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diy solar

EG4 6000XP setting 20. Green Function


New Member
Mar 14, 2021
Has anyone played with this Green Function under setting 20? I just turned mine on 2 days ago. Yesterday later in the day I came out to turn a load on and I noticed it was in stby or green mode. I turned the load on and nothing happened. No power. I looked at the inverters and the monitoring app and it was in green mode. It was late and I didn’t have time to play with it so I just walked away. I assumed that a load would have woken it up. I guess I’m wrong. This am after solar power started the inverters came back online.

So my question is what are the parameters for this mode? Has anyone played with it? I called SS this am and was told that’s really only for if you leave and go on vacation or something and want to conserve power. Not really for everyday use. I asked the what are its parameters and how does it work question and got we are not certain but it’s not for daily normal use.

So any experience? Anyone figured this option out yet?

FYI I have 2 6000XP with 2 power pro batts and solar panels. No grid and no gen connection at this time.
According to all the documentation if the power is less than 60 watts for 10 minutes it will cut the inverter output. There is nothing in the documentation that states it will wake back up at x load. I do not think that mode really has any function if it will not come back on once the load increases. Hopefully this is something that can be addressed with a firmware update.
According to all the documentation if the power is less than 60 watts for 10 minutes it will cut the inverter output. There is nothing in the documentation that states it will wake back up at x load. I do not think that mode really has any function if it will not come back on once the load increases. Hopefully this is something that can be addressed with a firmware update.
The unit does come back on automatically. But I have no idea exactly why. Once it starts getting solar in the morning it’s back operating as normal. Idk what the triggers are and how many there may be. The manual on this thing is definitely lacking info.
The unit does come back on automatically. But I have no idea exactly why. Once it starts getting solar in the morning it’s back operating as normal. Idk what the triggers are and how many there may be. The manual on this thing is definitely lacking info.
From my understanding, when enabled, if the inverter load reading is less than 60W for more than 10 minutes, the inverter output will be cut off. However, I was not able to find additional documentation on this function so I will be seeing what I can find.
The unit does come back on automatically. But I have no idea exactly why. Once it starts getting solar in the morning it’s back operating as normal. Idk what the triggers are and how many there may be. The manual on this thing is definitely lacking info.
The solar must trigger everything to come back on like waking up a lithium battery in protection. The odd thing is that most inverters that have a similar function will watch for a load greater than X and when that load is applied the unit will come back on.

Hopefully this function is software related, and not hardware. If it is a software issue, they should be able to fix this with a firmware update.
From my understanding, when enabled, if the inverter load reading is less than 60W for more than 10 minutes, the inverter output will be cut off. However, I was not able to find additional documentation on this function so I will be seeing what I can find.
Increased load or PV power aside, can the inverter be woken up manually (e.g. a physical button, app, monitoring)??
Increased load or PV power aside, can the inverter be woken up manually (e.g. a physical button, app, monitoring)??
In my playing around with it, no. Didn’t matter if I put a load on it or not. Just turning the setting off would turn the unit back on. I don’t have an external source of power hooked up currently so I’m just experimenting with PV, Batt, and Load.
I will pull the unit we have out, and see if anything else will wake it up. Have you tried turning the EPS switch off then back on to reset it.

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