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diy solar


It’ll happen or it won’t. Any bets?
D71, I'l bet the same amount I sent to gofundme build the wall.

PS: I'm working in rockford IL today, I'll get a chance to check out the restarted Belvidere auto plant
the walking dead talked about in SOU ,it's not that far from rockford.
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My only question is why D71 wasn't there getting arrested with his fellow "patriots"
I knew better. Tried to warn ppl. It is was a text book classic setup done by the left..

….sometimes when ppl are revved up they act crazy and are EASY TO INCITE. The Left incited the Right to perfection. It was done to perfection. As pointed out the Sullivan blm antifa types did … that INCITE TO VIOLENCE…. Do you think Sullivan has received preferential treatment vs Trumpers locked away in jails? Epps got a slap on the hand … bad Epps. .if Sullivan gets off same way it would let him walk because of double jeopardy. Sometimes ppl are protected that way with lawfare. If Trump declares Martial Law then Military tribunal cancels all that past shit . Round up…. 🤡⚔️

I studied ppl like the Vietcong in AntiTerrorism. Got to know the enemy dontcha know. The vietcong-ho chi minh learned their basic tactics from the methods we used on the British around seventeen seventy six. Communist are predictable I studied humans - nature habits very closely too.

In Vietnam:
The VC (Sullivan types) would intermingle in crowds of good ppl(trumpers) shoot at their enemies (police) and if when their enemies(police) shot back the hope was for police their enemies would kill the good ppl (trumpers) and make surviving families(trumpers) and friends(trumpers) mad at police and authorities but not them(VC communist starting the shit). It worked.

In Vietnam it was also called a police action.

The South Vietnamese had effective methods too.


When ppl get shot in the head they twitch kick and fight death …. Why put hand cuffs on them. Ppl committing suicide associated with Clintons often shoot themselves in head more then once. About 60 plus strange deaths associated to Clintons. They are effective too.

That pictured south Vietnamese General came to USA to live. He had great methods just not enough ppl with the stomach to do what it takes to beat communism. The black cop killing ashili babbit seen a reported figure and fired… seen took in nothing else in a news report. That figure he seen coming in busted window could have been another officer he shot.

watch the movie Big Stan or Let’s go to Prison. They are funny versions…. .

So did you burn your blm and antifa shit yet? Why do queers fear prison? 🤡
I was able to factcheck bidin's SOU campaign speech last night, when he said UAW
is again working in the Belvidere auto plant.

I was able to talk to a security guard at one of the plants gates, he has only worked there
three months so could not tell me when they'll be a full production.

unless aeync has information that all them cars are government props , I would say it factchecks as true

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Tommy which aenyc post are you talking about?
D71, I'm can't point to one, but IMO if anyone here has that information it would be aenyc.

D71, you are correct, I was out of line , I'll edit it out.
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D71, I'm can't point to one, but IMO if anyone here has that information it would be aenyc.
Tommy those brands of cars aren’t selling well. The lots are as full as your picture. Sitting there. They are not an American owned car company anymore.

Creating jobs at the tax payers expense is fruitless. The projected pay raises also mean product prices goes up.. you really dont create GDP when you are hiring you create more debt and expenditures. The Leftist always rack ppl into this ever time. It is like watching movie dumb and dumber.

Biden is a career politician thief. SOS shell game spending tax payer monies on vehicles that are not selling … lots are full. At what point do ppl get a clue? This shit is an election stunt at tax payer expense to try get UAW votes. Just dumb.

These companies get all the breaks. The workers get heavy taxed. The price of vehicles and everything goes up. That is communism at work. No gdp


Horrible investment of stolen tax payer monies
I was able to factcheck bidin's SOU campaign speech last night, when he said UAW
is again working in the Belvidere auto plant.

I was able to talk to a security guard at one of the plants gates, he has only worked there
three months so could not tell me when they'll be a full production.

unless aeync has information that all them cars are government props , I would say it factchecks as true

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Did he say how long they have been sitting on the lot?
D71, but they do pay American workers a living wage
damn tommy….. hahaha the money is coming from tax payers more debt no gdp…. It is a negative spending venture from joe biden just to get votes Propaganda Wake up tommy You said you worked on nukes so surely you are smarter then your response.

Living wage is a bad joke. Gdp comes from innovation and private sectors not govt spending, grants aka gifts which is more debt on the country. They are getting high dollar govt hand outs right now to try get biden re-elected by retards.
damn tommy….. hahaha the money is coming from tax payers more debt
D71, IMO It's better to spend tax money keeping people working, then sitting on the net, or playing video games.

I'm a sitting on the net kind of person, I don't ever play video games after trying pong.
I did get my kids a game called sonic, and enjoyed watching them play it, even today
I spend some time on youtube watch other's playing video games, If I tried I'd loss

IMO it would depend on what you call a video game, to me a video game is shoveling
mine and my neighbors snow or mowing our grass from inside my house on my video screen.
I do it for fun so it may be called a DIY video game.
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D71, IMO It's better to spend tax money keeping people working, then sitting on the net, or playing video games.

I'm a sitting on the net kind of person, I don't ever play video games after trying pong.
Tommy the Govt should not be in the business of spending tax payer money on things like that deal. Those vehicles are not even selling. Spending more then return. It is a loss. That $5 billion stated amount should be paid from the monies actblue has built up. If biden want to spend democrat money. 🤡🤣😀

It is not a good investment …. the company is letting the ppl - tax payers take the risk. Look how many times the tax payers bailed those auto companies out of debts 10-20 times over the years and lost that money too. Better to let them crash a a real company come back that is a gdp positive for the country. The State of Illinois will ask for money from Feds - Biden. Geeezzzzeeee ppl have to stop being so dumb. Damn

Exactly I why hate big govt. they spend money they have no authority over and no repercussions.

Tommy do you have your Biden for President hate America hat on?

Spending more then return. It is a loss.
D71, I get what you are saying, but I've learned over the years, you use it, or loss it.
it would not be in our interest to loss metalmaking or metalworking capabilities in the US IMO
chip making is also an issue, we are down to mostly high end/level type chips.
D71, I get what you are saying, but I've learned over the years, you use it, or loss it.
it would not be in our interest to loss metalmaking or metalworking capabilities in the US IMO
chip making is also an issue, we are down to mostly high end/level type chips.
Tommy it is that foot thing. When the State takes over business it kills the business. Politicians are usually about making themselves money. Stealing that is on both sides. Did you watch that last video just shared OBUMA - Biden are running for 4th term.

They don’t know how to run a business and over regulate free enterprise with WOKE mandates laws.

Creatures with hair like that are usually poison.

When the State takes over business it kills the business
D71, there are some jobs only state can do. like self defense, if someone climbs through
your window, you can shoot them. America land of the free and all that, provides protection for America.
without metalmaking or metalworking that would not happen.

as we have seen, ford can make jeep, tanks, plans, the army can't
D71, there are some jobs only state can do. like self defense, if someone climbs through
your window, you can shoot them. America land of the free and all that, provides protection for America.
without metalmaking or metalworking that would not happen.

as we have seen, ford can make jeep, tanks, plans, the army can't
Better to let them crash a a real company come back that is a gdp positive for the country.
D71, I keep picturing a street guy shitting on the sidewalk yelling "Fyou youall Ain't Doin' Nothin for me". when
I look his way.

that could change with metalmaking & metalworking, but then it's be gone. (never going to change for street guy).
D71, there are some jobs only state can do. like self defense, if someone climbs through
your window, you can shoot them.
I love the people posting about how great stand your ground is.
then Ashli Babbitt happens "no, not like that!"

diy solar

diy solar