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diy solar

Coming Energy Prices …..

cs1234 said:
Not UBI. They have to work for it, to the best of their ability, in the Job Corps!

So this is all a joke to you guys?


I'm serious about wanting a Job Corps. I have no desire to implement a straight up UBI. Even people with various disabilities could likely perform some sort of WFH support job. Those with more physical ability can do other needed jobs that involve physical labor. We already know how to put in place military like programs, this would be little different, albeit less killing.

Some people need that kind of structure and guidance in their life, let them have it. Drug abuser? Job Corps. Petty thief on the wrong side of the tracks? Job Corps. Lazy deadbeat, refuses to hold down regular jobs and needs assistance? Job Corps.

At least with something like the Job Corps, I wouldn't have to hear the lazy moocher argument as much when people are down on their luck for a variety of reasons. Work needs to be done, let them do it. Sounds like a better solution than our current prison and welfare system, for non violent offenders anyway.
I'm serious about wanting a Job Corps. I have no desire to implement a straight up UBI. Even people with various disabilities could likely perform some sort of WFH support job. Those with more physical ability can do other needed jobs that involve physical labor. We already know how to put in place military like programs, this would be little different, albeit less killing.

Some people need that guide of structure and guidance in their life, let them have it. Drug abuser? Job Corps. Petty thief on the wrong side of the tracks? Job Corps. Lazy deadbeat, refuses to hold down regular jobs and needs assistance? Job Corps.

At least with something like the Job Corps, I wouldn't have to hear the lazy moocher argument as much when people are down on their luck for a variety of reasons. Work needs to be done, let them do it. Sounds like a better solution than our current prison and welfare system, for non violent offenders anyway.
I agree and nobody is calling someone down on their luck a lazy moocher.

You can’t be “down on your luck for 20 years”

Down on your luck is when you loose your job and your out looking for another one or doing odd jobs until you find something permanent not sitting at home whining because the government won’t take care of you.
I agree..
Of course, I have wonderful ideas. :p

I just wish there were some way of actually getting anything done, preferably without burning everything to the ground first. The powers that be are very good at playing us against one another, and hostilities are high. The whole situation reminds me of this consulting quote..

“CONSULTING: If you're not a part of the solution, there's good money to be made in prolonging the problem.”​

― Justin Sewell
Of course, I have wonderful ideas. :p

I just wish there were some way of actually getting anything done, preferably without burning everything to the ground first. The powers that be are very good at playing us against one another, and hostilities are high. The whole situation reminds me of this consulting quote..
You can but it will literally take a show of force.

If you and I and a large group of ours show up at Our Senator or Congregational members office with a unified plan then not much choice for them.

There is a lot of things that need fixed even then.

Christmas tree bills is one of the biggest.
You can but it will literally take a show of force.

If you and I and a large group of ours show up at Our Senator or Congregational members office with a unified plan then not much choice for them.

There is a lot of things that need fixed even then.

Christmas tree bills is one of the biggest.

Hadn't heard that term before, I always heard of them as "riders". Looks like a Christmas tree bill is just one that is particularly full of riders.

I agree, they are awful.

I'm not sure how one can limit the scope of the bill to the heart of what it's actually about though. Considering it's the lawmakers themselves that do it, and they seem disinclined to limit their own power or make rules they have to follow, it might be a challenge.
Hadn't heard that term before, I always heard of them as "riders". Looks like a Christmas tree bill is just one that is particularly full of riders.

I agree, they are awful.

I'm not sure how one can limit the scope of the bill to the heart of what it's actually about though. Considering it's the lawmakers themselves that do it, and they seem disinclined to limit their own power or make rules they have to follow, it might be a challenge.
It’s what everyone in DC calls them because everyday is Christmas.
I lived there consulting in the 80s.

Agreed but the Government is given its power from the people.

If ALL of us demanded change it could be done but instead they have used the media and everything else to keep that from happening.

Some will never deviate from Republicans or Democratic. It’s one or the other and You can’t break them from that paradigm.

I absolutely do not mind helping people help themselves but to become a nanny state.

Giving people money does nothing but provide a short term gain for them.
Keeps them dependent on the government for generations and voting to keep those benefits.
LBJ knew exactly what he was doing.

If they have mental problems get them in a facility to help.

If they have lack of knowledge issues then send them to school or training.

If you want to sit on your ass and do nothing then you get to do it by yourself.

The current system is designed to take as much as they can without revolt but we can’t go to the opposite extreme of everyone doing nothing and those working pay for it.

Unfortunately you have generations that believe The US is a terrible evil racist country.
They have been taught anyone who is successful stole it or used POC to make it.

That any business OWES them a “Living” wage for zero experience or output.

This is unsustainable.
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We did test grows of Yukon Golds and Huckleberry Golds this year in containers and had a 5-1 harvest. 5lbs. yield per 1lb. seed. Ours were ready in May and were delicious!
Nice, I'm hoping to get a 5 - 1 harvest too, but this is my first time so we'll see. I'd like to see if I can keep 2x to 3x original seed amount, so I can scale up. Maybe repeat that 1 more time.

The goal would be to have enough seed potatoes so that I can scale to a staple supply in one season for any SHTF scenario. I think I started with 10 lbs of seed potatoes of misc types (4 lbs of yukon gold, 2lbs each of a red variety, a purple variety, and another white variety).

10 lbs => 25 lbs => 63 lbs of seed. With a 5 to 1 yield, that would be 240 lbs for eating and 60 lbs of replacement seed as steady state. I don't know if disease makes this scaling unlikely or if there's things I can do to reduce disease risk in my own seed potatoes?

If multiple major famines / droughts / floods destroy lots of grain crops in the world, I can keep most/all 300 lbs of a season as seed and aim to have over 1000lb of potatoes per season. I have 3 acres and according to Google an acre can produce 25k to 35k pounds of potatoes
I have 3 acres and according to Google an acre can produce 25k to 35k pounds of potatoes
That's a lot of potatoes! That was my first time at potatoes too and am still learning the pros and cons between the determinate and indeterminate varieties. The Yukons are determinate and the Huckleberry Golds are indeterminate. It probably will matter more to you which you choose since you are planting in the ground, but probably have a better chance of a larger yield than I got from my 7gallon smartpots, too, for obvious reasons.
I'd like to save seed as everything we grow we keep seed from, but don't have a root cellar to keep them viable until the next season.
For me the potatoes were great to get the season started and were delicious, but my salsa garden is my main focus and it's still going with the pablano and jalapeno peppers and roma tomatoes both working on their second set while the cilantro got cut for the 2nd time today and looks like we'll get a 3rd cutting before the frost.
I'm serious about wanting a Job Corps. I have no desire to implement a straight up UBI. Even people with various disabilities could likely perform some sort of WFH support job. Those with more physical ability can do other needed jobs that involve physical labor. We already know how to put in place military like programs, this would be little different, albeit less killing.

Some people need that kind of structure and guidance in their life, let them have it. Drug abuser? Job Corps. Petty thief on the wrong side of the tracks? Job Corps. Lazy deadbeat, refuses to hold down regular jobs and needs assistance? Job Corps.

At least with something like the Job Corps, I wouldn't have to hear the lazy moocher argument as much when people are down on their luck for a variety of reasons. Work needs to be done, let them do it. Sounds like a better solution than our current prison and welfare system, for non violent offenders anyway.
Lol forced labour . Stalin would love you
Nice, I'm hoping to get a 5 - 1 harvest too, but this is my first time so we'll see. I'd like to see if I can keep 2x to 3x original seed amount, so I can scale up. Maybe repeat that 1 more time.

The goal would be to have enough seed potatoes so that I can scale to a staple supply in one season for any SHTF scenario. I think I started with 10 lbs of seed potatoes of misc types (4 lbs of yukon gold, 2lbs each of a red variety, a purple variety, and another white variety).

10 lbs => 25 lbs => 63 lbs of seed. With a 5 to 1 yield, that would be 240 lbs for eating and 60 lbs of replacement seed as steady state. I don't know if disease makes this scaling unlikely or if there's things I can do to reduce disease risk in my own seed potatoes?

If multiple major famines / droughts / floods destroy lots of grain crops in the world, I can keep most/all 300 lbs of a season as seed and aim to have over 1000lb of potatoes per season. I have 3 acres and according to Google an acre can produce 25k to 35k pounds of potatoes
So the world is starving and you think you’ll hold on to all those potatoes. Read a few history books

Nothing wrong with good husbandry and you benefit from having land resources. Many don’t have such benefits. So if widespread hunger appears , it’s only right that you would be forced to share your resources. Most responsible governments agree with this perspective. Think of countries on severe war footing , concepts like private land , private resources all get commandeered etc. it’s a collective societal response
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It’s what everyone in DC calls them because everyday is Christmas.
I lived there consulting in the 80s.

Agreed but the Government is given its power from the people.
Yes but with many perspectives and points of view. Gov have to then balance competing needs , many will ask for more services yet lower tax. Clearly that’s not sustainable so responsible government has to take decisions. By definition someone will be pissed off.
If ALL of us demanded change it could be done but instead they have used the media and everything else to keep that from happening.
The problem as clearly seen in many elections and referenda is people have a wide variety of opinions. Even if they vote for particular candidates they cannot get What they want cause there are competing opinions. People don’t think the same.
Some will never deviate from Republicans or Democratic. It’s one or the other and You can’t break them from that paradigm.
Perhaps. The cost of entry into the US political system is so high that it deters new entrants. In other countries coalition style compromise has become the norm. Often coalition partners change over time especially in the better and fairer proportional representation voting systems.
I absolutely do not mind helping people help themselves but to become a nanny state.
It should NOT rely on you. That’s the role of elected governments. You pay your taxes and then it’s for that gov to decide how best to maintain a fair , stable society. An unfair society isn’t stable , it’s in your advantage to have a stable society. That way you get to live safely and spend your money without getting robbed of everything
Giving people money does nothing but provide a short term gain for them.
People get into difficulties for various reasons a caring society puts a safety net under them. Right to starve is an abomination ! Resources must be shared ( to some degree ) and that includes wealth. Otherwise those with inherent advantages ( birth , colour , inherited wealth , dumb luck ) simply get richer and richer and control more and more resources. The net end of that is revolution
Keeps them dependent on the government for generations and voting to keep those benefits.
LBJ knew exactly what he was doing.
Perhaps most Govs try and strike a balance. But we do have people that have live from cradle to grave on benefits. Personally I don’t really have too much issue with that as it’s not a huge group. ( I was a very high earner paying lots of tax in my heyday )
If they have mental problems get them in a facility to help.
It’s not that simple. Human dignity suggests we ( the state) helps such people in many ways , helping them integrate into the community , live reasonable lives , etc etc. it’s a crime to shunt these people into institutions thankfully we learned that
If they have lack of knowledge issues then send them to school or training.
Sure I benefitted from a MA in digital marketing completely free as result of a gov programme to train people with old degrees. It’s a good idea.
If you want to sit on your ass and do nothing then you get to do it by yourself.
Sure. We all agree that if (a) work is available (b) such work pays a living wage and (c) the person is able mentally or physically to perform the work That benefits should then be restricted. Most countries have some form of these restrictions
The current system is designed to take as much as they can without revolt but we can’t go to the opposite extreme of everyone doing nothing and those working pay for it.
The art of taxing is to pluck the chicken without killing it. In the US I don’t see the chicken dying !!!
Unfortunately you have generations that believe The US is a terrible evil racist country.
Perhaps , it’s certainly way out of step with its peer group in lots of areas , I was in New Orleans after the hurricane and it looked like Haiti , federal response was slow and hard hearted and communal living conditions were awful.
They have been taught anyone who is successful stole it or used POC to make it.
Maybe. I do not think that’s a widespread feeling. What does happen is of wealth disparity increases to the point of obvious ostentation and the poor are then excluded from participating an accepted normal life , then you get a huge buildup of envy. Widespread envy ultimately brings huge change , hence today poverty is defined in relative terms not absolute.
That any business OWES them a “Living” wage for zero experience or output.
Everyone serves a reasonable days pay for a reasonable days work. People should expect to be able to raise a family etc on a 40-50 hour week job. This was often the case. These days with deregulated labour markets , zero hour contracts , gig economy and very poor pensions , this is sadly no longer the case. Either the state fixes this or society will revolt and forcefully change it.
This is unsustainable.
Lots are unsustainable including allowing unrestricted wealth and resources control amongst a declining percentage of the population.
I don't know anybody that did not get the federal stimulus monies distributed in the 1st 18 months of the pandemic. I just happen to make the choice to spend our $3600 combined (wife and I) on a grid tied solar system that also increased the value of the stimulus by 26% with a energy tax credit. What did you waste your money on... a cruise?
I did not...made too much money on my 2019 taxes even though I was laid off in June 2020 as part of the pandemic.

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diy solar