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  • My 18K PV Experience (Part 1)

    Before I get into my experience of the 18K PV inverter, I owe this community a debt of gratitude. I started this DIY solar journey back in Jan of 2022. At the time, I didn’t even know what an ampere hour, KWh or BMS was. It was because of this community and some persons on YT like Will, Andy...
  • 18KPV Follow Up with JK Inverter BMS

    Hi all. It’s been several months since I posted my review of the 18KPV inverter entitled “My Experience with the 18K PV Part 1 https://diysolarforum.com/threads/my-18k-pv-experience-part-1.70933/ Sine that original post, the 18KPV continues to work with zero problems. As stated in my previous...
  • EG4 6500 EX Under an Oscilloscope

    Has any one placed the EG4 6500EX inverters under an oscilloscope to examine it's waveform to see how clean the power is? Found a very short video on YT with a guy testing the SunGold Power 6548, ( which is similar to the EG4 6500EX) and the waveform was not as clean as I would've expected.
  • DIN Rail DC Breaker for 48V LifePO4 battery

    Does anyone know of any 2 pole DIN rail non polarized DC breaker capable of handling say 200/250A? If such a breaker/switch exists, looking to use it as a main switch for a 48V lifepo4 battery. Would appreciate this forum's thoughts/recommendations. Thanks in advance.
  • Using Tape to Compress LifePo4 Cells

    Hi there, I'm wondering if its ok to use non-conductive tape to compress my cells. Let's take for example a 3P16S battery using LifePO4 prismatic cells. I'm thinking that each 3P cell can be wrapped in tape and then 16 of those tape-wrapped 3P cells then connected in series to complete the...
  • Noark Non Polarized Breakers Sold Online in USA

    Hi, does anyone know where I can purchase online in the USA, the Noark non polarized DC breakers that Andy from Offgrid Garagae uses for his main switch for his battery bank? The resellers I found in Australia apparently do not export out of the country. Thanks.
  • 18K PV Remote Tool Refresh Rate

    Hi all, just noticed today that the remote monitoring tool (web tool) for the 18K PV is now refreshing its data once per minute instead of once every 5 minutes. A very welcomed enhancement. Great job EG4.
  • Do I Need a Main DC Switch for my battery bank

    Hi all. So I've always assumed that I needed a main switch/breaker which will disconnect all batteries from my DC busbar...kinda like a kill switch. A single switch that I can throw that just disconnects all the batteries from the common bus bars which the inverters also connect to. In recent...
  • Ready Made Batteries Are Looking Really Good

    I'm a huge fan of DIY batteries especially when it comes to fewer larger batteries as opposed to many smaller sized batteries. I'm really into building those battery banks that'll have 2x30kwh or 2x45KWH individual batteries. I just came across this single ready made 30KWH battery from Docan and...
  • Offgrid Design- EG4 6500EX with Grid and Change-Over Switch

    Hi all, below is what I am hoping is my final design for my EG4 inverters, connected to the grid as backup and utilizing a change over switch. The change over switch would allow me to get AC power directly from the grid to the house, completely bypassing the inverters system completely. The 2...
  • EG4-6500EX with Grid Backup

    Hi all, I'm wondering of all the folks with the EG4-6500EX who have these connected to the grid as backup, how is this configuration working for you since the various firmware upgrades for these models have been released? I have 2 of these inverters and have a choice of setting these up as fully...
  • Change Log-Firmware 1B1C for 18KPV

    Hi all, does anyone have the change log for the 18K PV fw 1B1C? I didn't even know that this firmware existed until I did the remote update about an hour ago. I went on to EG4's website and checked their change log and they had up to 1B1B (no mention of 1B1C in the change log pdf), so I thought...
  • Batrium with Different Battery Capacities

    Hello all. So I've been doing quite alot of research on the Batrium BMS system. It's certainly a rather complex BMS but I've really warmed up to it alot and absolutely love that I could use a remote trip breaker that I can control even if I'm not home. This type of remote functionality is very...
  • 18KPV Stuck in ByPass Mode

    Hi all. I've experienced a weird issue with my 18KPV where it got stuck in bypass mode. The last thing I did last night was to use the app to do a quick charge as there wasn't alot of sun yesterday and I just wanted a bit more juice in the batteries. I've used the quick charge feature from the...
  • Time to Ship Cells from China to USA

    Hi all, has anyone had any recent experience shipping cells directly from China to the US that you can share how long it took from the time you placed the order through say Alibaba to the time the cells arrived at your door? Thanks in advance.
  • 48V MPP and Growatt Recommended Battery Ah Sizing

    I've noticed that the MPP 6000 series and Growatt 5000ES and a few other Growatt models recommend a battery sizing of 200Ah (10.24KWh = 200ah*51.2v) per inverter. Does anyone know what is the basis of this recommendation? When I run the numbers, the 200Ah recommendation seems oddly low. For...
  • Every 2 or 3 Days- Full Charging and Discharging and LifePO4 Longevity

    I'm looking to go completely off grid and intend to build quite a large LifePO4 battery bank. I intend to use either 3 MPP LV6048WP or LV6548 inverters. I'm considering intentionally oversizing my battery bank capacity (Ah) such that I can run the house on batteries for 2 to 3 days including 1...
  • EG4 6500EX Inverters and Double Throw (On-Off-On) Switch

    Hi, so I'm working on my build which includes 2x EG4 6500EX inverters in split phase. I would like to utilize a double throw switch (on-off-on). This switch would allow me to direct power to my house from the solar or placing the switch in another position, it will allow me to power directly...
  • Silicone Wire- So Many Different Ampacity Ratings

    Hi all. So I've finally selected and ordered my BMS & balancer of choice after much research, over analyzing and over analyzing again. I'm going with a few QUCC 250A BMS and using the Neey 4A balancer. Each battery will be 2P16S (will be looking to order cells soon). I've been looking into...
  • EG4 18KPV Recommended Maintenance

    Hi all. Does anyone know if there is a recommended maintenance schedule or maintenance activities list that should be done for the 18K PV and how to do it? So for example, given that the inverter is rated for outdoors, should I be looking at cleaning/changing filters, fans, etc? Thanks.
  • Solar Charger Working with AIO Inverter (EG4 6500EX)

    Hi all. Please consider this scenario. I have 2 AIO inverters (EG4 6500EX) and both are connected to the battery bank via the DC bus bar. Now, if I wanted to add more panels so I can charge the batteries a bit faster but I don't need another inverter because I don't expect my loads to increase...
  • Should We Expect this New Luxpower 12K Offgrid Inverter from EG4

    Hi all, I'm seeing a really interesting inverter from Luxpower which I'm anxious to see if EG4 will release its version of this. Seems to be an offgrid 'hybrid' 12K inverter. From what I can tell, has the hybrid features like smart load, without selling back to the grid so hoping this model will...
  • EG4 6500-EX and Fault Tolerance in Split Phase Mode

    The 6500-EX looks like a really good product but I need to understand how it handles faults in split phase configuration. Consider for example, using 4x 6500-EX inverters, where inverters 1 and 2 are on one 120V leg (L1), and inverters 3 and 4 are on the other 120V leg (L2), so we have each 120V...
  • NanQue Non-Polarized Breakers-Are these any good?

    Hi all, recently saw on Andy's YT channel, OffGrid Garage that he has some Nanque non polarized DC breakers. Are these good to use for a DIY LifePO4 battery? My DIY 48V battery needs to be able to handle up to 200A continuous, so I'm considering getting the 4P 125A breaker and using 2 poles in...
  • Neey 4th Gen 4A Active Balancer Settings

    Hi all, I'm wondering what's the recommended settings for the Neey 4a active balancer 4th gen, in terms of settings to turn on or off balancing. I'm using lifepo4 cells 16S. I intend to have my BMS low voltage disconnect at 3v and the high voltage disconnect at 3.45v. Thanks in advance for the...
  • EG4 18KPV-Using the Smart Load Feature to EV Charge

    Hello and happy new year to everyone. I recently wired in my EV to charge from solar and batteries using the 18KPV and it has been working great. The EV charger is wired on the load output side of the 18KPV inverter and whereas this does work well, wiring using this method, the EV could...
  • New Help Finding an Isolation Transformer

    I need some help selecting an isolation transformer. What I'm looking for is a transformer that will have 240 single phase on the input side, and will provide my with 240V split phase on the output side. The output side would therefore have the center tap, which will provide 120 from L1 to...
  • Solar Assistant and 18KPV

    Hi all, is anyone using Solar Assistant with the 18KPV? The EG4 app and monitoring site seems to provide alot of configuration options but wondering how solar assistant compares to the EG4 app. I've seen some inverter brands where SA provides much more functionality than the inverter's native app.
  • Copper or Tinned Coppers Lugs for Tinned Copper Bus Bar

    Hi all. I'm using the Blue Sea systems PowerBar 1000A bus bars which are made from tinned copper. If I want to ensure a very good and effective connection to the bus bar, does it make a difference if I use copper or tinned copper lugs? And if I should use tinned copper lugs, does that then mean...
  • EG4 6500EX with Auto Transformer

    Hi, I'm in the process of building out my 2x EG4 6500EX inverters in split phase mode. I think I'm going to have them fully off-grid as opposed to what I was looking at previously of having the grid as backup...seems to be simpler for the time being. One of the things that always concerned me...
  • CHZYZO DC Breakers

    Hi all, I'm looking for some advice on CHZYCO DC breakers from aliexpress. The link is https://www.aliexpress.com/item/3256804067731476.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.6e4938da5GUPgc&mp=1 Basically, I'm looking at the 250A double pole breaker as a battery disconnect. Is this a good DC battery breaker...
  • Ground Neutral Bond MPP LVX6048WP

    I've seen in this forum much discussion concerning neutral bonding issues with MPP off grid inverters (and Growatt offgrids). Would the MPP LVX6048WP have similar ground/neutral bonding concerns seeing that it's a hybrid inverter and not labelled as an off-grid?
  • Do I Need Breakers for Each Battery

    Hello. So I'm preparing to commence my battery bank build which will be comprised with 2x 2p16s batteries (LifePO4 3.2v 280Ah cells) to commence with and I will probably add a third 2p16s down the road, hopefully in a few months time. Each battery will have its own BMS and T Class fuse. My...
  • Do I Need Solar Disconnects

    Hi all. I'm using Taixi MCB breakers for my solar panels which will connect to my pair of EG4-6500EX. I'm using 4 strings each comprised 7S (505W each) panels for each MPPT for each of the inverters. The MCB breakers are 25A 1000V and can break both +ve and -ve poles. My panels have a Voc of...
  • Balancing Current Recommendation Based on Battery Capacity (Ah)

    Hi all good morning. I've noticed that balancing current varies tremendously from BMS to BMS. I'm still working on finalizing my design for my battery build which will be somewhere between 64 and 128 LifePo4 cells....I still haven't decided as yet but seriously considering starting with 64 now...
  • Need Guidance on Solar Panel DC Breakers

    Hi all. I’m hoping for some guidance from this forum on the type of double pole breaker I should be using for my solar setup. I have 2x EG4 6500EX 48V inverters and will be using 32x 505W panels. The panels are being configured in 4x 8S strings, one string for each of the MPPTs of each EG4...
  • Ferrule Crimping Larger Wires

    Hi all. I have some 2/0 AWG cables that I would like to ferrule but I am not seeing any ferrule crimping tools that can crimp cables that size. I have the actual ferrules just need the crimping tool and my searching online on Amazon hasn't yielded anything fruitful. What tools are you guys using...
  • Ordering Panels Direct from China

    Hi all, has anyone ordered panels recently directly from China? What was the experience? I'll likely use my freight forwarder in Italy or UK to consolidate the panels along with some other equipment then ship to my country. I'm trying to find a good and reputable supplier. Thanks.
  • 86KWH Battery Configuration Advice

    Hello, I'm seeking some advice on a battery configuration I'm looking to build. I'm reasonably new to solar but have learnt alot in this forum and from watching WP, David, Ray, Off Grid and many others on YT. I'm looking to get 96 LifePO4 280Ah cells to build a total of 86KWH battery storage...
  • How to handle to inrush currents with 2 large parallel 48v lifepo4 batteries

    Hello, I'm building 2x 48V batteries (each 3P16S using 280ah lifepo4). Each battery will have its own BMS and will be in parallel and connected to the inverters (either MPP or Growatt....still deciding). I know under normal circumstances the 2 batteries will be balanced between each other but my...
  • Large Single Battery vs Smaller Ones- Resurrecting this old topic

    Firstly, let me apologize for resurrecting this topic which has been discussed and beaten to death and that is the topic of building a large battery as opposed to a multiple smaller batteries and running them in parallel. In my scenario, I'm looking at 96 cells...lifepo4 with 280Ah cells which...
  • Non-Polarized DC Breakers for LifePO4 48V Battery

    Hi, I would like this forum's recommendations/options to consider, in terms of non-polarized DC breakers to use on a 48V lifepo4 battery, something that can consistently handle say 200A. I like to Noark which Andy uses on his YT channel but can't seem to find them on Amazon or any other US...
  • Cant believe people are still wiring batteries wrongly

    I can't believe in 2024, people are still wiring parallel batteries incorrectly, ecspecially battery manufacturers that should know better and advising their customers the incorrect way. Check this video out.
  • Grounding Clarification of Panel for EG4 6500EX Inverters

    Hi, I've seen the below excerpt in the EG4 6500EX inverter manuals and have a basic question that I need some clarity on. When EG4 says not to ground panels, are they referring to grounding the metal case of the panel or the -ve terminal of the panel?
  • Advice Needed-Breakers, Fuses and SPD for panels for EG4 6500EX Inverters

    Hi all, I'm looking to pull the trigger in a few days to purchase some Trina 505W mono panels for 2x EG4 6500EX inverters. My intention is to have 32 panels with 8 in series for each of the MPPTs on each inverter (4 MPPTs across 2 inverters with 8 panels in series for each MPPT). Each panel has...
  • BMS Recommendations Needed for Home Build

    Hello. I would like this forum's recommendation on the BMS type, quantities and placement/configuration etc based on the attached drawing of the project I am trying to build for my home. I will have 3 battery boxes as outlined in the attached pdf (each with 2p16s lifepo4 cells 48v 560Ah). I...
  • Surge Protection Devices- Do I need them?

    Hi. I'm wondering if there's a specific scenario where surge protection devices for panels are needed over another scenario. For example, I will have a configuration setup using 2x EG4 6500EX inverters and 4 strings each setup as a 7S (Trina 505W panels). The voltage and current ratings are...
  • EG4 18KPV MPPT1-East and West Facing Arrays

    Hi all. MPPT1 on the 18KPV can accept 2 strings in parallel...PV1 and PV2. I have 3 strings, each 10S comprising of Trina 505W panels. The 3 strings are arranged 1 each facing east, west and south on my roof. My question is this- can I place east and west strings in PV1 and PV2 or does the...
  • Top Balancing LifePo4-What's the Latest Guidance on This Subject

    I recently ordered 32x 280Ah cells from 18650 battery store and will more than likely order another 64 once this first set works out. My question is about top balancing. I've seen alot of varying views on this topic on this forum and on Andy's and other YT channels. I intend to have my batteries...
  • Over Paneling and Combiner Boxes

    Hi there. I want to over panel some my solar build to give me more amperage during cloudy days. Looking to utilize an EG4 6500EX inverter. I know it can handle up to 8kw max across both MPPTs. I want to however have a total of 10KW solar panels and have parallel strings. My question is this-...
  • EG4 6500EX Neutral Bonding Advice Needed

    Hello, I have 2x EG4 6500EX inverters (to be setup as split phase) and my intention was to connect them to the grid so they can power my home from the grid when there's no solar or when the batteries are low. I've seen tons of discussion about these inverters and potential issues where it comes...
  • Daly BMS and Communication

    Been seeing a few Daly videos on YT advertising their ability to natively communicate with a number of inverters like Daye, Growatt, Victron etc. Apparently they can also use pylon protocols. Out of curiousity, has anyone used these Daly BMS to communicate?
  • Grid Assist with EG4-6500EX 48

    So I'm finally clear now on how I should configure my EG4 6500EX inverters with grid input and the whole NGB issue thanks to members on this forum. I have a question as it relates to powering my loads when the battery can't provide enough power and it's night time so no solar. Let's say for eg I...
  • EG4 6500EX AC Wiring Size

    Hi all. Is anyone using 4 AWG for the ac input and output terminals for the eg4 6500EX inverters, and if so, how are you getting that size wire to fit? 6AWG fits perfectly but 4AWG it feels impossible.
  • JK B5A25S60P BMS

    Does anyone have experience using the JK B5A25S60P BMS? Would appreciate some feedback in terms of how it works, how effective is it at balancing large capacity 48V LifePO4 batteries and any documentation that may be available for that model. Thanks in advance.
  • LifePO4 US Supplier

    Hi, I'm looking to purchase some cells. Looking for very good grade B cells at a good price. I don't mind CATL, Rept or EVE...just not the EVE 280Ks. My ideal cell size is 302/304AH but I can work with 280AH cells also. Would appreciate this forum's recommendation on good LifePO4 cell US...
  • Custom Multi AWG Cables

    Hi everyone. I'm looking for a supplier that will sell custom multi-AWG cables with ring terminals to a single ring terminal. So for example, I'm looking for a type of 4-in-1 cable that will have say 4x 2AWG cables with M8 terminals on one each end, and on the other end, all 4 of those 2AWG...
  • DC Breakers

    Hi, how can I tell if a DC breaker is directional or not? Thanks.
  • Is This Breaker Really Non-Polarized?

    Hi all, I'm looking at the Taixi TXCM1B series breakers and the folks at AliExpress tells me it's non-polarized. I know some on this forum are not AliExpress fans and that's ok, but can I get an objective opinion on the Taixi TXCM1B series of breakers? I'm looking to use this breaker as my main...
  • Batrium BMS Main Battery Terminal Connections

    Firstly, please forgive this very novice question but I am a bit confused about how to connect the Batrium BMS (Watchmon Core). I fully get how to connect the K9s to the Watchmon and the CMU and all that, but I am not sure where the main battery terminals connect to the Batriums. For example...
  • Heavy Duty Rated Battery Disconnect from SunFunKits

    Hi all good morning. I just realized that sunfunkits is selling battery disconnects that are being advertised at 250A up to 600V but these look like the same switches that are typically only rated up to 48V that's sold on Amazon. And the price SFK is quoting seems quite good. Do these look like...

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diy solar