diy solar

diy solar

Chargery BMS now with Low Temp Cutoff

Great news about the low temp cutoff, hopefully bluetooth or wifi connectivity won't be far behind (though that might be a larger project).

If I recall correctly, you mentioned connecting a Raspberry Pi to the BMS. Have you made any progress on this project, this is something I am very curious about.

Good news then as I received this from Wayne today

"hi Richard,
we finished the hardware design and manufacturer last year, now we plan to develop the software that execute on mobile phone"

Hopefully the BMS will be made available and the software can be retrofitted

The BMS8T-100 is 100A so it comes with the 100A shunt. I would suggest a BMS8T-300A so the shunt & programming handle up to 300A. Better to have the capacity room than to overshoot and cause issues. price difference is only a couple of bucks. I run 24VDC, I can hit 100A draw easily just by turning on the microwave (1200w inverter type) and my coffee maker, if my water pump kicks on (120V soft-start deep well grundfos) it will ramp to 1100w by the time it reaches max pressure. Of course if I was running 48V it would be half the amperage drawn, 12V would be double of what I draw.

You can email Jason, with the parts you want and he'll setup a PayPal Invoice or Visa - however you want to do it.
The BMS you want. Any relays you want (cheaper through them) Delay Board if you want one. *Note on relays. They all use 12VDC to trigger from the BMS the amperage rating is for the maximum throughput amps they can handle.

EDIT: The software version is an easy upgrade, just flash it from a windows PC using their software, USB - interface cable is provided. Very easy to do, only takes a few seconds for each component. NOT MANY BMS' allow for firmware updates.
Thank you so much for all of this input. I will contact Jason today and try to get one ordered. Actually I was leaning more to the 300A but you just confirmed that for me. This will be mostly a small power generator setup I plan to build and use for camping, running fridge etc. Really nice that they allow you to upgrade the firmware this is really nice to know.
I don't want to hazard a guess at this time because of everything being so screwy around that coronavirus thing. But "if" it get's out to courier on the 10th I could have it within 7 days but customs and all that crap takes time too but not much. Last time I ordered, they shipped on Dec.05 and it arrived on Dec.13 via DHL.
I placed my order 1/29/2020 so I do hope mine comes by March at least lol. Looking at some pelican cases for the build. I want add MPPT, USB, Cig lighter, all quick connects and to be able to hook to my cars charging system when driving to destination.
One thing I've been wondering about and haven't gotten around to researching is how much low load accuracy is lost with a larger shunt. My system is going to have a wide range of loads and it would be nice to be able to capture the small load as well as the large one.
The chargery's are shipped with xxxA/75mv shunts, I decided to use 500A/50mv Deltec and that's what will be used with my 2 new packs as well. The loss isn't really significant and they will be accurate once you calibrate it. The real trick is where you place the shunts in your system and what exactly you want to read from the shunt.

For example;

If you put the shunt say 6" from one battery pack and then it goes 4' to the inverter, through a breaker, possibly a bus bar where the SCC Neg & others are connected. You will get an accurate reading at "that" battery pack for what goes in & out of it. If you have 2 packs in parallel, each with it's own shunt which goes to a common Neg Bus and then out to breaker, bus, inverter etc, then each shunt will be only accurate for "that" individual pack. To know what is moving through the "collective" assembly you would need another shunt which measures all in/out flow and it would also have to be between the SCC & Inverter and the Battery Bank (all packs) Bus.

Fortunately, I have been able to locate voltmeter/sensor system with a Hall Pickup that can handle more than 100A easily, like this which would be good for an overall "view" and not having to depend on another shunt.

I hope that makes sense, I'm not sure I explained that as well as I could have. Geez, maybe an image would be better,
Anyone able to buy one of these via AliExpress? Been trying for almost an hour using either a CC or PayPal. Even tried different vendors. Says transaction faild, try again later.
Anyone able to buy one of these via AliExpress? Been trying for almost an hour using either a CC or PayPal. Even tried different vendors. Says transaction faild, try again later.
I emailed them directly ..... VERY good response and fast shipping from Hong Kong. They sent a PayPal invoice.
In reading the manual for the BMS is says it runs on 15-60v external power. Will it work with a 4 cell LiFePO4 pack?
Here is the answer I got from Chargery when I asked that question.
"For 4S LiFe battery, when the total voltage is over 10V (2.5V / CELL), the BMS can be powered and work normally, but the Beeper sound will be less. LCD back light will be dark than at 12V.
So the 3.0V per cell UVP setting is suggested. so total battery voltage will be 12V at least."

I plan to use a small dc to dc converter to up the battery voltage and use it for external power so I am safely within the operating paramaters of the BMS.
The BMS 8T works just fine in a 4S configuration using lifepo4 using the pac for power.
Anyone able to buy one of these via AliExpress? Been trying for almost an hour using either a CC or PayPal. Even tried different vendors. Says transaction faild, try again later.
This is where I bought mine.
Thanks, I placed my order, I wish it did not take so long for delivery......... They are estimating 42 days.
Wow .... When I ordered direct from Chargery on Jan 15, I received it via DHL express on Jan 21 in Central Illinois. It shipped from Hong Kong.

It may have been expedited a little since it was the last shipping day they were going to do before Chinese New Years.
Folks, remember that Chinese New Year JUST ENDED but also the whole Coronavirus shutdown is affecting everything ordered and being queued for shipping. We all have to be patient now.
Folks, remember that Chinese New Year JUST ENDED but also the whole Coronavirus shutdown is affecting everything ordered and being queued for shipping. We all have to be patient now.

Also, Chinese new year was extended till feb 9 or 13 in several parts of the country so people would stay home in an attempt to prevent spread of virus.