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D71, embarrassed, not screaming.
None of us were right until the Supreme court ruled … they had the choice based on weighted opinion for action now and in the future. Rulings are often made on past case law. In the absence then it is tricky. Just my observation. Again am no lawyer no sheep skin and no bar. That is them.

I think british law with wigs is better to watch snicker. 😀🤡🤣
None of us were right until the Supreme court ruled
D71, I would hope that wouldn't true, but I can't disagree

I taught lots of hang glider pilots, one thing we go on about is object fixation,
when landing a hang glider in a field with only one tree, if you focus on that
one tree, you'll be climbing out of that tree. that would also be embarrassing
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“land mark decision”
D71, with my new information, I also don't see it as land mark, it's as obvious to me now as it was
to you, Bob, grizzzman, and Klystron, and SCOUS.

if mr trump had been convicted of any crime listed in the 14th, the vote at SCOUS would have been different (IMO)

you may see it in the near future, when one of the ones in jail now for J6th try's to run for office
D71, with my new information, I also don't see it as land mark, it's as obvious to me now as it was
to you, Bob, grizzzman, and Klystron, and SCOUS.

if mr trump had been convicted of any crime listed in the 14th, the vote at SCOUS would have been different (IMO)
...... But, he hasn't .... and won't be. Wishful thinking?
...... But, he hasn't .... and won't be. Wishful thinking?
Bob IMO because of nixon, it would make no difference.
even the walking dead would pardon him before leaving office, because of nixon

but he did get us out of Vietnam
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Bob IMO because of nixon, it would make no difference.
even the walking dead would pardon him before leaving office, because of nixon
What Nixon did was mild when compared to what Obama and Biden have done ..... but, my point is ..... Donald isn't guilty of any of the things that would disqualify him running for President.

I know, it's sad to be so wrong about something, but that is what live and learn is all about. Maybe learn to engage more critical thinking instead of parroting what you find elsewhere.
Maybe learn to engage more critical thinking instead of parroting what you find elsewhere.
Bob, I'll work on it . my bad

but I was looking in wrong place, not parroting IMO, I was the only one in the world
making my mistake

the state's mistake was putting the cart before the horse

innocent till proven guilty in court of law

Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3:

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

IMO this says the proud boys can run for office, if not having previously taken an oath, I'm I wrong?
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Are you surprised that the Supreme Court has the final say in a judicial matter? Isn't that the way things are designed.
They are not designed for a single judge .... as it was in some of the ballot cases .... to make a decision that decides who can and cannot be on the presidential ballot.

I think the 9-0 decision is pretty decisive and designed to send a message ..... Truly a slam dunk.

How often is there a 9-0 Supreme Court decision?
I can’t ever remember a unanimous decision from SCOTUS on anything.
Bob, I'll work on it . my bad

but I was looking in wrong place, not parroting IMO, I was the only one in the world
making my mistake

the state's mistake was putting the cart before the horse

innocent till proven guilty in court of law

Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3:

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

IMO this says the proud boys can run for office, if not having previously taken an oath, I'm I wrong?
If Biden was charged for taking - stealing secret documents as a senator or VP dated for that era then he would not be allowed to have been president ever. Treason charges were with held for him due to his mental status. 2 tier where Trump is being charged. Trump as President was authorized same as all past presidents took stuff.

Lot of 1st ladies took shit from white house. Stealing.

Obuma never produced his actual birth certificate and hillary’s election team brought it up … check snopes and others. Not that think snopes is reputable considering the owners spotty past. But it is a left view.

The 6 jan 2021 was a melee. No doubt known blm antifa were in the crowd as well as fbi informants.


No one was charged with insurrection. …protest
Go back read this article…they are probably going to get released unless violent and compensated.
Post in thread 'Donald'

Bob made a post where the judge dropped the case against the Proud Boys in California because only proud boys were arrested the blm antifa walked away or were carried away.

Why do you never talk about blm or antifa. They are the reason the proud boys got popular.
Trump as President was authorized same as all past presidents took stuff.
D71, do you know all the President's that refuse a legal request to return documents?

I'm off looking for information.

H.R.13500 - Presidential Records Act​

nixon pops up in the also

how did Mike deal with the legal request to return documents? he has no charges.

if the fbi has to come in and get them you could find yourself in court. shoot to the foot

classified documents case
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D71, a lot of this stuff can't be true.. draining a swimming pool into a data storage
area, to destroy information, having your attorney draft false information letters
to government agencies.

I need to look deeper
Bob, I'll work on it . my bad

but I was looking in wrong place, not parroting IMO, I was the only one in the world
making my mistake

the state's mistake was putting the cart before the horse

innocent till proven guilty in court of law

Fourteenth Amendment, Section 3:

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any state, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

IMO this says the proud boys can run for office, if not having previously taken an oath, I'm I wrong?
Cmon Tommy .... Donald is not even being charged with insurrection or rebellion ..... so don't hold your breath while waiting for him to be convicted.
None of the J6ers are charged with insurrection either. They are charge with interference with an official proceeding ..... and their sentences were amplified WAY out of the normal range.

Just so you know, the Supreme Court is also hearing arguments that could result in many of those J6ers cases very significantly reduced or thrown out.
So, now you have time to prepare yourself if that happens.
Youre still not getting it even though its right in front of you. NO State or any judge can remove someone from a ballot. Congress is the ONLY entity that can do that and by a 2/3 margin. Period. This was an easy one for the SCOTUS.
Next thing you know the Dems will all be running around waving their hands screaming about packing the court ..... again.
Youre still not getting it even though its right in front of you. NO State or any judge can remove someone from a ballot. Congress is the ONLY entity that can do that and by a 2/3 margin. Period. This was an easy one for the SCOTUS.
RussNM, thanks for the information. I get it, they can be on the ballot even if unable to hold office.

No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability.
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D71, a lot of this stuff can't be true.. draining a swimming pool into a data storage
area, to destroy information, having your attorney draft false information letters
to government agencies.

I need to look deeper
If you look deeper are you going to look at others or are you firmly fixed on just getting Trump like a lefty?

The question is being answered by your actions


Obama did no wrong?

The $36 million obuma spent to hide his secrets from FOIA came out of the tax payers pocket. That is you and me. Obuma hid his crimes with our money.
Obama was forced to turn things over. I bet he hid some took it with him. I think Bill clinton still has somethings he never turned in. Bush 2 hid a lot of shit.
Imagine if trump had records - evidence to exonerate himself and govt seized them? What if trump had epstein records and was going to release them?
What if Trump had 9-11 records and was going to release them?

Since the govt says they were top secret the public will never know… that kind of evidence can’t be used shown in public trial. Guess what? Even the jury can’t see it unless get a clearance. So guess what? The only way you can get someone like a president is military tribunal. See them around jan 2025 day 1 of Trumps presidency. 🤣😀

Are they going to claim Trump did Treason the very thing Obuma and his friends are guilty of? They always accuse others of doing exactly what they have done. What part of the show and tale have you missed for that?

You never name left side. Why not?

What are the actions of a troll?
RussNM, thanks for the information. I get it, they can be on the ballot even if unable to hold office.
If you look deeper are you going to look at others
D71, I've found Mike and mr trump so far, do you have link to others?

in the link you supplied it seems obama used the legal system to fight, fbi didn't need to get them(by the link information).
seems with trump they tried all legal avenues, to no avail. still thinking shoot to foot.
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D71, I've found Mike and mr trump so far, do you have link to others?
There is a start.
$36 million of our tax paid dollars to hide …Obuma’s secrets. Most likely included Obuma gate and spying on Trump. The website is listed at top screen shot.
Search for that too. Bye bye got things to do.

Remember hillary took hammer to evidence then sat it on fire when requested by courts
Remember hillary took hammer to evidence then sat it on fire when requested by courts
D71, I missed that indictment. i'm looking now

I see the connection.. BleachBit..swimming pool bleach
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