diy solar

diy solar

Heat pump histopia ?


Solar Wizard
Aug 23, 2021
First there were heat pump HVAC then water heaters, dryers, now……… Da…Da,Dahh! Pool heaters! Learning something every day.
Gets some more solar panels boys and girls, we’re gonna need them ?
Will it work the other way? Ie cool a hot azz pool in Texas when it's 114 degrees outside?
Nothing like refreshing dip.?
Here in CA there was a public service warning about not getting hypothermia and drowning because the water from the huge snowpack is keeping some rivers cold.
Heat pump pool and spa water heaters are old tech and common in Australia. I removed a 20 year old heat pump water heater from our pool some years ago. I use that space now to house our batteries.
We’re probably living under a rock in the states, or at least I was?