diy solar

diy solar


Trump did not try to get us in long wars.
D71, IMO we all have our paranoia's, my only roll was in the cold war, only spooks died IMO
but lots of American's moved into the middle class because of it. not saying it makes it right.
hindsight is always 20/20

crap, back off topic.
Venezuela are unloading criminals on us. Fact their crimes have dropped dramatically in Venezuela Gone up here
D71, this seems like bait.:rolleyes:
without any information to back it up.
got any links?
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D71, still playing with fools :rolleyes:

I'll look back at my posts that are pointed at people that didn't quote me.
any I find I'll post here below.

this one aeync did not point at me.
View attachment 199924

facts that we have

View attachment 199928
freebies show up in no data I can find.

if he would have started his line with IMO, he would have been right, and I would not
have responded

still looking
aenyc is over in this post… since he is not talking to you here why not pursue him with questions?

I obviously can’t speak for him nor can anyone else and if we did it would be a matter of opinion not fact.

Elections are won or lost on opinions and misinformation. The Biden admin got 50+ intel agents to lie about the hunter biden laptop and that is now admitted fact and the lead instigator flat out stated as fact because he wanted Biden to win not Trump.
Fact 2 many ppl stated they would not have voted for Biden if known the laptop was real but that the 50+ lying intel agents swayed their vote. So fact is those liars caused election interference with their misinformation and stating laptop was Russian misinformation. The other fact is most experts claim had the voters known the actual factual biden laptop connected to hunter and joe over illegal activity = would not have voted for Joe and it would have dramatically swung the swing States too. So…. Facts are facts. Some say opinion.

What would have happened had the Joe and Hunter emails been confirmed in 2020 before the election vs the lies and misinformation around it? Would you have voted for Biden?

How is that? Fact enough?
Elections are won or lost on opinions and misinformation.
D71, I see that as bull shit, it may be true for some , but IMO it's bull shit.

IMO the misinformation part of your line, has moved to new levels in the last 10 years.
if I was connecting dots, IMO they would be pointing right
D71, I see that as bull shit, it may be true for some , but IMO it's bull shit.

IMO the misinformation part of your line, has moved to new levels in the last 10 years.
if I was connecting dots, IMO they would be pointing right
Did 50+ former intel agents lend credible lies that helped joe biden and discredited Trump? Yes public printed facts now.

Did the lead instigator get a job under joe biden and openly admit he did it to counter the damage from laptop and to get biden the win and thus himself a job? Yes admit public knowledge
Did 50+ former intel agents lend credible lies that helped joe biden and discredited Trump? Yes public printed facts now.
D71, I have a hard time following this line, because of the word lies

aeync, just gave us some more misinformation, while it may not win you elections, it could
get 1000 republican's put in jail.
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D71, I have a hard time following this line, because of the word lies
What else would it be? Ppl relied on them not lying because of their supposed power and insight based on security clearances and investigative reputation. How could 50 ppl sign on to something they had not vetted as fact? They signed that statement as fact based on what?

Simple they signed on as liars and that would be 50+.

On top of that the fbi would not confirm because they admitted that by outting hillary clinton out for her email server cost her the election Another fucking fact.
Seems you have a problem with admitted facts from the sources when they are forced to tell the truth vs their previous lies and MISINFORMATION.
The funny part think the States taking Trump off are blue States anyway. Did they vote for Trump last time. Again read the Supreme Court took it so might rule tomorrow.

Be funny as hell if 7-8 states removed Trump but he still won.

Their Federal id card might get stamped no desert

There is no way the SCOTUS can allow the ballot removal to stand. Not only does it violate our basic judicial process and individual rights to due process and presumption of innocence, but it would open the door to red states removing Biden because they each decide on their own that he is unfit to serve based on physical observation and the things he says, and what that indicates in terms of mental state and cognitive function.

Imagine the sky screaming on the left if that happened... it would be deafening.

Edit - results just came in and were unanimous [as it should be]. Restores some of my faith in the left-leaning justices.
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Isn't there an immigration thread?
Klystron, D71 baited me on that. my bad

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives,
shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof

Klystron, if you read the above line, who controls how each state does it's elections?
There is no way the SCOTUS can allow the ballot removal to stand. Not only does it violate our basic judicial process and individual rights to due process and presumption of innocence, but it would open the door to red states removing Biden because they each decide on their own that he is unfit to serve based on physical observation and the things he says, and what that indicates in terms of mental state and cognitive function.

Imagine the sky screaming on the left if that happened... it would be deafening.
It would be glorious to watch them scream. I will admit it was extremely funny watching Trump cause their heads to explode as he looked them in the eyes. 🤡 it was show to him but to the Lefties it was their perceived world collapsing in on them. Their supposed misjustice and suffurage being tossed aside like poop covered toilet paper. They are so overload on being drama queens. Memememe me me We have an estimated 8 billion ppl on this planet and they want to be special.

Tommy is running from facts. The truth shuts them down every time yet they go on and on. The Left always do that. I’d almost bet he voted for Biden and will again.

You don’t even have to lie to some ppl like the 50+ former intel agents did to the rest of America. Some ppl would of voted Biden no matter what.
Klystron, D71 baited me on that. my bad

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives,
shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof

Klystron, if you read the above line, who controls how each state does it's elections?

This should answer your question.

Klystron, D71 baited me on that. my bad

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives,
shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof

Klystron, if you read the above line, who controls how each state does it's elections?
Nope never baited you into anything That is child like for you to make that accusation. You went and dug up what you elected on your own.

That is on you. Be an adult and admit it.

Then admit 50+ intel agents lied like has been exposed.
This should answer your question.

Tommy can not understand Federal Laws preside over Federal Elections The Presidential election is federal not State.

The CW was fought over State vs Federal but he refuses to admit that either. A State can not cede the Union and the Union still Stand Again Presidential Elections are federal
D71, that would be a true line, I get it now. THANKS!

The 14th Amendment is the Constitution of the Union therefore their State cite of 14th Amendment was federal for removal.

Not even a lawyer just took a few classes long ago. Even legal experts argue and sometimes it is simply over 1 word.

The 50+ intel agents were caught lying. Their security clearances should of been stripped immediately. They abused the powers entrusted to them to alter the outcome of a Presidential election. The lead instigator admitted it openly. It is recorded. They lied.
The 14th Amendment is the Constitution of the Union therefore their State cite of 14th Amendment was federal for removal.
D71, following now, mr trump has not been convicted of any federal criminal actions yet, the states put their cart before horse
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Edit - results just came in and were unanimous [as it should be]. Restores some of my faith in the left-leaning justices.
the only reason the left voted with the right was that they knew that biden, and kamela and newsome would all be removed from any ballot sin any red states... biden for destruction of the border, kamela for her attagirl kneepads, and newsome because what he has done to california as a whole.
the only reason the left voted with the right was that they knew that biden, and kamela and newsome would all be removed from any ballot sin any red states... biden for destruction of the border, kamela for her attagirl kneepads, and newsome because what he has done to california as a whole.
I agree but had thought Roberts would vote with the Left to which was still correct in the reported overwhelming 9 vote count - you know those leftist judges were like a cat getting it’s nose rubbed in shit to house-litter box train it. They weigh pro and con for after effect with every decision. If they ruled with colorado blue attempt then they could not rule against red states doing the same as a precedence has been stated. Which means the red can’t do it now. Crazy shit by the DESPERATE LEFT.

THE WORLD ARE WATCHING THEM RIGHT NOW. THE WORLD HAS SEEN THE LEFT’S CORRUPTION. Often the return when the time comes is 10x which is Their choice for future punishment. The Left are OBVIOUSLY out to get Trump at all cost. They do not want to be held accountable…. and as long as they maintain control then no public wrong doing - accountability will be forth coming.

Tommy is no fool as he dropped it immediately based on the Supreme Court Ruling.

As tommy talks about if they had shot the right foot then they would have also shot the left foot.

As you point out They dropped it to save both feet at the Supreme court level. Wholly feet. Sky screaming at Tommy’s. 🤣😀

I bet Judge Clarence Thomas looked around and laughed = senator Biden gave him hell when he was being vetted. 🤣🤡😀
Klystron, I stand corrected. it's not the states nor the constitution of the united states , it's the SCOUS.

Thanks for putting me straight on the issue.
Are you surprised that the Supreme Court has the final say in a judicial matter? Isn't that the way things are designed.
They are not designed for a single judge .... as it was in some of the ballot cases .... to make a decision that decides who can and cannot be on the presidential ballot.

I think the 9-0 decision is pretty decisive and designed to send a message ..... Truly a slam dunk.

How often is there a 9-0 Supreme Court decision?
Are you surprised that the Supreme Court has the final say in a judicial matter?
Bob, D71 showed me my error in thinking. I'm sure you tried also even grizzzman tried to help me. the fault was mine, I was looking
in the wrong direction (2nd, not 14th).

I'm embarrassed for not seeing it, I'll try to learn from it.

state Senators
state Representatives

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives,
shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof
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diy solar

diy solar