I was speaking with a guy I sorta/kinda know at a local watering hole this evening, and he was crying into his beer that he had just spent $1700 on a 50 gallon hot water heater. I said, "Well, at least you'll get a good-sized rebate and tax credit for it being a heat pump type." IT WASN'T! This poor schmo had been charged $1700 to yank out and replace a plain Jane, no frills, $600-with-no-discount basic 50-gallon electric hot water heater, by a local plumber.
I've owned more than ten houses, and I can't remember ever paying someone to change out a hot water heater. Hot line, cold line, quick electrical connection, done before your coffee's cold.
Anyway... I tell people I did my own solar system and am planning another one for another house, and you'd think I'd told them I replaced my own kidney. Are people really becoming that fragile and dependent?? Thank goodness I had a Dad who taught me to work with my hands, even as he pushed "book-based" education. I don't know how some of these folks survive, having never learned basic home repair. Thank goodness for forums like this. The technical knowledge sharing is great, but I think that engaging with people who aren't afraid to do some things for themselves is at least as rewarding as the knowledge.
I've owned more than ten houses, and I can't remember ever paying someone to change out a hot water heater. Hot line, cold line, quick electrical connection, done before your coffee's cold.
Anyway... I tell people I did my own solar system and am planning another one for another house, and you'd think I'd told them I replaced my own kidney. Are people really becoming that fragile and dependent?? Thank goodness I had a Dad who taught me to work with my hands, even as he pushed "book-based" education. I don't know how some of these folks survive, having never learned basic home repair. Thank goodness for forums like this. The technical knowledge sharing is great, but I think that engaging with people who aren't afraid to do some things for themselves is at least as rewarding as the knowledge.