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Will Prowse violating the terms of his YouTube agreement

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New Member
Feb 17, 2023
Rio Rancho NM 87144
Documented below is a $740.28 Extortion Scam personally perpetuated by YouTube Site Owner, Will Prowse on his site: violating the terms of his YouTube agreement. I’m asking for GOOGLE to open an investigation with CASE NUMBER via YouTube administration confirmed to me as follows: DETAILS REMOVED BY ADMIN, and REMOVED BY ADMIN which is also my PayPal account.

I was posting a fan comment with Will Prowse personally in real time on his forum, he replied beginning 3-24-23 11:21 AM via text messages sent from 2 ea. of his phone numbers that I have documented: 502-383-1745, 828-484-6046, including a text message photo below identifying himself:

Will Proust has been trying to extort money from one of his subscribers for his so-called “Winner” of a bogus contest, someone who only needs to pay for previously undisclosed escalating courier, delivery, and other fees to have his idea of a “gift” delivered to me at my home address, notified by his multiple phony emails from his own gmail address as follows: “UPS EXPEDITED” sent from: These notices he created himself for his idea of a “gift” to be sent only after what turned out to be $740.28 paid to him in his stealth process. I’ve recorded can forward to YouTube text messages in 2 ea. PDF files which included his promise to “refund” funds I had already sent him, plus $2,000 to be sent from his “Accountant” later. I NEVER agreed to this full scheme in advance. I’ve made multiple demands that he return the funds via PayPal immediately and he repeatedly refused.

Will Prowse texts me: “I have some goodies 4u my humble subscriber” after I sent him a screen shot of my earlier message on his forum, and he replies: “Congratulations you’re the winner of the ongoing contest you won a Victron Energy MPPT RS and a Bluetti Battery” showing text message photos of the two items. Over the next days he claims that he has a “UPS EXPEDITED” courier (multiple false email representations that need to be paid for processing and shipping fees that escalates to $440.28 thus far, before he stopped responding until I would send an additional $300 totaling $740.28 via a third Apple Card. All payments discussed in the 2 ea. phone record text messages attached to this complaint are documented below:

Youtuber Will Prowse’s scam was for me to send incrementally camera phone pictures of purchased cards so he could copy the gift card codes to pay himself the funds as follows: 1st purchasing 2 ea. “Razer Gold gift cards” of $52.15 and $21.13 totaling $73.28, a Walmart-purchased 3/24/23 Apple Card for $117, and a 3/27/23 Walmart-purchased Apple Card for $250 totaling $440.28. When the $250 payment was made, Will Prowse sends his phony “UPS EXPEDITED” via notice that an “additional $300 personal delivery charge is due: “…pay that and lets get this done immediately because I already talked to my accountant about your refund.”

---------- Forwarded message ---------
Date: Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 9:55 AM

Hello Kim Switzer
We received your payment on your outstanding payment
A delivery personnel fee is required $300 so your package be delivered to your address

Every time I paid the delivery, courier and other fees, he adds comments like: “talking to my logistics manager right now I can proceed immediately with your shipment.” His $ extortion demands escalate without recourse. or refund. This was an overt scam where he never intended to ship the so-called “prize” which now I do NOT want, but continues to force funds for a false “gift”. Here’s a sampling of his text messages sent in the last few says:

Oher text messages include: “You’re not understanding me I can’t scam you… can you just trust me and stop this… make this last payment let’s get this done”

“just make this purchase and trust me I can’t cheat you… I can refund you $2000… I’m more than all this you know that I can’t steal from a fan”

Kim Switzer. I demand my immediate refund for $440.28 to my PayPal account: REMOVED BY ADMIN
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I've personally interacted with @Will Prowse and I can guarantee that you weren't talking to him. Was there any contact made directly from his channel, or was it all from another source, like a phone number?

The grammar doesn't line up, and neither does someone like Will, who's weekly income has many zeros behind it, trying to scam somebody out of a few hundred bucks.

I understand you're angry, but I think you got scammed by someone else.

I got scammed in a similar situation a few years ago. I tried to buy something off of a reputable vendor on Instagram, ended up being a fake profile.

I know the situation totally sucks, but your best bet is to just write it off as a loss and lesson learned. Once those gift cards are sent out, you really have no chance of getting them back. The people that scammed you are most likely in another country as well. The reason scammers choose gift cards as payment is because they know they can't be refunded or revoked later.
violating the terms of his YouTube agreement. I’m asking for GOOGLE to open an investigation with CASE NUMBER

Kim Switzer. I demand my immediate refund for $440.28 to my PayPal account: REMOVED BY ADMIN

Have you thought about writing your Congressthingy: Representative Melanie Stansbury?

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