendments. That is the Bill of Rights that restricts the Govt.
If you go by the constitution
grizzzman, IMO that is a chicken or the egg thing, when the constitution was drafted
there was no laws, constitution set down the rules for each branch.

if I read it, to me says the states control election

IMO some state could let a 16 year old run for office, the next state may not allow it.
maybe not for federal office
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grizzzman, IMO that is a chicken or the egg thing, when the constitution was drafted
there was no laws, constitution set down the rules for each branch.

if I read it, to me says the states control election
Maybe you should argue your case with the Supreme Court ..... or .... just wait and see what they decide.
D71, I can find no means of secession from the USA, can you give a link?
Good luck Again the civil war was fought over State Rights and the Federal Govt won. The South was whipped back into the Union.

The States signed onto the United States Constitution and to my knowledge the Supreme Court has final say if they elect to take it up over 14th amendment rulings by lower courts. Could be a ruling tomorrow. I know how Roberts will vote. With the Left.

just wait and see what they decide.
Bob, I get that

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives,
shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof

Bob, if you read the above, who controls elections IYO ?
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The funny part think the States taking Trump off are blue States anyway. Did they vote for Trump last time. Again read the Supreme Court took it so might rule tomorrow.

Be funny as hell if 7-8 states removed Trump but he still won.

Their Federal id card might get stamped no desert
Looks like she is going to win

Haley, the only remaining challenger to Donald Trump in the race, won 62.9% of the vote, versus 33.2% captured by the former president.
"It’s not surprising that Republicans closest to Washington dysfunction are rejecting Donald Trump and all his chaos," Haley campaign spokesperson Olivia Perez-Cubas said in a statement.
Haley was the first woman to win a Republican primary in U.S. history, her campaign said.
She still faces near-impossible odds in her quest to win the Republican nomination to take on likely Democratic nominee President Joe Biden in November. Trump won the first eight nominating contests by significant margins before losing to Haley in America's capital city.
The former president is also expected to win almost all nominating contests going forward, opinion polls show.

Washington dc is a sewer…. Most corrupt place have ever been in my life a real shit hole sewer = Washington DC. You know it was rigged… probably could not find but handful of republicans there. You can see the reporting slant. No?
You think I am angry?
grizzzman, angry no, IMO you have little tolerance for them you would call fools.
me I wound try to understand even Ryujin posts, IMO that would make me a fool in your eyes.

I think D71, likes to play with the ones he would call fools.
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grizzzman, angry no, IMO you have little tolerance for them you would call fools.
me I wound try to understand even Ryujin posts, IMO that would make me a fool in your eyes.

I think D71, likes to play with the ones he would call fools.
@grizzzman Just be like Daddy Tanuki and Ignore the fools. after a period of time they stop posting when they do not get any reactions.
after a period of time they stop posting when they do not get any reactions.
ken, it's even quicker with me, don't quote me, or ask me questions, you'll never see me.
unless you post misinformation as fact
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grizzzman, angry no, IMO you have little tolerance for them you would call fools.
me I wound try to understand even Ryujin posts, IMO that would make me a fool in your eyes.

I think D71, likes to play with the ones he would call fools.
ken, it's even quicker with me, don't quote me, or ask me questions, you'll never see me.
unless you post misinformation as fact

Who do you think has posted misinformation as a fact?
Who do you think has posted misinformation as a fact?
D71, still playing with fools :rolleyes:

I'll look back at my posts that are pointed at people that didn't quote me.
any I find I'll post here below.

this one aeync did not point at me.

facts that we have

freebies show up in no data I can find.

if he would have started his line with IMO, he would have been right, and I would not
have responded

still looking
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This is what the military Industrial Complex loves… USA to fight Foreign Wars at great expense for their Profit. This is how the Billionaires invest then make it so they get money which is ultimately charged to us then we owe interest on that money. Hmmm


Houthi fight extracts heavy cost from Pentagon​

Brad Dress
Sat, March 2, 2024 at 6:00 AM EST·7 min read

More than two months of direct fighting with the Houthis has heavily taxed the U.S. military, which is spending a significant amount of money to take down cheap drones, launch retaliatory strikes and defend against rebels who are, in turn, shooting down pricey American drones.

In most cases, the U.S. is launching $2 million defense missiles to stop $2,000 Houthi drones, a discrepancy that the Yemeni rebel group has noted in its statements mocking Washington.

The cost of taking on the Houthis is also becoming more apparent as the defiant fighters show no signs of stopping and could lock the U.S. into a long conflict — and it’s throwing the world into a tough spot.

Trump did not try to get us in long wars. Or great spending sprees for war profiteers. They were not happy with him. We can’t be a beacon of hope and freedom for the world if we blow the shit out of them all the time. The military industrial complex should not be our only big money maker. That is retarded. You can’t fight a sustained war using $2 million dollar missiles against $2000 drones.

Biden is having problems and the World is laughing at us as weak.

Post in thread 'Biden'

Joe has got us in shit pile after shit pile. So who is advising him for military decisions now that Milley Vanilla retired?
I want to see Trump haul him back for a Court Martial over Treason and contacting China direct. That is a serious breech. Americans kind of had it with him.
D71, still playing with fools :rolleyes:

I'll look back at my posts that are pointed at people that didn't quote me.
any I find I'll post here below.

this one aeync did not point at me.
View attachment 199924

still looking
So you counter an opinion with an opinion and not fact? 🤡

Venezuela are unloading criminals on us. Fact their crimes have dropped dramatically in Venezuela Gone up here

diy solar

diy solar