diy solar

diy solar

Coming Energy Prices …..

Nope haven’t seen it.

To complicated to take into battle.

You have to admit it is pretty awesome. It's an early version. You know how these things go, it will get cheaper and smaller, etc..
Honestly I don’t think it’s going to be much longer.

The problem is trying to get everyone to agree on what it should look like.

That is the largest sticking point.

If you can hammer that out among everyone then it would still have to be forced because of the people in power.

If history is anything to go by, everyone won't agree on it. The meanest, most violent, most undeserving ones will likely seize power. It's likely to get worse, instead of better. You and I, Biasjo, we will likely not survive. All because of what? Taxes being used for things we don't like?

I had brisket tonight with my family, ate some ice cream, and I'm going to watch the Lord of the Rings thing on Amazon Prime with my wife. I'm sure the Lord of the Rings thing will suck, but not so bad that I want millions of us to die over it.
Do you even know what Force majeure means?
well of course I do, jo. you think you will declare yourself a bigger badder force than your opponent. I just happen to have information on that subject that you aren't privy to. And I've seen your trainees. Not impressed.
If history is anything to go by, everyone won't agree on it. The meanest, most violent, most undeserving ones will likely seize power. It's likely to get worse, instead of better. You and I, Biasjo, we will likely not survive. All because of what? Taxes being used for things we don't like?

I had brisket tonight with my family, ate some ice cream, and I'm going to watch the Lord of the Rings thing on Amazon Prime with my wife. I'm sure the Lord of the Rings thing will suck, but not so bad that I want millions of us to die over
Die from what? Forcing our senators and congressional people to vote our way?

Do their job for once?
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well of course I do, jo. you think you will declare yourself a bigger badder force than your opponent. I just happen to have information on that subject that you aren't privy to. And I've seen your trainees. Not impressed.
What does Force majeure mean?
No it has nothing to do with battle.
Look it up.
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It's lookin to me like the trouble makers are grouped up pretty tight in N.C. Should be easy pickins.
So you don’t want to be serious and Genuinely seek a solution.

You all just want to play games?

This is the very reason we are where we are now.

Good Day.
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So you don’t want to be serious and Genuinely seek a solution.

You all just want to play games?

This is the very reason we are we’re we are now.

Good Day.
Well sir, the solution has already begun to be implemented and Joe Biden is doing a stand up job. We are finally on the road to recovering from the last 6 years.

diy solar

diy solar