diy solar

diy solar

Wanted [NH-USA] local large solar panels or one or more people to do a group buy of a pallet


[Replicant 42069]
Nov 29, 2023
New Hampshire, USA
Anyone in the southern New Hampshire or Vermont area have any large solar panels for sale or interested in splitting the cost of a partial order of solar panels?

I really only will likely "need" a maximum of 6 panels for our cabin and can't realistically afford to buy a large amount at the moment.

I can buy cheap 200W panels all day long on eBay and Amazon, but I want get few ~400+ watt panels.
You might also keep your eye on Craigslist and FB Marketplace.

I bet if you're patient you could get a complete used system for pennies on the dollar because someone is selling or buying a house and new owner doesn't want it it. I see those deals often, usually they are way overpriced but I bet you could respectfully make a low ball offer and as the closing deadline approaches the FIRM price will get a lot softer.

I just did quick search and there's someone selling new 530 watt panels for $120 each local to me.

Group buys aren't allowed in this forum. (Members got burned badly)
So, you should remove that part from this thread.
To keep the whole thing from being removed.
Anyone in the southern New Hampshire or Vermont area have any large solar panels for sale or interested in splitting the cost of a partial order of solar panels?

I really only will likely "need" a maximum of 6 panels for our cabin and can't realistically afford to buy a large amount at the moment.

I can buy cheap 200W panels all day long on eBay and Amazon, but I want get few ~400+ watt panels.
Did you check altE solar?
You might also keep your eye on Craigslist and FB Marketplace.

I bet if you're patient you could get a complete used system for pennies on the dollar because someone is selling or buying a house and new owner doesn't want it it. I see those deals often, usually they are way overpriced but I bet you could respectfully make a low ball offer and as the closing deadline approaches the FIRM price will get a lot softer.

I just did quick search and there's someone selling new 530 watt panels for $120 each local to me.
I'm always scouting around on FB and Craigslist. 👍
That's insane, I'd call for a quote if you can't find anyone else. I wasn't sure if they were close enough to you to drive... They are up in the NE corner.
They are in Massachusetts, but that's still an hour away.

I'll hold off on that unless I can't find ANYTHING more local.
They are in Massachusetts, but that's still an hour away.

I'll hold off on that unless I can't find ANYTHING more local.
Hopefully something pops up.
I drove roughly 2.5 hrs twice for my first arrays then I had a pallet delivered from Inxeption and resold some of the first ones...
Just think of it as going to a Patriots game (same town as Alt E) ;)
I mean it's not a terrible distance, I'm not averse to travel.

Everyone likes a nice road trip.

Our family cabin is 10 minutes from the Massachusetts border. 👍
Hopefully something pops up.
I drove roughly 2.5 hrs twice for my first arrays then I had a pallet delivered from Inxeption and resold some of the first ones...
If I had the extra money laying around I would totally buy a pallet and try and recoup some costs by selling them off on Marketplace and Craigslist.

But alas I do not.
I spent 4 months driving from the Northern Whites in NH to Worcester Mass (near Marlborough) once a week for a weekly meeting, 405 miles round trip. 3.5 hours down, 2 hours on site 3.5 hours home.
I spent 4 months driving from the Northern Whites in NH to Worcester Mass (near Marlborough) once a week for a weekly meeting, 405 miles round trip. 3.5 hours down, 2 hours on site 3.5 hours home.
Does Zoom or Teams not work there?!
Works fine but client wanted in place meetings. It was a 5 MW combined heat and power plant construction project so boots on the ground are not optional to get something built. Luckily for me Covid reared its ugly head so I avoided having to extend 4 months of weekly meetings to about 2.5 years (meetings were monthly prior to the weekly stretch once the civil started. One of my jobs as owners engineer was to roam the construction site periodically and make observations on actual progress versus reported progress. People would be surprised how often the actual progress was lagging the reported progress. In this case probably by 6 months. A lot of folks do not realize that unlike the information economy where the product is effectively virtual, when something physical needs to be built there is need for people to show up to the site everyday and build it. Those people are getting harder and harder to get these days and the skills they bring are far less than before.
People would be surprised how often the actual progress was lagging the reported progress. In this case probably by 6 months. A lot of folks do not realize that unlike the information economy where the product is effectively virtual, when something physical needs to be built there is need for people to show up to the site everyday and build it.
There are some similarities too - real progress lagging reported being a major one! Interested to know how the delays got to 6 months or so esp as you were keeping an eye on it - sounds like a real problem with contractors and skillsets there.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy solar panel.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy solar panel.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy solar panel.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy solar panel.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy solar panel.

The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy solar panel.
