Wasn't sure where to place this. We all have a strong interest in solar and countless threads are written on the topic.
I was curious what other interests and projects others have worked on that they found interesting. Recently I found myself learning the details of a modern hot water heater. Two days I could barely explain what a thermocouple was. Since then, with the failure of our hot water heater I was given a choice. Try to find a repair person I could afford on a holiday or learn as much as I could in hopes of strapping together a basic repair. It is amazing how beneficial Youtube videos can be. Terms such as thermal switch, control board for a gas valve, multimeter values for a thermopile, the amazing simplicity of a pizoelectric igniter, clearing a pilot line, etc are easier to understand. Fortunately with some basic housekeeping the family again has hot water because the tank and lines were intact. I feel fortunate to have stood on the shoulders of others in this effort. I am also grateful to this forum because I have learned so much from the patient teaching of others. I am sure this in no small way helped me find the courage to attempt this project.
So I am curious. Is there a non solar project you found interesting that you are willing to share?
I was curious what other interests and projects others have worked on that they found interesting. Recently I found myself learning the details of a modern hot water heater. Two days I could barely explain what a thermocouple was. Since then, with the failure of our hot water heater I was given a choice. Try to find a repair person I could afford on a holiday or learn as much as I could in hopes of strapping together a basic repair. It is amazing how beneficial Youtube videos can be. Terms such as thermal switch, control board for a gas valve, multimeter values for a thermopile, the amazing simplicity of a pizoelectric igniter, clearing a pilot line, etc are easier to understand. Fortunately with some basic housekeeping the family again has hot water because the tank and lines were intact. I feel fortunate to have stood on the shoulders of others in this effort. I am also grateful to this forum because I have learned so much from the patient teaching of others. I am sure this in no small way helped me find the courage to attempt this project.
So I am curious. Is there a non solar project you found interesting that you are willing to share?