diy solar

diy solar

Which foldable panels are recommendable?


New Member
Jan 7, 2022
I live in the Philippines but in a rented townhouse. So I have no way to install fixed panels. And even putting normal panels to the roof would be too difficult as the roofs are way too simple constructed.

That's why I think of getting foldable "camping" panels to generate 800W (1000W+ in future).
That way I could just lay these on the roof of my neighbor, but on a Styrofoam sheet as the metal roof will sure get too hot.
To maximize sun exposure I will also install some simple mirror.
As it can be windy during the day I plan to make a simple net from nylon string to keep the panels in place and from flying away.
But for real storms I can easily uninstall them until the worst is over.

Now I'm just looking for panes that can produce 800W, I plan on 4x 200Wpanels even they are are more expensive.
As you can imagine the panels will not much getting folded, only in case I need them down so overall stress will be minimized.

But which brand is really reliable in the long term?