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Now tommy you got mad-as hell over Chauvin and floyd
White cop kills black career drug addict worthless criminal white cop goes to prison white cop didn’t fight officers putting cuffs on him

Babbit white killed with a gun excessive force….. by black cop that had habit of doing dumb stuff like leaving his service weapon ina bathroom.

If babbitt had been black blm and officer white then the capitol would still be burning Why don’t white ppl act like black ppl? What if republicans acted like democrats?
Babbitt was a small woman .... She was on one side of a door and the shooter was on the other. There were several capitol police officers on her side of the door within arms reach when she was shot. Those capitol police could have EASILY stopped her if they thought she was an actual threat ..... she was murdered.
The people that went into the capitol didn't even hear Donald's speech ..... they were busy protesting at the capitol.

Nancy Pelosi, the 200 or more Ray Epps types, and the intentionally incompetent capitol police ran a very successful operation.
Babbitt was a small woman .... She was on one side of a door and the shooter was on the other. There were several capitol police officers on her side of the door within arms reach when she was shot. Those capitol police could have EASILY stopped her if they thought she was an actual threat ..... she was murdered.
Tommy can’t won’t see it nor the fact … roles like floyd chauvin just reversed. Nope to much CNN for him. Biased to leftist

The world seen 2 tier justice. Also seen the Right obey Trump and go home. Trump never told BLM go home. Riot act. I was disappointed in that. After Rittenhouse the NG came in and the rioters ran like a mf’er. Wonder why? The blm antifa money wasn’t good enough to get killed over? Most of them were bussed in like they were at 6 jan 2021. Again They were bussed and busted while changing into trump gear 6 jan 2021. They know who the friggin bomber was too. Why no arrest?

They knew congress was in process of delaying certification - investigating the election. They made it so a contested election was rapidly certified by instigating the riot. Not much of contest afterwords. Of course the Right were pointing fingers at each other. If the Left had done it than would of been thumbs up to each other for the melee. Most of the left were calm.

AOC was claiming delayed stress syndrome She needs a brain to have that problem.
Actblue is over$13 billion why is biden asking for more money? All blm antifa donation money was suppose go into it . Why do they need more money What are they buying? The president’s job pays around $450.000 a year.
The people that went into the capitol didn't even hear Donald's speech
Bob, do you have a link?

that information would change my thinking

I'm looking now


mr trump couldn't see the banner, he was facing the wrong way

  • 9:52 a.m.: Trump has a 26-minute phone call with speechwriter Stephen Miller about his planned speech for the Save America Rally later that day.[163][164]
  • 10:47 a.m.: Rudy Giuliani begins a speech in which he calls for "trial by combat".[163][174]
  • 10:58 a.m.: A Proud Boys contingent leaves the rally and marches toward the Capitol Building.[175] (According to later testimony. a "couple of hundred" Proud Boys began walking east, "down the Mall...towards the Capitol" at approximately 10:30 a.m.)[176]
  • 12:00 p.m.​

    • 12:00 p.m.:
      • A Federal Protective Service briefing email reports that about 300 Proud Boys are at the Capitol, a man in a tree near the Ellipse is holding what looks like a rifle, and some of the 25,000 people around the White House are hiding bags in bushes.[145] The email warns that the Proud Boys are threatening to shut down the downtown water system.[145]
      • Between 12 and 1 p.m., the National Park Service detains someone with a rifle.[180]
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Bob, do you have a link?
The timeline is pretty easy to figure out .... the ones who went into the capitol were doing it before and during Donald's speech. In the videos I saw, they weren't standing around watching the speech on their phones.
They were too busy dodging rubber bullets and flash bang grenades..
The timeline is pretty easy to figure out
Bob, I can find nothing that states the supporters at the capital did not hear
his speech, the proud boys were at the gathering and at the capital before it started it would seem

still looking

The people that went into the capitol didn't even hear Donald's speech
Bob, that line is looking like gorilla grip pussy

but i'm still looking

IMO The people that went into the capitol didn't even hear Donald's speech
bob that would seem to fix that line, no facts needed
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Bob, I can find nothing that states the supporters at the capital did not hear
his speech, the proud boys were at the gathering and at the capital before it started it would seem

still looking

Bob, that line is looking like gorilla grip pussy

but i'm still looking

bob that would seem to fix that line, no facts needed
Tucker laid out the time lines.

Tucker got at least 1 man freed from prison by finally showing the video he was given.

Tucker proved that cop claimed to be killed was bs.

No wonder the Left were upset.

Tommy tommy tommy

Hmmmm why was the left upset about tucker getting the video…… Schumer went nuts

Tucker got fired right after that. Hmmmm

D71, 1000 left to go.
Nawww think it was closer to 500 They cut Tucker off. They didn’t let the tapes leave the capitol according to the news story. Tucker only got to copy sections. He did not have time to review all of video and was only given small portion from total.

Tommy how many antifa got sent to prison How many blm got locked up when they rioted and destroyed shit in washington fires burned everywhere They tried rush white house and wanted to kill trump before the 2020 election. Where did those ppl go?

Politiciand egged them on do crimes. Tommy why do you deny the left did any wrong?
They violated the 8th with Trump The govt violated the bill of rights that forbids and restricts the govt not the citizen
Excessive fines.

Tommy why did you vote for biden?
Politiciand egged them on do crimes. Tommy why do you deny the left did any wrong?
D71, I don't get how it makes any difference what pollical party someone is in when
talking about laws and courts
two different things

I know of no laws that excludes people of one party or the other
do you have a link?
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Bob, my problem is not with mr trump as much as with the ticks he picked up, miller ,stone, bannon
IMO mr trump was just the messenger of a plan the ticks put together.
IMO one of trump's ticks may have whispered in nixon's ear that bugging the democrat's would be a good idea.

i'll give you a hint, they have a nixon tattoo

  • 9:52 a.m.: Trump has a 26-minute phone call with speechwriter Stephen Miller about his planned speech for the Save America Rally later that day.[163][164]
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D71, that works for me
What if a big percent say 50% percent were not trump supporters - say they were paid agitators? What then? What I have not seen is a list vetting all of them one way or the other.

D71, I don't get how it makes any difference what pollical party someone is in when
talking about laws
two different things
It matters tommy because if one side is treated different. Like posting pictures of criminals on websites the cop that killed babbit was not shown for months. He killed her - murder.
She - Babbit had voted for Obuma both elections before trump.

Tommy why did the black cop murder Babbit. Did he think he was murdering trump? His report was did not look just raised gun fired. If that had been a fella policeman then they would be dead too. That black policeman should be in prison.
Tommy why did the black cop murder Babbit.
D71, because miller wrote, and trump gave a speech that put enemies on all sides of ms babbit
she was fighting for her country in her mind, braking into congressional chambers
seemed right to her, hanging mike seemed as justice to her. as miller told her only
trump can save her

D71, just got my first AIO today by UPS, connected it to 24Vdc and it worked sweet! happy day but only 2400W 220Vac

What if a big percent say 50% percent were not trump supporters
D71, you got me there.
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It matters tommy because if one side is treated different.
D71, IMO everyone that finds themselves on the wrong side of history, or our laws feels mistreated.

the same line could be used on climate change knuckleheads, and their future issues.
the right and it's pollical party MAGA, fits here also. because they are on the wrong side of both, their feelings
are amplified.

when feelings get hurt, whataboutism is the only answer
example: but but ray, but but the left, but but obama


D71, without using your feelings, can you point out my wrong thinking in the line below.

Bob, my problem is not with mr trump as much as with the ticks he picked up, miller ,stone, bannon
IMO mr trump was just the messenger of a plan the ticks put together.
IMO one of trump's ticks may have whispered in nixon's ear that bugging the democrat's would be a good idea.

i'll give you a hint, they have a nixon tattoo

  • 9:52 a.m.: Trump has a 26-minute phone call with speechwriter Stephen Miller about his planned speech for the Save America Rally later that day.[163][164]
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That whataboutism is you 100% you understand nothing about law which is determined and executed by past case law. When there is no past case law then it is new land mark decision for future judgements to be based.

The actual situational awareness is that the left are going after Trump for the very things they are publicly known as doing. Using every low life lawfare tactic they can mustard. Why are they so frightened? Power to the people?

When these same things are launched back in the future then the Left will be doing all the things you speak of for whataboutism. They will say “didn’t du nuthin.” “What about trump” “fuck trump” “deplorables”

If you still have shit stains in your under wear and call them racer stripes then you should ask ppl that have learned to wipe their own ass properly for advice. Other wise you will never learn and will die with old shit stained crusty under wear on. Which is actually okay because when most ppl die will piss - shit themselves. ..

Anyway Your arguments are weak sauce.

The ppl on the upper left spectrum are infuriating the lower left brains to rage, violence, and illegal voting - acts of violence criminal mischief. Shhhsss ppl on the right when attempt that are usually caged by our own. Like telling ppl not to vote. Or suggesting that voting matters for haley when in reality only the top 2 candidates trump and biden are the real race and one or the other will be the end winner.

The left have collected over $13 billion dollars to win 2024 and Biden says that is still not enough $13+ billion dollars. How much money should be spent to get a President government job that pays ~ $450,000 a year. 🤡
Surely you can see that?

Do you want equality? For instance and this is theory in practice for todays social norms: “suppose you run up and punch me … suppose break my nose and cause me to bleed all over the place but suppose in process I grab you and snap your neck then what will happen to me in this supposed confrontation?” Will ppl cry for you for being stupid and fucked around - found out? Will I walk free as a person acting in self defense or will your leftist judges and prosecutors try to murder me because you started shit you could not finish?

Did you know there are videos of blm antifa training to throw punches and try to knock out - severely hurt ppl.? They were even told it is just a misdemeanor and probably no jail time. They were right the blm antifa punched ppl and were released. Some did not even pay bail. However the Proud boys like group were jailed and had stiff fines. A judge in california said it was wrong to just punish 1 side - proud boys like group when the other side blm antifa was not charged and released. He released the proud boys like group in similar manner.

I doubt you can understand that. Would you like to punch me in the nose? 😀
Notice the hair type and color of the antifa attacking the black guy - right wing person. Were any hate crime charges pressed against the obvious unprovoked attacker? Why didn’t blm come to rescue the brother - fella black when he was attacked? Why are there no pictures of arrested antifa attacker?

Why didn’t you start some shit with that guy in Alabama? You may not have respected him as a person but you knew if you fucked around would find out. 🤣 That is most likely why we are headed to civil war. After rittenhouse and NG came in why did the protesters run like scared bitches. Didn’t they want to fight ? Haha get on the short school bus I am driving.

Your arguments are weak sauce. Case laws. Just like the judge in California made. If Biden is released from prosecution then Trump should be likewise released. The Left are wanting to legally trump with unjust lawfare because they know Biden can’t win even with $13 billion dollars to buy the election. They need more money.
Everyone vote is suppose to be equal billionaires don’t like that so pay for things like e jean carroll law to get trump - election interferances and low brains come out of the wood work doing the billionaires work at the street level. Some of them on the left get paid some doing it for free.

Ppl on the right work for free. We are not here for a pay check except our own and to keep nasty thieves (domestic and foreign ) from stealing our investments such as retirements. We are sick of free loaders. If you complain from here out you are an obvious freeloader or encouraging it. It is okay if you want to work and give them your personal earnings. It is not okay to give them mine. That is robbery. What part of that went over your head?

Proud boy tattoo
Will I walk free as a person acting in self defense or will your leftist judges and prosecutors try to murder me because you started shit you could not finish?
D71, I think we got the answer to that question, some kid in a different state garbed his gun, drove 60 miles
to a different state to go hunting, because other people made him scared(he lost no blood) so he killed them.
he is walking free today,

we have a democratic in federal office when he went to court, where he went hunting they have a democratic governor, he still walks free.

this happened in Kenosha wisconsin

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diy solar