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diy solar


Hey tommy why did the white man antifa attack the black man trump supporter? In the picture.
Did that white antifa go to jail? Did he get charged for calling black man names as a hate crime?

Why are most of antifa wearing mask on their face? Case law when you cover your face in commission of crime you get additional serious charges. Just so you know. Why was he not thrown under the jail - antifa walked.

You don’t care about black ppl You care about communism and want it. Be honest.


D71, I think we got the answer to that question, some kid in a different state garbed his gun, drove 60 miles
to a different state to go hunting, because other people made him scared(he lost no blood) so he killed them.
he is walking free today,

we have a democratic in federal office, where he went hunting they have a democratic governor, he still walks free.
Weak sauce.

Courts released Rittenhouse because he is great and knew his God given rights What da fuck you whining bout. Whataboutism Rittenhouse had as much RIGHT to be there as the cross country bused in blm antifa…from several States away. Most smart ppl don’t burn their own neighborhoods …. That would be like shitting in your mess kit …. You were working on thermo nuke missiles? Really? Bs

Tommy how many 30 round magazines do combat soldiers normally carry for basic load out? Rittenhouse had 1 magazine….. for defense purposes. Again he was deemed the right to be there just as much as the 3 white antifa known criminals that got winged or killed. They fucked around and found out. The criminal 1 that got winged should have been double tapped because his remarks were had his gun trying to kill that kid on video shared on twitter. He had no right to own gun a convicted felon criminal … The corrupt democrat prosecutors in the court - tried to hang Rittenhouse because he opposed their communism. Those same prosecutors did not defend young black girl when a white man raped her - underage. Later she shot him for revenge so those democrap prosecutors - prosecuted her. Keep trolling. You can do better. Try harder. Come on.

Eat a bigger bowl of whataboutism
D71, without using your feelings, can you point out my wrong thinking in the line below.
I'm to understand your answer to this question is, ENDS JUSTIFY MEANS

ENDS= We are sick of free loaders
MEANS= anyway possible

even a few presidential ticks are ok.

Rittenhouse atf form Rittenhouse was 100% in his rights to stand his ground in self defense and in a free country …. he can travel. Just like the bus loads of criminal white skin - antifa communist that showed up to be fire flies… in mostly colored areas. Fire and flame Reset.

Never bring up whataboutism whoops rittenhouse is an american icon for justice and freedom prevailing … rittenhouse picture sniff it. 🤣😀
Do leftist break the dicks off white statutes because they want a forever sucker?

Do they want to send message that white race is done?

The case of the missing dick. Call Dick Tracy on his apple watch. Hmmm he had a watch phone before dell phones.

The Dark Ages began when Ancient Rome was finally destroyed. We are Modern Rome.


Next Dark Ages coming.
D71, IMO rittenhouse calls into question, your thinking that party affiliations effect outcome in courts of law.
Tommy the 2nd amendment and basic human rights give a person the abilities the right to defense when attacked.

The left oppose the 2nd amendment because when they fuck around found out why it exist.

What groups started the fires that rittenhouse extinguished with a fire extinguisher?

Why were they burning shit if it was peaceful?

Come on 2 simple questions.

Lot of ppl setting fires did not live there.

Given what the dad said the white kid sound like he was Antifa. The others sound like BLM … They walked.
What groups started the fires that rittenhouse extinguished with a fire extinguisher?
D71, IMO police, using excessive force a few times, when people with cameras are around.

they were following a play book writen by rodney king

mr trump stand up in front of a large group of police officers and
told then "you don't need to protect the heads of people your are
putting in your car, just through them in"

I'm sure that's going to work out good.

Why were they burning shit if it was peaceful?
D71, they were not what I would call peaceful, but I don't know how many people died.
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No pictures of perps let’s look this up. Yes very typical happens all time news papers won’t post the pictures of suspects caught on video that are black - minorities. Wonder why?
Who would of guessed?
What color was the 9 month old baby.
Does it matter?
Ask Tommy.

Notice the BET advertisement. ‘’Impact” is perfect. Hmmm… officer was damn lucky. Officer 1 crazy dead mf’er 0
Remember officers have to make split second reactions that will be talked about for years. Officer seen the hatchet..seen crazy guy rushing him. Threat neutralized.. Police released video immediately just as they should always do but DON’T. Police should be required wear body camera. Criminals should be required to wear body camera when doing a crime - if not extra charges. 🤡


Notice face blotted out by news

The News Media are protecting criminals when they are not white. Fact! Equality is a lie.
What group of criminal lovers would present BIASED news in this manner.
Still trust the news?

The LEFTIST news media is extremely biased.

Supposedly 92% of Haley's voters think Biden is doing a good job. IOW they're Democrats.
In that video directly above:
Trump appealed to Biden to stop the current lawfare.
Trump appealed to Biden to close the current open borders.

Biden will regret as will all Current living President if immunities are lifted. Their choice right now. Live by the Sword Die by the Sword.

If they don’t stop then when, Trump gets into office there will be hell to pay. There are foreign countries with bounties on all living Presidents. Extradicition treaties are signed …. All former Presidents will be extradited to stand trialS. The sword has both sides sharpened. They will be forced to fall on their own sword by going down this path. Obuma murdered 4 american citizens with drone strikes - denied them their Bill Of Rights - day in court due process. Then the chef that died at his home on Martha Vineyard will be looked into also.

Then we can look into Joes past and see - prosecute him for leaking the seal team that went after Osama Bin Laden then got ambushed as a result. Shssss loose lips sink ships.

Now better news.
Will the democrats that supported Niki Haley now support Trump 😀🤣
View attachment 200427

Rittenhouse atf form Rittenhouse was 100% in his rights to stand his ground in self defense and in a free country …. he can travel. Just like the bus loads of criminal white skin - antifa communist that showed up to be fire flies… in mostly colored areas. Fire and flame Reset.

Never bring up whataboutism whoops rittenhouse is an american icon for justice and freedom prevailing … rittenhouse picture sniff it. 🤣😀
you retard.... I just realized that that was not a fingerprint :fp2 :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
What color was the 9 month old baby.
Does it matter?
Ask Tommy.
D71, would make no difference IMO, sick has no race, sick has no gender, or even a species.

The Trump
D71, thanks for posting the video.
it was the most humble I have seen from him.
it did put a grin on my face when he said poll numbers are the reason the states wanted him gone.
IMO very good campaign video, not a personal grievance video IMO.

it may have been Bob, that said he would pivot to increasing the base after getting the
republican nomination, Bob could be right.

tommy's personal grievance.
mr trump's Ticks

google search Showing results for who gave trump the wall idea

The concept for the proposed expansion was developed by campaign advisers Sam Nunberg
and Roger Stone in 2014 as a memorable talking point Trump could use to tie his business
experience as a builder and developer to his immigration policy proposals.

D71, say one of mr trump's other ticks, started a go fund me account that let you and me help
pay for the wall, the tick say's on the website, he would take no salary from it, all the money
would go towards building trump's wall, if it was later learned that he did take $700,000 for
personal use, what would be your reaction?

would it depend on who found out?

the reason I take it personally is because mr trump's ticks, suck our blood, not mr trump's
I get why he would pardon them, but I don't get it personally, if it was just picking my
pocket I to would let it slide, but one of his ticks killed Babbit, and made us all look like fools J6th.


PS: I would love to be proved wrong. it would change mine and 30 million disillusioned republican's thinking IMO
the only way to win elections is to increase your base, your not going to get many democrat's but you could get
a lot of RINO's

the reason I think this is because stone had a year before the election to prepare with even a "stop the steal" and "fake
elector" scheme but the walking dead is in office now.

RINO's in wisconsin have options
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Anybody putting private money into gofundme to build border wall are not to bright. They deserve to be fleeced. All we have to do is stop sending money to Ukraine and Israel and where ever else like politician bank accounts

Never fear


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