diy solar

diy solar

Coming Energy Prices …..

So I had a barrel half left sitting around that we used to provide water to our dairy goats back when we still needed a strong grip and drilled some 3/4" holes all the way around the base about 4" from the bottom as well as a bunch of holes in the bottom. I placed 4" of soil in the bottom and spread 1lb. of seed Huckleberry Gold seeds potatoes around in a circle and didn't cut any of them. Then I cover with another 6" of soil. Huckleberry Golds are indeterminate variety so when the first greem popped up I added more dirt until it was where you see it. The rest I filled with yard raking mulchy material to keep light out from the roots. I calculate there to be 18 gallons of soil and it produced 5lbs of potatoes. I harvested when all the flowers had finished and the greenery had mostly died.
I did the Yukon Golds in the 7 gallon felt pots. I divided 1lb. of seed between the 3 pots (2 potatoes each) and didn't cut them up either. They are a determinate variety so I started with 2" of soil and placed to seeds there. Then I added soil all the way to the level seen and the rest of the space I filled with mulch. Between the 3 felt containers I yielded 5lbs just like I did in the single container.
Those felt pots will last many years and are cheap enough. The handles are pretty handy too.
Bottom can grow potatoes in almost anything!

It isn't about hoarding. Back in WW2 our parents and grandparents all grew Victory Gardens at the request of the government. They weren't hoarding anything. They were getting ready for winter. Some of us aren't very far removed from the agrarian lifestyle and it makes sense to us.
Would you be downplaying that as a strategy should Russia cause the war to escalate to global conflict? At my house we haven't had to purchase an egg since the pandemic started and they are a great source of protein. We don't even have to feed the chickens that lay them. Our neighbor does that and in exchange, we do something for them.
Any way Ukraine is winning and. this will all be over by Christmas
Any way Ukraine is winning and. this will all be over by Christmas
Fingers crossed. :cool: ?
That still leaves a good part of the world in famine for the next few years. If Ukraine couldn't/didn't get their wheat planted this year then famine will persist at least 2 years beyond that.
It also means that Russia is finished as an oil exporter. The wells they have been pumping oil from were results of Exxon and other foreign producers. It took them decades to get those wells operating in the permafrost and Rex Tillerson has no intention of doing it again. Once those wells stop flowing they are done.
That's going to make everything more expensive that requires an oil input at the front end. Those potatoes are getting better looking everyday.

I found this... Countries such as Egypt — the biggest importer of Ukrainian wheat last year — as well as Lebanon, Pakistan and others, get most of their wheat from Ukraine. The country produces about a fifth of the world’s high-grade wheat and 7% of all wheat. The UN World Food Program buys half of its grain from Ukraine.

And this...
Which countries get wheat from Russia and Ukraine?
Among them, countries in Africa and the Middle East in particular are heavily dependent on wheat imports from Russia and Ukraine. According to the UN Comtrade database, Benin and Somalia obtained all of their wheat from Ukraine and/or Russia. The dependency of Egypt stood at 82 percent, according to the data.

It's NEVER a bad idea to grow and save food and seed. When they can't get it from Ukraine and Russia they will be competing for ours and driving prices up.
Not denying that education has gotten ridiculous (common core seems like it is teaching kids weird ways to solve math problems instead of ways that can be remembered FOREVER). However these types of videos only keep the clips of the stupid people. They don't show the majority who answered the question correctly......Media implying that poorly educated / stupid people are funny instead of being a failure of society is another issue.
I talked to the people who made the video and others like it.

Far more ignorant people than knowledgeable.

Bad part is they THINK they are so smart but can’t answer basic civic questions.

Believe me it’s worse than you think.
Fingers crossed. :cool: ?
That still leaves a good part of the world in famine for the next few years. If Ukraine couldn't/didn't get their wheat planted this year then famine will persist at least 2 years beyond that.
It also means that Russia is finished as an oil exporter. The wells they have been pumping oil from were results of Exxon and other foreign producers. It took them decades to get those wells operating in the permafrost and Rex Tillerson has no intention of doing it again. Once those wells stop flowing they are done.
That's going to make everything more expensive that requires an oil input at the front end. Those potatoes are getting better looking everyday.

I found this... Countries such as Egypt — the biggest importer of Ukrainian wheat last year — as well as Lebanon, Pakistan and others, get most of their wheat from Ukraine. The country produces about a fifth of the world’s high-grade wheat and 7% of all wheat. The UN World Food Program buys half of its grain from Ukraine.

And this...
Which countries get wheat from Russia and Ukraine?
Among them, countries in Africa and the Middle East in particular are heavily dependent on wheat imports from Russia and Ukraine. According to the UN Comtrade database, Benin and Somalia obtained all of their wheat from Ukraine and/or Russia. The dependency of Egypt stood at 82 percent, according to the data.

It's NEVER a bad idea to grow and save food and seed. When they can't get it from Ukraine and Russia they will be competing for ours and driving prices up.
I see fuel pricing around me now back to about 10% over last year. The world is a actually awash with oil.

Grain is a problem buts a temporary one. In two years production will be largely restored.

Given I’m from the one of the most food secure nation in the world I’m not worried. !!!

I do not feel these issue are long term and it will settle back quickly enough.
Russia is screwed big time but that’s fine.
There is no evidence that microgenerstion is a “ good thing “ overall , energy regulators have huge concerns and power engineers question the whole stability issue.

AC motors are efficient. Power conversion losses to dc offset some gains.

To allow good food , we need to make it cheap. That’s s contradiction. Arguably tax dollars should be subsidising quality healthy , organic local food sources. Banning growth hormones would be a start.

No such thing as free markets . It’s a nonsense concept. People don’t have equal opportunity so can’t have free markets.

Once you reach a wealth gap tipping point you get revolution , see Marie Antionete for advice

We break up large corporations all thd time. You think small government can do that !!! , right sure

God no what’s nightmare seanario . Instead let’s raise taxes on big corporation and the wealthy and then funf more basic services for the needy like housing , education and medical care.

Nope there will always be a wealth gap cause people are born with silver spoons.
So we must as a caring society put big safety nets under those that struggle. Most countries do just that.

Prepare for what exactly. You certainly can’t do anything that insulated you from a rebellion or revolution
FFS, go back to your Berkeley professor gig n stfu.
It's MY money, to give or hoard. Government has NO money.
"Caring society"? Says who??
Spend every penny you have, caring.
Leave my money/ life energy out of your equation.
I see fuel pricing around me now back to about 10% over last year. The world is a actually awash with oil.

Grain is a problem buts a temporary one. In two years production will be largely restored.

Given I’m from the one of the most food secure nation in the world I’m not worried. !!!

I do not feel these issue are long term and it will settle back quickly enough.
Russia is screwed big time but that’s fine.

Well its harvest time and the mississipi river, the means by which much of Americas midwest agriculture gets to market, is at record low levels. The few channels that were still traversable are now blocked by barges that have run aground.

Things change pretty quickly.
FFS, go back to your Berkeley professor gig n stfu.
It's MY money, to give or hoard. Government has NO money.
"Caring society"? Says who??
Spend every penny you have, caring.
Leave my money/ life energy out of your equation.
Sorry you are allowed to accumulate wealth according to your Gov rules and taxes , society levies taxes so you contribute to the overall well being of society .

You need a stable society in order to be able to live and spend your money. Otherwise the dispssossed put your head under the guillotine. History is replete with many examples.

In a fiat currency the gov actually controls all the money !

So we need a caring stable society that protects the weak and the poor and ensures everyone has the ability to survive and even prosper.

Most countries realise this and act so.
Well its harvest time and the mississipi river, the means by which much of Americas midwest agriculture gets to market, is at record low levels. The few channels that were still traversable are now blocked by barges that have run aground.

Things change pretty quickly.
Yup when in danger or in doubt , run in circles , scream and shout
Over the years I have seen the "facts" and the "Science" change. An open mind will always result in better "Facts"

Change is part of life, and as science advances, we understand more. Science is always your safest and most reliable bet.
You are correct and all the more reason to keep an open mind.
Must be a matter of perspective because the phrase "open mind" to me has always stood for "I'm going to try to fool you with my load of crap"

To me, "open mind" has always meant conjecture, supposition, irrational beliefs, paranormal, and almost everything else that can't be proved within any level of scientific reason.
Must be a matter of perspective because the phrase "open mind" to me has always stood for "I'm going to try to fool you with my load of crap"

To me, "open mind" has always meant conjecture, supposition, irrational beliefs, paranormal, and almost everything else that can't be proved within any level of scientific reason.
Then what does a "Closed" mind mean to you?
Then what does a "Closed" mind mean to you?
In the context of how I view "keep an open mind", then my mind is closed. Either provide verifiable facts, science, math, etc, or go away.

Of course, few things are ever that cut and dry, but that's the gist of it.

In modern times, "keep an open mind" almost always means con-job, false information, wishful thinking, or some other agenda based thing.
In the context of how I view "keep an open mind", then my mind is closed. Either provide verifiable facts, science, math, etc, or go away.

Of course, few things are ever that cut and dry, but that's the gist of it.

In modern times, "keep an open mind" almost always means con-job, false information, wishful thinking, or some other agenda based thing.
No it means be prepared to listen and consider an alternative narrative. Yours may not be right anyway.
No it means be prepared to listen and consider an alternative narrative. Yours may not be right anyway.
But within any narrative, there is information that is either factual or non-factual, and in our current climate, listening to any narrative is basically a waste of time.

For example, in a criminal investigation, the investigator will normally ignore the personal stories of the involved parties and focus on relevant factual information that can be proven or disproved as false information.

Pretty much everything falls into either subjective information and objective information. I tend to ignore the subjective and focus on the objective.

By their nature, narratives are subjective. Even eyewitness testimony is notoriously and ridiculously inaccurate.

The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) did a study on this problem decades ago (1960's I think). They wanted to know why a bunch of people could witness a plane crash and provide different stories with conflicting information. What they found was that human perception and eyewitness accounts were ridiculously inaccurate.
Even simple events are beyond the average person's capability to recite later with any reasonable accuracy. The problem is so bad that there was even talk at one time about eliminating personal testimony in our court rooms.

In today's world, when someone talks about narratives, it usually means they want you to ignore the objective stuff and pay attention to their load of crap.
But within any narrative, there is information that is either factual or non-factual, and in our current climate, listening to any narrative is basically a waste of time.
That’s a extremely cynical attitude I’m sorry for you.
For example, in a criminal investigation, the investigator will normally ignore the personal stories of the involved parties and focus on relevant factual information that can be proven or disproved as false information.
I only no one investigator. He’s listens to everything afaik
Pretty much everything falls into either subjective information and objective information. I tend to ignore the subjective and focus on the objective.
Yes but it’s not obvious which is both and and if your mind is closed your never listen to alternatives.
By their nature, narratives are subjective. Even eyewitness testimony is notoriously and ridiculously inaccurate.

The FAA (Federal Aviation Administration) did a study on this problem decades ago (1960's I think). They wanted to know why a bunch of people could witness a plane crash and provide different stories with conflicting information. What they found was that human perception and eyewitness accounts were ridiculously inaccurate.
Even simple events are beyond the average person's capability to recite later with any reasonable accuracy. The problem is so bad that there was even talk at one time about eliminating personal testimony in our court rooms.
So the point is you can rationalise and extract the position
In today's world, when someone talks about narratives, it usually means they want you to ignore the objective stuff and pay attention to their load of crap.
No they just want you to listen.
Otherwise your life becomes informed only by your own biases and it’s the worst form of echo chamber -ism

Keep a open inquisitive mind , accept others may know as much as you but have a different perspective. Put your own beliefs and biases to the test every day.
Yes but it’s not obvious which is both and and if your mind is closed your never listen to alternatives.
It's not obvious which information is subjective and objective? Is that what you're saying?
No they just want you to listen.
Otherwise your life becomes informed only by your own biases and it’s the worst form of echo chamber -ism
My life becomes informed by facts, not by alternative subjective narrative horse crap.

Keep a open inquisitive mind , accept others may know as much as you but have a different perspective. Put your own beliefs and biases to the test every day.
Open mind bad.. Inquisitive and curious mind good.

There is no such thing as "a different perspective" when it comes objective information. I don't have irrational beliefs, I avoid them like the plague.

diy solar

diy solar