diy solar

diy solar


I’d bet she has a dual passport.
She is so broken heart.
She is crying about 2024 losing …. Maybe she will go to home country.

She is worrying about Alabama… blah blah blah
Now she is lecturing ppl about election process

Since the govt says they were top secret the public will never know… that kind of evidence can’t be used shown in public trial. Guess what? Even the jury can’t see it unless get a clearance. So guess what? The only way you can get someone like a president is military tribunal. See them around jan 2025 day 1 of Trumps presidency.
Seems to me I remember a EO that trump signed that made it illegal to classify information as national security because it avoided embarrassing stuff.
I wonder if old Joe nixed that one as well.
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After all this past crap The Liberal lefties are getting a big cup of Roberts runneth over handed to them.
I swear think, Clarence Thomas threatened to preside over their treason cases with harsh penalties to make them 9-0.

Was this harder hitting then the reversal of Roe vs Wade?

Notice Olbermann is more pissed at liberal judges. 😀🤣😡😀🤣
They want to dissolve SCOTUS now.

Listen to this dweeb - keith olbermann

This is great comedy.
Glenn Greenwald explains the J6 prosecutions in detail ..... How the law has been misused an how the extreme sentences may fall apart.

I don't listen to retards babbling... thats why I have so many of Jerry's kids on mute on this forum.
5 minutes of him was all could take. Figure Tommy might like him.

Next big test coming up Scotus may have ruled correctly 9-0 on colorado ballot but lets see how they do on this one

5 minutes of him was all could take. Figure Tommy might like him.

Next big test coming up Scotus may have ruled correctly 9-0 on colorado ballot but lets see how they do on this one

View attachment 200131
If no immunity then that precedent will be used against every president hereafter including previous ones still living.
Figure Tommy might like him.
D71, are you under the impression trumps actions on J6th, were presidential duties (for the people)
and not just some personal grievance fest that got out of control and lost life's, and lockup so many of us.

if you are saying all trump's actions are presidential duties, read up on nixon

nixon droped napalm on kids in Vietnam with no legal actions taken against him. him trying to cover
his reelection prospects , cost him his job IMO

What are 7 powers of the presidency?

  • make treaties with the approval of the Senate.
  • veto bills and sign bills.
  • represent our nation in talks with foreign countries.
  • enforce the laws that Congress passes.
  • act as Commander-in-Chief during a war.
  • call out troops to protect our nation against an attack.

guess we'll have to wait for SCOUS to see if up is up, and down is down.

while it's true I may be getting my information from the wrong place, and be
making wrong assumptions, but I feel free to express them here because I was invited by bob.

same as you

each of us are just armchair quarterback's.
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D71, are you under the impression trumps actions on J6th, were presidential duties (for the people)
and not just some personal grievance fest that got out of control and lost life's, and lockup so many of us.

if you are saying all trump's actions are presidential duties, read up on nixon

nixon droped napalm on kids in Vietnam with no legal actions taken against him. him trying to cover
his reelection prospects , cost him his job IMO

What are 7 powers of the presidency?

  • make treaties with the approval of the Senate.
  • veto bills and sign bills.
  • represent our nation in talks with foreign countries.
  • enforce the laws that Congress passes.
  • act as Commander-in-Chief during a war.
  • call out troops to protect our nation against an attack.

guess we'll have to wait for SCOUS to see if up is up, and down is down.

while it's true I may be getting my information from the wrong place, and be
making wrong assumptions, but I feel free to express them here because I was invited by bob.

same as you

each of us are just armchair quarterback's.
You left out a ton of things. Scotus will have to decide this one as I previous mentioned.

Again why not point out things more recent or done by democrats too. For instance Obama committed murder and violated 4 citizens with 1 being directly named as target for assassination The fact checkers left it as half truth. Weird part a democrat brought it up on a democrat.
Obuma directed and violated the 5th amendment iin targeting an American and leaving out due process.. further more Obuma admitted he was responsible for 3 other Americans being killed.

Past Present Future presidents faith will depend on the SCOTUS Ruling.

Personally this means the kenya former president can be hauled in for murder as well as obama gate. 🤡😀🤣☠️ be fun watch them convict obama then swing him with a rope on tv.

Would the Left be upset if we public hang Obama for being a murderer and spying - waging war on Trump if it would be okay.?
Asking a leftist for a first hand opine.
Ouchie ouch ouchie 2 (3)(4) out of 4. Obuma - Soros did revive Antifa. So…Proud boy's became Popular. Been better if it were real nazi. ISIS was fortified under Obuma and Hillary Clinton via >Ansar al-Sharia > al Qaeda > ISIS . hmmm make sure you have extra rope for your, trump lynching. The Right will want to borrow some from you. If you swing the orange man then anything is possible . My thoughts are do what you want but expect there to be a civil war…. of return charges. Open pandoras’ box. That fat ass UGLY bitch Hillary has zero protection after the SCOTUS ruling. Guess who she falls under for Presidential immunity. So … flip that switch. 🤡🤣😀

Sorta why you don’t ever want to create a banana republic but seems a Kenya president is just to enticed by bananas
Formerly Protected by Presidential immunity ….. No Statue of limitations for murder charges. TicTac

I’d imagine that off the cuff willy nilly Obuma - Nobel Peace price has been cheapened to point that it is pointless. Any idea why they gave that Nobel Peace Prize to Obuma other then he is black? You know as in black participation pointless…reward. Maybe a First DEI President award? .

Obuma’s Policy of Unity

Imagine if everyone at the 6jan 2021 trump rally had brought guns. All of them acting like that guy at the Alabama hotel you stayed at - Tommy.
Would you of run back to your room 6Jan 2021? In civil war we would lost ~7 million ppl and then millions more. The airports would of been shut down and seized with no flights out. All the ppl that think they would of jumped on planes would of been trapped. Those elite buried in their bunkers would of got concrete dumped on them. 😀🤡
They have planned and planned. 🤡

Slick Willy aka Bill Clinton and Bush 2 are going to go too.

You do understand there is a ruling made against Trump so that when his immunity is removed there is precedence of past case law. A landmark decision will have been ruled on. 🤣😀👀 Lawfare is cool when it boomer rangs. Trump is doing a say see they did it to me so don’t cry when he gets elected and does it to them. Had he went after them first term then there were no previous case laws. Trump is building his own lawfare to drain the swamp. Going to be a lot of new jobs in Washington DC.

I strongly suspect they did not find all the documents the FBI were trying to recover for the opposition when the FBI raid was done at Mar-A-Largo. 🤡. Just a guess.

Anyword from SCOTUS YET?
You left out a ton of things. Scotus will have to decide this one as I previous mentioned.

Again why not point out things more recent or done by democrats too. For instance Obama committed murder and violated 4 citizens with 1 being directly named as target for assassination The fact checkers left it as half truth. Weird part a democrat brought it up on a democrat.
Obuma directed and violated the 5th amendment iin targeting an American and leaving out due process.. further more Obuma admitted he was responsible for 3 other Americans being killed.

Past Present Future presidents faith will depend on the SCOTUS Ruling.

Personally this means the kenya former president can be hauled in for murder as well as obama gate. 🤡😀🤣☠️ be fun watch them convict obama then swing him with a rope on tv.

Would the Left be upset if we public hang Obama for being a murderer and spying - waging war on Trump if it would be okay.?
Asking a leftist for a first hand opine.
It's really odd isn't it .... since Tommy claims to be a Republican who just doesn't like Donald .... When he looks for others to vilify, he only finds Republicans.

How about the family the Biden administration blew up .... and claimed they were the bomber that killed americans.

How about when Bill Clinton lobbed a bunch of cruise missiles and blew up the medicine factory .... could go on a long time about mistakes of war, but Tommy only sees the ones Republicans made ..... for some reason.
More bad news from Fani .... a witness is to testify that they saw Fani tell Wade's lawyer .... not to mention the affair.

This witness testimony could solidify that Fani, Wade, and Wade's former partner all lied under oath.

Ms. Yeager “became concerned as a result of the fact that what Mr. Bradley testified to on the witness stand was directly contrary to what Mr. Bradley had told Ms. Yeager in person.”​
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These leftist crack me up.

They become all Constitutional when they try to weaponize it. Otherwise wipe their shitty ass on Constitution.
The SCOTUS has ultimate Rule over Federal Law. They whining democraps admit it in this video “that Supreme Court is highest court in the land.” Geeze they should just stfu . They are loud speaking so the dumbass on the Left will follow them for the programming and dispute what the highest court in the land ruled on with 9-0.

Trump should question him for the statement that “Trump is judicated rapist. “ Trump is called “sex abuser from civil trial.” Which to my knowledge has not been appealed. Might be another Supreme court ruling.

Most likely the e jean carrol case will go to SCOTUS based on Statue of expired limitations. The e jean carroll case was stacked invented temp shit with recorded intent to get Trump as stated in news papers when interviewing the law makers. They already admitted their badly played hand.. … to get Trump. A shit house lawyer could get him off. They documented it all by themselves.

“‘’’So obviously Donald Trump is the most famous target of the Adult Survivors Act”’’’’

Did you know especially since so many members of our current govt endorsed and encouraged BLM ANTIFA which claimed they are communist that the 14th amendment can be used on them…. Career political career over….affiliation with subversive communist group which is a big no no. Words are words.
Bernie Sanders was always quick to correct and say he was a SOCIALIST. NOT A COMMUNIST. . 🤡

They were taped and shown as video evidence at the Trump impeachment trial promoting communism - insurrection. That evidence must be acknowledged now. Hahaha they are all going to be charged…14th amendment. Watch….. mostly peaceful. 🤡👀🥷🏻 Lawfare black ninja wannabe.

diy solar

diy solar