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diy solar


If you are honest then you understand that race played a role in how the murder of Babbitt was handled.
Klystron, having watch the video, no court would find fault in that cops action, I also think race
only plays a role in the armchair quarter back's of ms babbitt's lose.

just the other day a video was posted of a napperville IL cop shooting someone with an ax , if you think
that cop even looked to see what race the guy was, I think you would be mistaken, if he did the ax would
have found me.

I would recommend checking out the movie "One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest" I think Nicholson played the role of steve Miller
with a voiceover of mr trump

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Klystron, having watch the video, no court would find fault in that cops action, I also think race
only plays a role in the armchair quarter back's of ms babbitt lose.

just the other day a video was posted of a napperville IL cop shooting someone with an ax , if you think
that cop even looked to see what race the guy was, I think you would be mistaken, if he did the ax would
have found me.

Now, suddenly, you have no problem with guessing what a court (sic) would decide.

You should review the legal requirements for lawful use of deadly force in the states where the killings took place.
Now, suddenly, you have no problem with guessing what a court (sic) would decide.
klystron, watch the video I posted. he didn't shoot until they made entry.
if the glass was broken by the cop's bullets I could see your point of view
when shit happens, it happens in seconds. we(me/you) have all the time in the world
to second guess peoples action or motives . but in this case we have a video
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Both cases involved improper if not illegal use of deadly force. So, if you're going to excuse one you have to excuse both. Personally, I am against summary executions.

By the way... what do you think would have followed had a white person killed an unarmed black man breaking into one of the shops during the "mostly peaceful" riots in Portland? If you are honest then you understand that race played a role in how the murder of Babbitt was handled.

Another great analogy. Breaking into a single persons shop vs breaking into the elected representatives of the whole country. Bravo.

Glad to hear you are against both.

Deadly force is authorized and legal when lives are in danger.
What are you talking about?
George Floyd was killed be police without a trial for allegedly spending a fake $20 bill and then resisting arrest with a cop choking him out.

Ashli Babbitt was killed by police/secret service without a trial for allegedly breaking into the capitol and then trying to climb through a broken window inside the capitol while being to stand down and then being shot.

I believe there is publicly available footage of both.
George Floyd was killed be police without a trial for allegedly spending a fake $20 bill and then resisting arrest with a cop choking him out.

Ashli Babbitt was killed by police/secret service without a trial for allegedly breaking into the capitol and then trying to climb through a broken window inside the capitol while being to stand down and then being shot.

I believe there is publicly available footage of both.

I thought he had drugs in his system and died from an OD.

I remember seeing a video of the window incident but I thought that group was led to select areas of the capital, I wasn't aware anyone allegedly broke in.

Will anyone besides those that were there ever know what really happened?

I thought he had drugs in his system and died from an OD.

I remember seeing a video of the window incident but I thought that group was led to select areas of the capital, I wasn't aware anyone allegedly broke in.

Will anyone besides those that were there ever know what really happened?
What the pinko is not telling everyone is that the guy that filmed ashili getting murdered by that black cop is that it was filmed by BLM Antifa member and sold to CNN …. He was major instigator. You can hear him encouraging ppl to go in and fight and go at it fight.

Ryujin is a typical commie.
She was unarmed, and murdered by a coward.
Klystron, I also see and issue as an armchair quarterback, they barricaded doors, they evacuated the congressional personal,
shouldn't someone have pull the cops back to a safer area to deescalate situation . mismanagement of a bad situation IMO.

IMO the mismanagement started at the top, it was bill as a "save America march" but the organizer was not there, if he
was in his motorcade leading the march, only BLM would be in jail, only John Sullivan and Ray would have been killed IMO.Capture265.PNG
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Klystron, I also see and issue as an armchair quarterback, they barricaded doors, they evacuated the congressional personal,
shouldn't someone have pull the cops back to a safer area to deescalate situation . mismanagement of a bad situation IMO.
That police officer used excessive force.
I watched every video on this. There is a real good one where police are standing in front of doors the rioters are being very violent breaking the glass. The officers over whelmed finally moved.

The officer claimed they were trapped and in fear of his life in one statement. Also stated seen figure - fired. He would have killed a fella officer by not id’ing the target. She had no weapons. According to one of his reports to news he didn’t know she was a woman until later. This same officer had left his fire arm in a bathroom. Along with other stuff. He used excessive force based on figure not properly identified nor looking to see if armed. If this had been reversed and she was blm and the officer white the capitol would have been torched. Everyone knows it.
From what I saw the man in front of her was trying to break in and she was trying to stop him, and got executed for her effort.
She was trying get them not hurt officers in one part. They should be required to officially post all the videos on govt website. Put it all out there
She was trying get them not hurt officers in one part.
D71, I get it, she was blocking the window so the knuckleheads behind her couldn't
get in. I see it.

there's a cautionary tale in here someplace, maybe it's, trying to violently brake into congressional chambers will get you killed.
I'm going to make sure all my grandkids get this message.

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D71, I get it, she was blocking the window so the knuckleheads behind her couldn't
get in. I see it.

View attachment 200759
Tommy nobody knows what she was doing except her and now she is dead. She may have been going through window to block them. I don’t know and neither do you. Like stated watched every video could find there were at least 3 ppl filming one of them with best footage was blm antifa which had egged them on. That antifa blm caused it. 🤡
That antifa blm caused it.
D71, I'm not there yet, IMO BLM took advantage of a bad situation, escalated a bad situation, but I'm still thinking
the cause was started a year before J6th, with the "stop the steal" scheme that made it all possible.
made all of us believer's, made us haters even.

I killed ms babbitt as much as anyone, I seen an issue, I did nothing, like mr trump I just watched it play out.
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Been back to Alabama lately?IMG_5367.png

He should be sentenced and hanged. Public square in Washington DC He incited the mod that day with Ashili Babbitt in it. Then he filmed it and sold video to CNN ~$60,000

Again he needs to be sentenced and hanged he went there he incited then he laughed and profited.
Tommy did they take it easy on him? Because he is black? Because he recorded own evidence of guilt as retard? Or both? They let him run around doing what he wanted. Until just recently Why wasn’t he locked up too? Tommy is that fair?

Why now…. Why did they wait so long for him and trial? Why Did he not rot in the DC jails ? Hmmmm something just isn’t right but it is being corrected. With his admitted audio he should be charged for murder too.

Tommy did they take it easy on him because of his skin tone or his low iq? He literally recorded his own evidence of guilt. Dumbest criminal on the planet i bet best day maybe muster an 80-85 out of him…. Probably lower

You know Tommy for all we know Babbitt might of been blm antifa account she had voted for obuma both times. Obviously she was not right in the head. So little blm inciter was a match to gasoline cause of riot. I think he should be court sentenced drawn and quartered then sent to actblue headquarters money collection site for the democrats to see.

Look Obama endorse BLM and bet Antifa too. Remember all that shit blm destroyed in 2020 all the ppl murdered during blm riots
D71, I'm going to use some Whataboutism, on national tv mr trump gave the proud boys
his own endorsement and even some marching orders "stand back, but stand by"

some of them got 20 years

I see a cautionary tale in here also, when president's endorse fringe groups, people get hurt.
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D71, I'm going to use some Whataboutism, on national tv mr trump gave the proud boys
his own endorsement and even some marching orders "stand back, but stand by"

some of them got 20 years
And what did that blm antifa activist get in other links above
Enrique Tarrio Of proud boys a black man got the longest toughest sentence and he was not there.

Will sullivan that incited and did babbit video get longer? The same? Or nothing at all?
Do you think obama told them to go easy on blm antifa via joe? They were are obama’s admitted ppl. Soros and act blue - hollyweird financed them too … seen a lot of movies lately? rut ro

Sample of what is to come… nancy and friends going to spend their final days in orange. The kenya president going to lose his immunity too. 🤡 all this is being played out …. It’ll happen or it won’t. Any bets? 🤣 2020 with covid and riots was all revolutionary war by the leftist. Gonna be a long list of indictments served up. If they had only been fair. But like the 50+ lies with Biden laptop they just wanted to win at any cost. 🥷🏻

My only question is why D71 wasn't there getting arrested with his fellow "patriots"
  • Haha
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I thought he had drugs in his system and died from an OD.

I remember seeing a video of the window incident but I thought that group was led to select areas of the capital, I wasn't aware anyone allegedly broke in.

Will anyone besides those that were there ever know what really happened?
There is publically available footage

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diy solar