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diy solar

Vestwoods 8K Hybrid Inverter and JBD BMS Hookup


New Member
Sep 26, 2021
I have a Vestwoods 8K Hybrid inverter I got from Signature Solar and have built a 48v LifeP04 battery using the JBD BMS and wanted to get them communicating with each other. Not sure if CAN bus or Rs485 is the way to go? Long term I am going to hook up a Eg4 Rack Mount battery but wanted to "Roll my own" initially with some 320ah EVE cells I" had. Anyone have any experience getting the JBD BMS to communicate with an inverter and if so what protocol did you end up with?

Some say the CAN Bus offers higher reliability over the RS485 especially when multiple battery's are involved, however it appears that the EG4 Server rack batteries use RS485 so I figured it best to ask the forums where there are real world use cases and you guys know better than some salesperson trying to sell a battery.
however it appears that the EG4 Server rack batteries use RS485
They communicate with each other over RS485 but can communicate with the AIO using both CAN/RS485.
Not sure if CAN bus or Rs485 is the way to go? Long term I am going to hook up a Eg4 Rack Mount battery but wanted to "Roll my own" initially with some 320ah EVE cells I" had.
Then your best bet would be CAN. It is very easy to DIY, plus the various protocols are already very well documented, tested.
Anyone have any experience getting the JBD BMS to communicate with an inverter and if so what protocol did you end up with?
JK-BMS using UART/BLE and using CAN.

Try reading through this and see if this influences your decisions.
Anyone got the Pin outs for the JBD BMS for CAN and RS485 so I can attempt to make a cable to go to the Vestwoods/Megarevo inverter and pray I can get these 2 units to talk

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