diy solar

diy solar

Will’s Box ???☀️

I'm not entirely altruistic, when some big company calls to have something done, I'm not one bit bashful about handing them a big fat bill!
We have to eat & pay bills too...

When someone comes to learn, I don't have to argue with them, just answer questions, throw down a demonstration or two to prove the point and they are good!
Besides, we gain places to visit! Everyone building (doing something!) are social, it's the locked in, locked down, do little or nothing types that I have the most difficulty with, so I just don't go there...

I've learned about goats, rabbits, greenhouses, hydroponics, etc from people that were once students since they are proud of what they did with the education and what they accomplished, so I get education in return when we visit.
I call that a "Win-Win"...

There is something we used to call 'Good Neighbors', but now that's pretty much gone out the window,
What they call it is 'MAG', Mutual Aid Groups, everybody knows something, and they get together to help each other out, if nothing more than recipes & ideas.
Being an 'Old School' farm kid, I really like that idea, a rising tide lifts all boats kind of thing!

This forum is a global 'Mutual Aid Group' and top marks to Will for doing it!
I wish there were in-person Mutual Aid Groups where I live, but VERY grateful for this forum.

diy solar

diy solar