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diy solar

Where to buy LFP cells in Japan?

I just looked at the internal structure and it makes sense if the cell is laid flat then any gassing or loss of electrolyte will create a void essentially removing a whole cathode from the battery. Standing upright or as @Daddy Tanuki suggested is pretty much the same as far as the electrolyte is concerned at whatever level. Thanks for making my brain work guys I know now never to buy an ESS where the cells are laid flat.
One could argue they are using the horizontal orientation to reduce the footprint of the vertical case, they wouldn't be able to use those sense lead circuit boards if they set them up on their narrow edges. But perhaps to the detriment of cell life.
One could argue they are using the horizontal orientation to reduce the footprint of the vertical case, they wouldn't be able to use those sense lead circuit boards if they set them up on their narrow edges. But perhaps to the detriment of cell life.
I don't think so wether the cell is laid flat horizontally or on edge horizontally the area would be the same I think it's purely down to a lack of knowledge/common sense and bad design and we're not just talking about detrimental to cell life were talking thermal runaway.
I don't think so wether the cell is laid flat horizontally or on edge horizontally the area would be the same I think it's purely down to a lack of knowledge/common sense and bad design and we're not just talking about detrimental to cell life were talking thermal runaway.
Its the same area but I don't think they wouldn't be able to wire them up as easily like they can on their wide sides:

@Will Prowse what do you think about the above posts do you agree is this something that is being fundamentally overlooked and potentially dangerous that should be brought to light? You have far more knowledge that me aswell as plenty of contacts to investigate further and a popular platform to inform people.
@Will Prowse what do you think about the above posts do you agree is this something that is being fundamentally overlooked and potentially dangerous that should be brought to light? You have far more knowledge that me aswell as plenty of contacts to investigate further and a popular platform to inform people.
Safety considerations for mounting configurations of LFP cells vary depending on manufacturer. Need to check data sheet to see what they recommend. Most EV grade cells can be mounted horizontal without issue. But you still need to check.
Its the same area but I don't think they wouldn't be able to wire them up as easily like they can on their wide sides:

View attachment 226659
The central wiring channels would have to be placed horizontally, but if what I'm thinking is correct then the practicality of their wiring design is potentially dangerous so who cares about how easy it is for the wires to be run when the whole thing has a higher potential to go up in flames.
Safety considerations for mounting configurations of LFP cells vary depending on manufacturer. Need to check data sheet to see what they recommend. Most EV grade cells can be mounted horizontal without issue. But you still need to check.
Surely prismatic cells are all essentially layers no matter what manufacturer if a whole cathode lacks electrolyte and your trying to charge the thing it's going to short at best or cause thermal runaway at worse.
The central wiring channels would have to be placed horizontally, but if what I'm thinking is correct then the practicality of their wiring design is potentially dangerous so who cares about how easy it is for the wires to be run when the whole thing has a higher potential to go up in flames.
It is fine to do that, but the cell holders need to fixate the cells nicely or there will be problems. It seems that there is a metal bar under the pcb. Looks fine.
Surely prismatic cells are all essentially layers no matter what manufacturer if a whole cathode lacks electrolyte and your trying to charge the thing it's going to short at best or cause thermal runaway at worse.
Completely false. You are referring to an old diagram which is outdated and from old manufacturing methods. None of the cathode is going to be dry in new cells. And even if you cycle it in any orientation, it will not short or cause thermal runaway. You are wrong.
The big issue with horizontal cell placement in new packs is not the cell, it is the cell holders fixating the cells in a way such that there is minimal lateral force on the cell terminal. If they design the pack logically, you will have zero issues. If the cells are not supported properly, there will be problems.
Completely false. You are referring to an old diagram which is outdated and from old manufacturing methods. None of the cathode is going to be dry in new cells. And even if you cycle it in any orientation, it will not short or cause thermal runaway. You are wrong.
Thanks I was starting to freak out some.
This may just apply to the Winston nylon encased cells then:

View attachment 226661
Seems so after what Will said I took another look and in new prismatic cells they use a jelly roll(ovoid) shape so the plates are continuous but surely there's other manufacturers who use the old method same as Winston and people aren't necessarily checking about orientation, or even people buying used cells and using Seplos cases.I still think more people should be aware seems a important point.
This may just apply to the Winston nylon encased cells then:

View attachment 226661
the Nylon CALB's had the same restrictions, and while I cannot for the life of me remember where I read it, i was pretty sure that the same applied to the aluminum prismatic cells. could be wrong. the biggest issue I see is that everybody is ordering cells from various levels of resellers... who give you data sheets that they have created not ones that the actual factory have created. (yes some do, but many do not) I went with my last order of cells with winston as I could get all fo the data straight from the company that made the cells, not jimmy changs battery wholesale shop on the corner of Chiang Kai-shek & Mao Zedong street.
the Nylon CALB's had the same restrictions, and while I cannot for the life of me remember where I read it, i was pretty sure that the same applied to the aluminum prismatic cells. could be wrong. the biggest issue I see is that everybody is ordering cells from various levels of resellers... who give you data sheets that they have created not ones that the actual factory have created. (yes some do, but many do not) I went with my last order of cells with winston as I could get all fo the data straight from the company that made the cells, not jimmy changs battery wholesale shop on the corner of Chiang Kai-shek & Mao Zedong street.
Think I'll just go back to searching for ess with that orientation in mind then who knows what batteries are supplied with them better to be safe than sorry, it's obviously going to be a while before the electrolyte drops to that level but I'd rather just have a lower output battery than a 🧨

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