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then Ashli Babbitt happens "no, not like that!"
Ryujin, in Ashli's head she died fighting for her country, me I'll go like sheep, I would trade places

IMO she knew in her heart that if mr trump was not in office her country would end (on-topic)

mr trump gave her a reason to die, few of us will ever know that feeling.
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Ryujin, in Ashli's head she died fighting for her country, me I'll go like sheep, I would trade places

IMO she knew in her heart that if mr trump was not in office her country would end (on-topic)

mr trump gave her a reason to die, few of us will ever know that feeling.

I can't disagree with anything you said. She was a true believer, maybe a little more radicalized than some of the posters here but the sentiment is basically the same.

It's sad to me, they are 100% equivalent to Jihadist suicide bombers.

Who need facts, evidence science, or any of that when you have faith?
Ryujin, in Ashli's head she died fighting for her country, me I'll go like sheep, I would trade places

IMO she knew in her heart that if mr trump was not in office her country would end (on-topic)

mr trump gave her a reason to die, few of us will ever know that feeling.

But regardless of her feelings/beliefs etc..., the stand your ground mindset should definitely apply here.
the stand your ground mindset should definitely apply here.
Ryujin, IMO stand your ground is a personal issue, Ashli went head to head with a cop.

because she was unarmed she martyr herself, some would call it Suicide by cop
the other day a video got posted that showed a napperville guy going after
a cop with a ax Suicide by cop
IMO napperville guy had a hard time stopping the car because he still had a phone
in his hand, he just found out the IRS locked his bank accounts because of their error
and his wife just told him she is leaving him.
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It's sad to me, they are 100% equivalent to Jihadist suicide bombers.
Ryujin, they have a right to say what they want? wouldn't it be better
to pull up a chair, and get to understand where they are coming from?

it's very simple to point a finger, but that may not be the best approach
it's easy for me all finger point the same way.

they being an opinions different then yours's
the stand your ground mindset should definitely apply here.

It applies in every state that has it in their laws, but I doubt that you even understand what it means or how it applies. One of the things it does not do is give one unlimited authority to use deadly force.
Ryujin, they have a right to say what they want? wouldn't it be better
to pull up a chair, and get to understand where they are coming from?

They have made it very clear where they are coming from. The fact of the matter is these are vast majority white, old males, that are not able to drop ego's and recognize that they are not the main character.

Unfortunately, its the same rhetoric as the 1930's, and they are willing to let their rage consume them to the point they don't recognize, let alone hold accountable, that they are supporting a vindictive dictator.

I don't like Biden, but I'm voting for him because the opponent literally said they want to be a dictator on day 1. As well as tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power on Jan, 6th 2020, which led to a brainless pawn (Ashlii Babbitt) losing her life. I feel bad for her kids.

I hope you all can live with yourselves if Trump does win the 2024 election and people you know are killed.
When these ppl with their signs up, hand on hip, and nose in the air get communism …. they will be in a shock.

These type will dig a deep long trench at gun point for their new commie masters who will shoot and throw them into the holes.
The next group being disposed of will cover them up and dig new trench.
These ppl are extremely stupid. They love, Che Guevara without even researching. He tortured - murdered queers.


Meanwhile 60-100+ million dead Chinese later China finds they have striking workers are rate of 3 times higher in 2023 then any time.
The old way was kill the leaders of risk a revolution. We will see.


Pay attention wannabe communist because in their system these ppl are not striking over pay raises so much as payment in arrears. That means they did not even get paid like they were agreed. Make sure you want communism like their system. Imagine working for pennies on dollar in arrears for money owed to you. The big wigs in Silicon Valley want communism for you too. So they can really rule over you with force.
Young communist:
Remember Apple is so cheap that they went to slave labor in China….. how much did your latest apple phone and star bucks coffee cost you?

in china they will move you work at drop of a hat. The party of State union does not tolerate individual unions.
They have made it very clear where they are coming from. The fact of the matter is these are vast majority white, old males, that are not able to drop ego's and recognize that they are not the main character.

Unfortunately, its the same rhetoric as the 1930's, and they are willing to let their rage consume them to the point they don't recognize, let alone hold accountable, that they are supporting a vindictive dictator.

I don't like Biden, but I'm voting for him because the opponent literally said they want to be a dictator on day 1. As well as tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power on Jan, 6th 2020, which led to a brainless pawn (Ashlii Babbitt) losing her life. I feel bad for her kids.

I hope you all can live with yourselves if Trump does win the 2024 election and people you know are killed.
Snicker what does that mean Who is doing the killing?

Are they going to riot like 2020?
Snicker what does that mean Who is doing the killing?

Are they going to riot like 2020?
That's the thing, the people that voted for Biden aren't in a cult and won't riot like Trump encouraged his supporters in 2020.

I'm just scared that, even though voting is only really rigged through gerrymandering,... Trump might (by the electoral college) legitimately win in 2024 like he legitimately won in 2016. And at that point he very well might enact his version of The Night of the Long Knives.

This year in America isn't going to end pretty. Either Biden win this election and Trumps supporters threaten/kill many poll workers/elected reps...
Or Trump wins and his supporters threaten/kill poll workers/elected reps... and aren't prosecuted.
That's the thing, the people that voted for Biden aren't in a cult and won't riot like Trump encouraged his supporters in 2020.

I'm just scared that, even though voting is only really rigged through gerrymandering,... Trump might (by the electoral college) legitimately win in 2024 like he legitimately won in 2016. And at that point he very well might enact his version of The Night of the Long Knives.

This year in America isn't going to end pretty. Either Biden win this election and Trumps supporters threaten/kill many poll workers/elected reps...
Or Trump wins and his supporters threaten/kill poll workers/elected reps... and aren't prosecuted.
I think we all know it is not going to be good. The minute ppl start admitting what Obuma Biden and Hillary did in 2016 for criminal actions the sooner we can move on. 4 years of insurgencies by the Left mostly went unchallengede because they were mostly done in blue areas.

News alert George Floyd was killed in a blue State in a Blue City by Blue controlled police which were by department rules allowed to kneel on ppl.

So how was is that Trump’s fault and more so for all the resulting riots that also mostly happened in blue controlled areas?

Democratic rule should be under attack in these democrat shit holes.

Somehow you twist the events and actions in those blue control areas as Trump’s fault? Blame white ppl.? Biden did the 1994 crime bill with clinton signing it.

You are not getting Bernie Sanders.
You know what ….. they did and it started before Trump even stepped into the mine field they had set up….. stop playing. Fucking be honest. Act like an adult. You know they set him up. You know they were pissed. Especially Hillary .

The Left loved Trump until he ran for President. He was a donor to Hillary Clinton against Obuma. He even supported John McCain. What Trump should have done was hire a real AG cleanse the DOJ, cleanse fbi - cia, and corrupt military brass. We have way to many brass and some are dual pass ports.

They have made it very clear where they are coming from. The fact of the matter is these are vast majority white, old males, that are not able to drop ego's and recognize that they are not the main character.

Unfortunately, its the same rhetoric as the 1930's, and they are willing to let their rage consume them to the point they don't recognize, let alone hold accountable, that they are supporting a vindictive dictator.

I don't like Biden, but I'm voting for him because the opponent literally said they want to be a dictator on day 1. As well as tried to stop the peaceful transfer of power on Jan, 6th 2020, which led to a brainless pawn (Ashlii Babbitt) losing her life. I feel bad for her kids.

I hope you all can live with yourselves if Trump does win the 2024 election and people you know are killed.
So your preference is a serial lie type administration then? Do I have that wrong?
  1. A January 6 committee staffer asked Ornato, “When it comes to the National Guard statement about having 10,000 troops or any other number of troops, do you recall any discussion prior to the 6th about whether and how many National Guard troops to deploy on January 6th?” Ornato surprised the committee by noting he did recall a conversation between Meadows and Bowser: “He was on the phone with her and wanted to make sure she had everything that she needed,” Ornato told investigators.
  2. Meadows “wanted to know if she need any more guardsmen,” Ornato testified. “And I remember the number 10,000 coming up of, you know, ‘The president wants to make sure that you have enough.’ You know, ‘He is willing to ask for 10,000.’ I remember that number. Now that you said it, it reminded me of it. And that she was all set. She had, I think it was like 350 or so for intersection control, and those types of things not in the law enforcement capacity at the time.” Ornato was correct. Bowser declined the offer, asking only for a few hundred National Guard and requiring them to serve in a very limited capacity.
  3. Bowser’s decision to decline help from the White House did not end the Trump team’s efforts to secure troops ahead of the protest. When the D.C. mayor declined Trump’s offer of 10,000 troops, Ornato said the White House requested a “quick reaction force” out of the Defense Department in case it was needed.
  4. Once the Capitol was breached, the Trump White House pushed for immediate help from Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and grew frustrated at the slow deployment of that help, according to the testimony. “So then I remember the chief saying, ‘Hey, I’m calling secretary of defense to get that [quick reaction force] in here,” Ornato said. Later he said, “And then I remember the chief telling Miller, ‘Get them in here, get them in here to secure the Capitol now.'”
  5. Cheney and her committee falsely claimed they had “no evidence” to support Trump officials’ claims the White House had communicated its desire for 10,000 National Guard troops. In fact, an early transcribed interview conducted by the committee included precisely that evidence from a key source. The interview, which Cheney attended and personally participated in, was suppressed from public release until now.

hearsay, could have been turned into evidence , with Mark Meadows and Bowser help.
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  1. A January 6 committee staffer asked Ornato, “When it comes to the National Guard statement about having 10,000 troops or any other number of troops, do you recall any discussion prior to the 6th about whether and how many National Guard troops to deploy on January 6th?” Ornato surprised the committee by noting he did recall a conversation between Meadows and Bowser: “He was on the phone with her and wanted to make sure she had everything that she needed,” Ornato told investigators.
  2. Meadows “wanted to know if she need any more guardsmen,” Ornato testified. “And I remember the number 10,000 coming up of, you know, ‘The president wants to make sure that you have enough.’ You know, ‘He is willing to ask for 10,000.’ I remember that number. Now that you said it, it reminded me of it. And that she was all set. She had, I think it was like 350 or so for intersection control, and those types of things not in the law enforcement capacity at the time.” Ornato was correct. Bowser declined the offer, asking only for a few hundred National Guard and requiring them to serve in a very limited capacity.
  3. Bowser’s decision to decline help from the White House did not end the Trump team’s efforts to secure troops ahead of the protest. When the D.C. mayor declined Trump’s offer of 10,000 troops, Ornato said the White House requested a “quick reaction force” out of the Defense Department in case it was needed.
  4. Once the Capitol was breached, the Trump White House pushed for immediate help from Acting Secretary of Defense Christopher Miller and grew frustrated at the slow deployment of that help, according to the testimony. “So then I remember the chief saying, ‘Hey, I’m calling secretary of defense to get that [quick reaction force] in here,” Ornato said. Later he said, “And then I remember the chief telling Miller, ‘Get them in here, get them in here to secure the Capitol now.'”
  5. Cheney and her committee falsely claimed they had “no evidence” to support Trump officials’ claims the White House had communicated its desire for 10,000 National Guard troops. In fact, an early transcribed interview conducted by the committee included precisely that evidence from a key source. The interview, which Cheney attended and personally participated in, was suppressed from public release until now.
Did you read about the 6 Jan 2021 committee destroying evidence that tax payer monies had paid for?

That is illegal They spent millions of tax payer dollars then reportedly destroyed evidence. They should be prosecuted. Liz Cheney should be brought back along with all members of that 6 jan committee to face charges for suppressing evidence to the contrary of what they rules. Remember those bs impeachment …. hmmmmm


D71, I get that, but the line posted was about

step 1
Cheney and her committee falsely claimed they had ‘no evidence’ to support
Trump officials’ claims the White House had asked for 10,000 National Guard troops.

step 2
I came back with hearsay is not evidence, the above line is not true.

step 3
you came back with...but, but, but. are you saying mark gave them the phone recordings, but they deleted them?

IMO it makes a big difference, step 1 would show someone had their big boy pants on.

saying or thinking something may not make it true.

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D71, I get that, but the line posted was about

step 1
Cheney and her committee falsely claimed they had ‘no evidence’ to support
Trump officials’ claims the White House had asked for 10,000 National Guard troops.

step 2
I came back with hearsay is not evidence, the above line is not true.

step 3

you came back with...but, but, but. are you saying mark gave them the phone recordings, but they deleted them?

IMO it makes a big difference, step 1 would show someone had their big boy pants on.
That is because you went back and edited your post. In between the 2-3 minutes it took me to reply to your post.

Everything is hearsay until they are put on the witness stand and tried. If witness come forward their testimony is evidence.


Stop editing your damn post so much. Take the time to think about it before impulse posting like a retard.
IMO measuring dimensional changes of nuclear Fuel rod cladding
while inside a sodium bleeder reactor is far simpler.

Nothing complex about it tommy. If you or I hear a conversation between 2 ppl we are then witness. That is the claim and it is official once put on the stand to investigate the 6 jan committee members themselves. Is that what you oppose. Were any pro-trump ppl on that committee. Then there you go it was a get Trump at all cost political hit squad.

Does it not make you angry? That they while spending millions of tax payer dollars on 6 jan committee swayed public opinion by omission or are you as shown a trump hater and good with it. No answer required.

IMO these are some very complex issues

You are triggered impulse posting again


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