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diy solar


D71, we'll find out soon if bidin can just put a cap in his opponent


We will all know after Nov 5th but before that will know by who Trump picks for VP and as you say who he surrounds himself with.

I don’t like any of the ppl you mentioned earlier either. I in particular don’t like Trump’s son in law and his own leftist daughter either.

Option mean Biden wins.
This ethics committee is eventually going to subpoena Fani .... Probably going to be some real fireworks when that happens.

This ethics committee is eventually going to subpoena Fani .... Probably going to be some real fireworks when that happens.

Wholy moly race card was reported pulled by Fani - loosed because white men making significantly
less then black man The blacks if roles were reversed would be rioting. That is the flip side

In the work place have seen black women in positions of power over white ppl wholy moly. They act crazy drunk on power. Constantly chip on shoulder black race card out. ‘Gorilla Grip Pussy.” I’d pass.
Who would have thought that you breaking into the Capitol and ignoring orders to stand down while crawling through a broken window into a secure place would result with you getting murdered?

Anyway, congratulations to Ashli Babbitt for 3 years+ of sobriety.
Floyd should went clean what is he 4+ years clean now? Maybe we can see you on tv next. Be a career criminal resist arrest. I’ll pay to see it. Bet you scream like a bitch. 🤡

You still a renter? Still leasing your car or do you have a stolen bicycle?
Floyd should went clean what is he 4+ years clean now? Maybe we can see you on tv next. Be a career criminal resist arrest. I’ll pay to see it. Bet you scream like a bitch. 🤡

You still a renter? Still leasing your car or do you have a stolen bicycle?
Such maturity and a great equivalency. Spending a fake 20 is definitely the exact same as physically breaking into and threatening elected representatives.
Floyd should went clean what is he 4+ years clean now? Maybe we can see you on tv next. Be a career criminal resist arrest. I’ll pay to see it. Bet you scream like a bitch. 🤡

You still a renter? Still leasing your car or do you have a stolen bicycle?
Never leased a car, and my bike costs more than some cars I've paid for.
Although Nikki Haley has stepped back from the Republican presidential primary race, the
onset of the general election marks a new phase where her influence could be decisive.
While not securing the nomination, she is uniquely positioned to influence the outcome
against Trump. In a demonstration of her commitment to the principles of democracy and
a move to offer voters an alternative path, Haley could decide to run as a write-in candidate.

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Such maturity and a great equivalency. Spending a fake 20 is definitely the exact same as physically breaking into and threatening elected representatives.
I blame your PARENT for him or her not spanking your ass. Act like adult will be treated as one. Stop being the wannabe victim.

The palestine immigrant called the cops. The passing of counterfeit money is in itself a federal crime. Why was cup foods spared ? Because there was an islamic church in the basement. That would have been chopping heads off. BLM knew not to mess around. Amazing. Now when sharia law gets in place they will drag ppl like Floyd into alley themselves and chop off his right hand. Their - Islamic laws have a brilliant effect.

Arabs look down on blacks as ignorant slaves. Ppl from India use the caste system. Funny thing blacks always look at skin color.

Never leased a car, and my bike costs more than some cars I've paid for.
I like bikes too.
Although Nikki Haley has stepped back from the Republican presidential primary race, the
onset of the general election marks a new phase where her influence could be decisive.
While not securing the nomination, she is uniquely positioned to influence the outcome
against Trump. In a demonstration of her commitment to the principles of democracy and
a move to offer voters an alternative path, Haley could decide to run as a write-in candidate.

Yes and as you mention she spent around $100-$140 million …wasted it. All she will do is help Biden win and that proves she is a RINO. HELLO
D71, would you call mr reagan a RINO also?
I actually see Trump trying to be Reagan at times. Reagan had a very nasty side. Both were actors on tv. Trump did fake professional acting. Ronald Reagan did radio and tv - movies. Bed time for bonzo.

Reagan went along with their plan after being shot. Like a hostage he tried warn ppl about communist. He had the same versions of assholes antifa and blm. Reagan called them communist.

Reagan could cuss ppl out and they would say thank you mr president.
Donald has announced that he is going to do a ... live fact check ... of the SOTU tonight.

I'm not sure if I like the idea, but it's a LOT better than sitting behind him tearing up the speech as he speaks.

There's still time for Tommy to get an account.
Bob, crap, you have to receive spam on your phone in order to sign up
I've had the App for a long time .... just don't use it. If they send spam, it is pretty minimal because I really don't notice it.
How many bogus fact checkers will there be trying to fact check Donald's fact checking?
I've had the App for a long time
Bob, sucks to be me at times, my phone is a company supplied one. I gave my GF one
but she left a few weeks ago, she took the phone with her. Crap!
How many bogus fact checkers will there be trying to fact check Donald's fact checking?
Bob, I think I'm going to find out, right now I'm looking to see if someone is live streaming it on youtube
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Such maturity and a great equivalency. Spending a fake 20 is definitely the exact same as physically breaking into and threatening elected representatives.

Both cases involved improper if not illegal use of deadly force. So, if you're going to excuse one you have to excuse both. Personally, I am against summary executions.

By the way... what do you think would have followed had a white person killed an unarmed black man breaking into one of the shops during the "mostly peaceful" riots in Portland? If you are honest then you understand that race played a role in how the murder of Babbitt was handled.
There's a large group of protestors right now who are trying to block President Biden's motorcade route ..... Isn't that attempting to block an official proceeding of congress?

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