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D71, I don't get hate, I get understanding

IMO aeync got it from someplace

I have interacted with him, you seen hate from me?

I would buy him dinner for a chance to chat
You hate Trump because you bought the Main Stream Lying media.

I know about Biden since…. I read news papers in 1970s and his Byrd kkk friend left the South Vietnamese to die at the hands of NVA-Vietcong communist. Watching him do the same thing again in Afghanistan was a flash back. He left billions dollars in military grade equipment laying around in Afghanistan where did the m4 used in Israel to murder Israeli come from? They have serial numbers.

I know Biden is recycling much of Carters’ policies. Those polices sucked more then Ryujin out with his newest date… .

I know we had a much more honest news in 1980’s when they cat piled Biden and he withdrew from Presidential race in 2007. Biden lied like a mf’er….the news media called him out. Typical career politician. Biden has been in politics since back when we were reported going to the moon for the last time.

They are using him as patsy to destroy the USA so history will say it failed under crazy brain dead boomer white man vs Obuma pulling his 3rd term..
You hate Trump
D71, you've seen me hating on him?

i get it, you seen "I don't think trump is a policy type person" as hate
or was it the trump brought with him, stone, miller, bannon all of which I think was a bad idea as hate
D71, you've seen me hating on him?

i get it, you seen "I don't think trump is a policy type person" as hate
Time of division is coming for a choice either Trump or Biden as it looks now.

Biden got his medical clearances saying he is able to stand trials now. If he can’t be impeached or charges brought because of mental problems should he be president?

2 tier Tommy and that means 2 choices for reality
It will be Trump or Biden
Biden got his medical clearances saying he is able to stand trials now.
D71, your wet dream would make her the first female president. make history

It will be Trump or Biden
D71, I gave up trying to read tea leaves long ago. but I do see how you would think that.

me, trump and bidin are in the walking dead group, because I have a pacemaker I'm the
last one I would bet on making it to election day
d71, I'm sorry the world you want (one where male white dudes have everything given to them) is not the world we live in.
D71, your wet dream would make her the first female president. make history

D71, I gave up trying to read tea leaves long ago. but I do see how you would think that.

me, trump and bidin are in the walking dead group, because I have a pacemaker I'm the
last one I would bet on making it to election day
But you like Nikis fuzzy legs… her husband is away…. You could play “Jody got his girl and gone”
d71, I'm sorry the world you want (one where male white dudes have everything given to them) is not the world we live in.
I only want what we worked and paid into. Not some illegal slime ball like you grabbing our entitlements as a freebie. You are worse then the last shit I left. Did you lick that bed pan clean. I feel this urge come suck my ass for nice warm on the toilet paper. I luv you. Ass kisser.

The end of the road for pedo. Expired Green card that illegally vote are next.
You have already convicted Trump. 👀🐑
D71, trump will never see a criminal court, we both know that.

in civil court it's guilty until proven innocent (only money)
in criminal court it's innocent until proven guilty (lost liberty possible)

but it doesn't matter anyway nikki already said she is going to pardon him
my money says if the walking dead does come out ahead he'd pardon him also.

something about nixon setting that into norm
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Nikki also said she would never run against Trump.

How many lies does someone have to tell you before you stop believing them?
I still for the life of me have no idea why she thinks she could do the job.

She was Governor of a southern state an Ambassador that did nothing.

How that qualifies you to run a country against someone who has already ran a country is beyond me.
Since we are on a first name basis with Nikki and Fani .... I figure we can do the same ..... Changed the title of the thread to Donald.
Democrat billionaires offered to fund her?
Bob, if you look at the last video I posted, it highlights the issue I see, mr trump
is working on his base, nikki is pull money out of demarcates pocket, increasing
her base.

if you don't build on your base, hard to see a way of winning in 2024
IMO he made the same error in 2020
Bob, IMO before 2020 mr trump's base was 70 million, after J6th it's down to 40 million.

scaring the 30 million you lost does not bring them back.

the civil judgements does not bring back the female vote

does not look good for 2024 IMO
Bob, if you look at the last video I posted, it highlights the issue I see, mr trump
is working on his base, nikki is pull money out of demarcates pocket, increasing
her base.

if you don't build on your base, hard to see a way of winning in 2024
IMO he made the same error in 2020
Do you realize that he got a larger % of African American and Hispanic votes than any Republican ever?
Do you realize that he got a larger % of African American and Hispanic votes than any Republican ever?
Bob, I talked about a machine operator I was chatting with, he voted trump (2020) last time he was black
he is one that trump lost with J6th

you have to build your base, if you want to win

if you can show me how he is building on his base, I would be wrong
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Bob, I talked about a machine operator I was chatting with, he voted trump last time he was black
he is one that trump lost with J6th

you have to build your base, if you want to win
Tommy, you have Trump or you have Biden and Obuma for a 4th term.
If that is not bad enough if something happens to Biden you will get Harris. Chackle chackle yuck yuck stupid laugh VP will be the President.

When Biden got elected will admit I was wrong figured he would not make 2 years before hauled away to prison. No one will charge him. You know they said Biden was to old to stand trial and not all there mentally.

So again you will get Trump or Biden as a President.

Do you think Biden will get 81 million votes in 2024? Do you really think Biden got 81 million votes last time?

Trump supposedly got 74 million votes in 2020 which is around 10 million more votes then Trump got in 2016.

Do you think Biden legit got 81 million votes?

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