diy solar

diy solar

What even is this??

Solar charger, generator, and I think a motor-generator. The days before inverters?
Manually adjusted rheostat to regulate generator output.

I would be concerned about fumes from the engine. I have seen Onan "Vacu-Flow" design where cooling air was sucked not blown over engine, and exhausted. Negative pressure to capture fumes that get out places other than exhaust pipe.
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My friend bought a house from an 80+ year old retired electrical engineer. House is grid tied but with 15 rooftop panels and this monstrosity in the basement.
Any guesses on what we're looking at here?
Thanks in advance.

:oops: did you find a sign like this one?


this thing looks like one of those Russian nuclear testing equipment's from the 50's !!! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
Solar charger, generator, and I think a motor-generator. The days before inverters?
Manually adjusted rheostat to regulate generator output.

I would be concerned about fumes from the engine. I have seen Onan "Vacu-Flow" design where cooling air was sucked not blown over engine, and exhausted. Negative pressure to capture fumes that get out places other than exhaust pipe.
Thanks, is the Newmar not a marine style inverter/charger? What function could the home made steel box contained contraption serve?
Gotta watch out for them old retired EEs. You get some weird stuff going on.

Heck, the younger ones can do some pretty crazy (stupid?) stuff too. Don't look in my basement right now, please.

I have an EET degree, worked in IT for 10 years, switched into vehicle electronics, now I'm a data monkey. Mix that with an unhealthy level of curiosity and the urge to tinker... Hah, probably a good thing I'm married with little kids, I'd probably really be doing extra stupid stuff on my own.

Man, I want to really dig into that. I think it is kinda cool and I want to know what he did there.
How could you not recognize that?

Its a standard 40 gallon electric water heater.
My friend bought a house from an 80+ year old retired electrical engineer.
If he is still around, ask him.
Be prepared for a long and confusing answer.

If he is not around, I wonder where/when he went.

Don't forget to feed the dog.
I see several generations of equipment necessary to take solar power and convert it to AC. Along with generator backup. Much of which is probably wired around as newer equipment came along. The only thing missing is a bunch of vacuum tubes, huge control panel with blinking lights and a lightning generator. Dr. Vicktor Von Frankenstein would be proud.
I see several generations of equipment necessary to take solar power and convert it to AC. Along with generator backup. Much of which is probably wired around as newer equipment came along. The only thing missing is a bunch of vacuum tubes, huge control panel with blinking lights and a lightning generator. Dr. Vicktor Von Frankenstein would be proud.

Sensible for the legacy (vintage? :LOL:) equipment to be appraised by an auction house? Or nobody would care?
This is how the Philadelphia experiment started!
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diy solar

diy solar