diy solar

diy solar

Will Prowse Blooper Reel anyone?


San Diego, California
Dec 29, 2019
San Diego
So, felt bad about this (& @Will Prowse , really hope you keep that video up!), but made me wonder whether there might be any apatite for a blooper reel. Yes, Will is passionate and knowledgeable and, seemingly, always the master of his universe and always ON. But I have to imagine that things don't always go according to plan when making all these videos and pushing the envelope as he is want to do. He is only human, is he not?
So, Will, if you ever find yourself with time on your hands or just wanting to take a break from grinding out something new ever few days, maybe a assemble a collection of fails, things falling out of the sky, sparks flying , interrupted or bleeped moments, outtakes, etc that you, perhaps, opted not to share? ;)
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I *had* thousands of these clips, but I deleted all of them because they provide no utility to my viewers. I have been shocked, cut, burned on camera multiple times. Some were super funny.

But every time I show clips where I mess something up, I get a lot of hate for in the comments. 100 electrical engineers will say "wow you're an idiot. are you on drugs? why do I watch this channel when he makes silly mistakes? I've been an electrical engineer for 100 years and I would never do that" etc, so I avoid posting those clips. Its a bummer. Some were super funny.

My channel used to be a lot more "fun" but the comments I get lately are driving me crazy. The silly arguments on this forum also scare me from posting at times. I filter everything I say and do online at this point unfortunately.

My solar channel used to have 650+ videos! My old drone videos, robotics, vlogs, cooking, uni cycling etc. But people would get "offended" so I took them all down and focused on solar instead.

Might be silly for me to care what other people think, but I do care. I want my videos to actually help people. If they are tainted with humor/fun, they will not be taken seriously. And some of my older audience (older electrical engineering men) get very annoyed easily.
Garden Party song quote that I have in my head for decades.

“You can’t please everyone so ya got to please yourself”

As electroboom, and veritassium have shown... showing things done wrong, and seeing the failure are EXCELLENT teaching methods...

Funny, and scary do impact the teaching field...


Don’t make them, let me, so you don’t have to.

Is Elon Musk hiding the multiple failures of his space fleet? Nope... he shows failure and triumth equally... he learns from them all and shows us his learning path.

Haters are here.

They can learn also.
I *had* thousands of these clips, but I deleted all of them because they provide no utility to my viewers. I have been shocked, cut, burned on camera multiple times. Some were super funny.

But every time I show clips where I mess something up, I get a lot of hate for in the comments. 100 electrical engineers will say "wow you're an idiot. are you on drugs? why do I watch this channel when he makes silly mistakes? I've been an electrical engineer for 100 years and I would never do that" etc, so I avoid posting those clips. Its a bummer. Some were super funny.

My channel used to be a lot more "fun" but the comments I get lately are driving me crazy. The silly arguments on this forum also scare me from posting at times. I filter everything I say and do online at this point unfortunately.

Might be silly for me to care what other people think, but I do care. I want my videos to actually help people. If they are tainted with humor/fun, they will not be taken seriously. And some of my older audience (older electrical engineering men) get very annoyed easily.

Oh @Will Prowse - there was allot more than just 100 EE saying that stuff ... lol ...

No actually I use several of your videos to show my new guys and interns why SAFETY is so important ... ((OMG I'm cracking myself up today !!!...))

LOOK - you take things to close to heart -- honestly who gives a shit what other say -- I read the comments simply because several times there have been some very good "nuggets" in there that i had not thought about or they point to a product that I yet to purchase (there are sooo few of those left according to my over filled dumpster)

But come on - Haters going to Hate ... ever notice that the minute your video gets published there are always like 7-10 thumbs down even before the video finishes ... YEP - those are the same ppl complaining about this or that on your video to get a rise out of you ...

I think most of us EE enjoy seeing what you do -- even with some of the cringe-worthy safety stuff - WHY - because we learn - because you can afford to blow something up and get hurt and we can't -- and because its bloody entertaining ... NEVER (or i guess i should say STOP) getting defensive about everything ... CHOOSE UR BATTLES -- people pointing things out (right or wrong) should be seen as good because your audience is being proactive -- if someone posts something that you don't like don't defend it if its a foolish complaint - just do like President Trump does and say "WRONG" ... and move on ...
So, felt bad about this (& @Will Prowse , really hope you keep that video up!), but made me wonder whether there might be any apatite for a blooper reel. Yes, Will is passionate and knowledgeable and, seemingly, always the master of his universe and always ON. But I have to imagine that things don't always go according to plan when making all these videos and pushing the envelope as he is want to do. He is only human, is he not?
So, Will, if you ever find yourself with time on your hands or just wanting to take a break from grinding out something new ever few days, maybe a assemble a collection of fails, things falling out of the sky, sparks flying , interrupted or bleeped moments, outtakes, etc that you, perhaps, opted not to share? ;)

BUT wiht all that I said above ... YEP -- a BLOOPER video would probably get about a million hits ... seriously .. I love to see guys shock the shit out of themselves -- even at work ... sometimes I am still laughing when EMS or MEDFLIGHT shows up ... come on ... its funny -- and YOU LEARN from it ...
If we continue to be so scared of offending or getting cancelled by these small groups of small-minded people ... well, we're doomed to lives that are a LOT less interesting, thought-provoking, and GENUINE.

Call me crazy, but I refuse to live a life afraid of offending other people's sensibilities all the time. I will respect those sensibilities, but I will choose for myself whether I want to make them my own.

I have to imagine that, ultimately, if enough become fed up with that kind of control, we'll all be the better for it. The internet --great as it is-- has wrought this scourge upon us and unleashed small minorities of very vocal control freaks who's sole mission in life is to intimidate the rest of us to think and behave the way they do. It's just a bore and a big waste of time to live like that and let them win. And it's gonna make us all stupid as shit.
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Heck... john gault took his knowledge away, and spirited the thinkers to their own playground... leaving the rest to twitter themselves out of existence... I think showing a quality teaching channel is a better way to go. Bloopers and all.
why do I watch this channel when he makes silly mistakes?

Might be silly for me to care what other people think, but I do care. I want my videos to actually help people. If they are tainted with humor/fun, they will not be taken seriously.

Okey, how about a professionally laid-out, perfectly executed video - followed by section of "Bloopers" from the activity?
Here you could showcase your "special" achievements during the making??
It wouldn't hurt anyone and keep the fun quotient intact ⚡??✨:ROFLMAO:
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@Will Prowse ,
I am one of those old-fart electrical engineers and I can tell you that any EE claiming they have not made their share of mistakes and burnt a few things out are either lying or have never actually built something.
My 3rd day in the first job out of collage, I burnt out an expensive piece of equipment.... and got a big ration of $#|+ from everyone..... they then all came by individually to tell me about all the things they had blown up.
I soon learned that if I was not making mistakes, I was not pushing myself hard enough. But I also learned that owning my mistakes and not trying to make excusese or hide them garnered respect from my co-workers.

It is really sad to hear you say the videos arn't as much fun as they used to be. Your energy and enthusiasm for what you do is infectious and it is what makes your videos stand out from the rest. I hope you never loose that.
@Will Prowse ,
My 3rd day in the first job out of collage, I burnt out an expensive piece of equipment.... and got a big ration of $#|+ from everyone..... they then all came by individually to tell me about all the things they had blown up.
I soon learned that if I was not making mistakes, I was not pushing myself hard enough. But I also learned that owning my mistakes and not trying to make excusese or hide them garnered respect from my co-workers.
That is Gold!
I can recon multiple such incidents from my professional life as a Telecom engineer.
Now don't ask how many millions did I left fiddling with their mobiles, in hope of Urgent Internet access :ROFLMAO:
or how much worth of equipment I fried between the "Bloopers".
Those incidents & learning are to be cherished so put to good use.
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...My channel used to be a lot more "fun" but the comments I get lately are driving me crazy. The silly arguments on this forum also scare me from posting at times....
I was going to comment on this, but honestly @ghostwriter66 et. al. beat me to it and probably said it better. Failure is a great teacher.
@Will Prowse ,
I am one of those old-fart electrical engineers and I can tell you that any EE claiming they have not made their share of mistakes and burnt a few things out are either lying or have never actually built something.
My 3rd day in the first job out of collage, I burnt out an expensive piece of equipment.... and got a big ration of $#|+ from everyone..... they then all came by individually to tell me about all the things they had blown up.
I soon learned that if I was not making mistakes, I was not pushing myself hard enough. But I also learned that owning my mistakes and not trying to make excusese or hide them garnered respect from my co-workers.

It is really sad to hear you say the videos arn't as much fun as they used to be. Your energy and enthusiasm for what you do is infectious and it is what makes your videos stand out from the rest. I hope you never loose that.

As i have shared with some earlier -- it got to a point where my office/lab work space had more fire-extinguishers in there then the actual petroleum rigs -- I kid you not ... One day I came in and someone had rolled one of those 75 pound fire extinguishers on wheels and set it by my desk ... I had just graduated college and quickly learned that although I went to a Top 5 EE school and graduated near the Top of my class (damn you Tequila shots before an exam!!) that school knowledge and actual knowledge should never be confused for each other ...

First time I wired power into a 100A wellhead gas generator, I didn't realize that (a) man those cables are big as hell, (b) man those cables are heavy as hell, (c) always check the wiring diagram ON THE MACHINE and not the OUTLET box ...

SO - I spent 4 hours breaking my back getting it all wired up and set right and nice and pretty (I can do it in 30 minutes now - but I digress) and the line supervisor told me to go ahead and fire it up so he could write off the WorkOrder ... The story is that they actually heard the explosion about a mile down the road and still to this day (2 years later) someone will still bring me a piece of the 8,000 pound generator that suddenly became the first Cummings satellite in space ... I must have cried for hours ... one of the only Asian women out here and I had set us back 1000 years -- I was petrified I was going to be fired or told I had to buy a new one - i just didn't know...

My boss showed up - with the fire department - and allot of spectators -- and in between sobbing asked me if I knew what I had done wrong ... I told him I did and described exactly what I did wrong -- then he asked if I was ever going to do that again -- and I said NO -- and that was that ... (then of course he punished me by sending the a$$holes from OSHA up and 3000 pages of paperwork later I am cleared to go back to work) ...

BUT nearly every week I would catch something on fire - or have a small explosion -- to the point where there was fire extinguishers everywhere ...

And guess what - despite that - got promoted a couple times - and have my own pretty good size crew now --

so @Will Prowse just make the videos you want to make -- if you listen to the distractors then you lose what we watch you for ... you are NOT a compnay rep making sales videos -- you're just one of us learning as you go along ... so just have fun ...

PS - Just in case you wondered -- those generators run $258,599.47.... apparently they had insured it for more than that - so WIN-WIN ... phew ..
You should make it part of your goal when doing a video to do at least one thing that is going to set off those that are too tightly wound .... just so you can sit back an laugh at the comments.
Maybe even do one of those videos where you read the hate mail.

Funniest stuff I ever saw on the web was by a guy who had a website named (People Eating Tasty Animals) He proudly posted the hate mail he got .... but that website disappeared after a couple years. I think some of them hunted him down and ....
I *had* thousands of these clips, but I deleted all of them because they provide no utility to my viewers. I have been shocked, cut, burned on camera multiple times. Some were super funny. And every single incident, funny or not was a learning experience too ! Your STILL HERE and You HAVE Learned a LOT. ps: some are also likely just jealous / envious - possibly even malcontent competitors ?

But every time I show clips where I mess something up, I get a lot of hate for in the comments. = The world is full of SNOWFLAKES, some people are only happy if they can be upset because of something and they must seek something out to be angry at. A Mental Condition ? So Angry at their own lives they have to dump on others ? Mystery for the psychiatric profession.

I've been an electrical engineer for 100 years and I would never do that" etc, REALLY, Wow YouTube has been around a LONG TIME EH ! That is an Armchair Expert ! No Single electrical or field worker / engineer has ever had a career without mistakes, accidents and a few good ZOTS, the really dumb ones don't last long as Natural Selection (electricity's best friend) is always waiting around the corner.

I filter everything I say and do online at this point unfortunately. Be your Natural Self you are "visibly genuine & call it as you see it", don't filter out who you are. We all have to filter to some extent, it's a Big World and Languages, Cultures & translation in between is fraught with proverbial land mines but beyond "Social Correctness / Appropriateness" it's too much.

My solar channel used to have 650+ videos! My old drone videos, robotics, vlogs, cooking, uni cycling etc. But people would get "offended" so I took them all down and focused on solar instead. What's to be Offended at ? If they aren't interested don't look ! Sheesh, people can have MANY Interests, Hobbies or Passions. Maybe a separate Channel or ? where you can post the other stuff you love to have fun with and want to share. Let the snowflakes melt.

Might be silly for me to care what other people think, but I do care. I want my videos to actually help people. <--- THAT IS WHAT MAKES YOUR VIDS GREAT ! And your Caring about what you are doing and the passion is OBVIOUS, of course for some "happy, helpful and for "giving away the secrets" is a Heresy to "some" If they are tainted with humor/fun, they will not be taken seriously. And some of my older audience (older electrical engineering men) get very annoyed easily. Didn't you ever have a teacher / prof who stood in front of the class and "droned along in a monotonal voice ? did you manage to stay awake & absorb anything ?? You are fun & people enjoy it obviously.
Mistakes are the tuition you pay to the school of hard knocks.

There is an interesting thing about tuition: Once you pay it, it is gone. You have to make the effort to learn something from the experience or it doesn't pay off. This is true regardeless of whether you are paying tuition to the school of hard knocks or to a formal institution.
How many of you can say that , by one simple wrong connection , you tripped a 400kV power line robbing the electrical network of approx 200 MW of power ? At the time I was working for the power utility on SCADA systems and was I in deep pooh !
How many of you can say that , by one simple wrong connection , you tripped a 400kV power line robbing the electrical network of approx 200 MW of power ? At the time I was working for the power utility on SCADA systems and was I in deep pooh !
I can SAY anything... it wouldn't be true for me... I have TOTALRESPECT for HV linesmen... I do NOT want any part of that job!
My dad had a saying, electricity is an accident waiting to happen, don't give it a chance, don't be afraid of it but Always Respect it. After my first couple of zaps, I completely understood the wisdom of it. He started doing wiring in the 1930's. edit: felt I should add, my first 'zap' was young smart alec kid, just after my dad told me, then had another reminder... ;-)
I've been working in electronics since the 70s and I've ever made a mistake except once... er twice... ah hell who am I kidding...

I exploded a chunk off the end of my thumb while repairing a transmitter out of a radar system. 4KV lightning bolt... crack!

Hooked up an electrolytic capacitor backwards... in a guitar amplifier... was playing a test riff and kapow! Paper and smoke grenade.

I'm old enough to have forgotten the mistakes of my youth. When I was 17 I was in a hurry to go somewhere, hot day, dirty windshield, so I got out a garden hose. Crack! Thermal expansion, duh! I'll never make that mistake again. Forty years later... the water was halfway through it's arc when I realized... I pulled the hose aside but it was too late. The instant the water hit... crack! I dropped the hose and just walked around in little circles talking to myself... onemorebattery you idiot!... @#$%^&*()!.... sheesh what a *&^%$#@ moron! That is the stupidest thing I've ever done twice.

So there's just a few highlights from my blooper reel.
I've been working in electronics since the 70s and I've ever made a mistake except once... er twice... ah hell who am I kidding...

I exploded a chunk off the end of my thumb while repairing a transmitter out of a radar system. 4KV lightning bolt... crack!

Hooked up an electrolytic capacitor backwards... in a guitar amplifier... was playing a test riff and kapow! Paper and smoke grenade.

I'm old enough to have forgotten the mistakes of my youth. When I was 17 I was in a hurry to go somewhere, hot day, dirty windshield, so I got out a garden hose. Crack! Thermal expansion, duh! I'll never make that mistake again. Forty years later... the water was halfway through it's arc when I realized... I pulled the hose aside but it was too late. The instant the water hit... crack! I dropped the hose and just walked around in little circles talking to myself... onemorebattery you idiot!... @#$%^&*()!.... sheesh what a *&^%$#@ moron! That is the stupidest thing I've ever done twice.

So there's just a few highlights from my blooper reel.
I can surely relate to your experiences - remember the large speakers in the 60’s with the impedance matching transformers on the back ? Well, they explode very nicely when plugged into the 220v mains outlet.
Had my own chemical lab at home , stocked up with chemicals ‘acquired‘ from the school lab and loved to distill all kinds of liquids like pure water and acids - once made pure nitric acid and I watched this single drop forming at the tip of the Liebig condenser. My upper leg was unfortunately under the spout and the drop burnt a crater about 1mm deep and 10mm in dia in the flesh. Still have the scar to prove it.

diy solar

diy solar