diy solar

diy solar

WFCO Coverter Upgrade for Lithium Battery


New Member
Jun 10, 2024
I have a WFCO 8955PEC power center. It was made in 2019 and I texted the technical support at WFCO to ask about lithium batteries. They said upgrade to a current converter (WF8955-AD-MBA for lithium batteries. I have heard negative things about their automatic detection (AD) system and am wondering if I should upgrade to a converter by a different mfr such as Parallax.

After reading a lot of entries I am wondering if I should just get a charger/inverter. Whatever I do, it will have to end up being seamless. I am pretty sure I would forget to switch something and end up frying something.

To be clear, I have a LiTime 230a lithium battery that I plan to upgrade to.
No cross posting please. Putting things in different forums just creates duplication of effort.

No cross posting please. Putting things in different forums just creates duplication of effort.

Are you the hall monitor? I am trying to find answers to questions about my electrical system, which is in a vehicle. Thanks for your help.:(
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diy solar

diy solar