diy solar

diy solar


If biden had done the shit that he talked about then for the here and now we would have a great country.

He would of been very popular. Instead he is doing just the reverse…. Funny how they flip good cop bad cop

that shitbag is suffering from Alzheimer's and degraded mental ability. its his handlers pushing the buttons.. say this or they will arrest you for screwing your niece in the azz in the shower...
Finally a politician that gets it for being a rep. Even Trump misses this….. support the ppl that voted for you Trump chased the wrong ppl and neglected his voter base from time to time. Each time the ppl he was trying to help knifed him right in the back.

Stop making deals with those ppl that did not vote for you. The reason the ppl elected you with their majority vote is for you the rep to represent them. We have Reps so we don’t have to vote on everything . If we had to vote on everything then everything would be different then it is now and would be settled by us. This Rep has it right vote the way the ppl that elected you as a rep want. No going to the other side or the lobby. Follow the majority that elected them.

I liked it better when they told the truth.

News telling the truth? That has not happened in a very long time....if ever.

Hear the phrase "yellow journalism". That was late 1800's early 1900's and what was thought about the press in the day. They have always lied to sell newspapers, nothing has changed in that area.

Now the money comes in from the alphabet agencies and not for selling to the people, but it is the same result, lies to the american people.
These assholes should just get it over and switch party affiliation and stop lying they were ever republicans.

Im seeing a lot of this. "Lifelong Republicans" so disgusted with Trump theyll vote for four more years of Biden instead.

Not buying it one damn minute. Or if its actually true thats so damn stupid and self destructive I dont want them on my side anyway.

Real people are concerned about issues that affect their lives. Not hating on politicians because of mean tweets or january 6th, which BTW the committee had exonerating testimony all this time but withheld it from public record.

Trump authorized, offered, and advised 10,000 national guard troops beforehand. That does not sound like a man trying to instigate a riot.

The claim he tried to take the wheel of an SUV is a fraud.

He told everyone to go home.

The committee was a kangaroo court.

Further, the crowd was relatively peaceful until tear gas grenades and rubber bullets fired at the crowd often IN THEIR FACES.

This whole thing is a setup and every democrat gaslighting us needs a bowl of STFU served to them.

Youre the threat to democracy. Donald J. Trump is a hero patriot and deserves to be on Mt Rushmore with a statue of Joe Biden and Kamala fighting to put their noses up his tookas.

What you need to remember is Trump in not a member of the political class. He is not in the club. He could have been, but like Kari Lake has made the choice to not bend to the will of the deep state.

When talking about the current R's and D's there is no real difference, both are so corrupt. Sure there are a few out there but the majority are part of the swamp.

When Trump talks of things like pushing term limits for congress this is hitting the swamp very hard and they will start to move against him.

There is only one group that likes Trump, the common man. The person that sees the cross border invasion as just what it is an invasion. The conflict in Uke for just what it is, a massive money machine for the military industrial complex. And worst of all the swamp for what it is, working against the people they are to serve. Removing things like the department of education is very dangerous, all of the swamp has great power and will not give it up easy or go quietly.

When you read articles like this know the Mitt's and Liz's of the world are behind it, people that made a great amount of money and have great power and they see that under attack.

Like I have said before, I am really shocked this guy has not gone the way of the Boeing whistle blower.
There is only one group that likes Trump, the common man.
Common idiot likes trump, that's about it. I guess a lot of people have something in common on this post.
Trump has nothing in common with the common man.
Common idiot likes trump, that's about it. I guess a lot of people have something in common on this post.
Trump has nothing in common with the common man.
Trump enjoys pissing ppl like you off and so do we …. have that in common. Kind of funny.
Ever pick yourself up by your bootstraps and fix any of your own simple problems?

All this because the big hole didn’t get her turn. Would you like to eat the donut on the left if it were glazed?

Seems everyone but me has you on ignore.
What you need to remember is Trump in not a member of the political class. He is not in the club. He could have been, but like Kari Lake has made the choice to not bend to the will of the deep state.

When talking about the current R's and D's there is no real difference, both are so corrupt. Sure there are a few out there but the majority are part of the swamp.

When Trump talks of things like pushing term limits for congress this is hitting the swamp very hard and they will start to move against him.

There is only one group that likes Trump, the common man. The person that sees the cross border invasion as just what it is an invasion. The conflict in Uke for just what it is, a massive money machine for the military industrial complex. And worst of all the swamp for what it is, working against the people they are to serve. Removing things like the department of education is very dangerous, all of the swamp has great power and will not give it up easy or go quietly.

When you read articles like this know the Mitt's and Liz's of the world are behind it, people that made a great amount of money and have great power and they see that under attack.

Like I have said before, I am really shocked this guy has not gone the way of the Boeing whistle blower.
Very well said!
that shitbag is suffering from Alzheimer's and degraded mental ability. its his handlers pushing the buttons.. say this or they will arrest you for screwing your niece in the azz in the shower...
Did he screw his niece too? The daughter diary turns out to be real like laptop

Grandpa was feeling frisky and feel sending message to democrat based “Minor Attracted Ppl” aka pedo. Notice way she is dressed. Think she was 18 but not sure. It is the message sent to voters on display. Most grandparents give kids peck on cheek or head.. not direct lip lock eyes closed. I think this was a signaling display.

Ruling by GA judge that worked for Fani and gave here financial campaign support - by statement above leades me to think will allow Fani to resume.

They just can’t do the right thing. Ruling on Fani is suppose to be today or tomorrow. Governor Kemp signed in the law to rule in Bad Prosecutors but my guess that look at Trump as bad. The decision is taking entirely 2 long. I have served on jury duty where a judge stopped the case and rendered a ruling in mid-trial minus the jury. It was a lawsuit over a minor breaking into a corporate property scaling 2 fences…..cutting a 3rd fence then climbing on top of a chemical tank where he fell and broke arm and some ribs - was suing the corporation. Case was built on him being a minor judged ruled that at 14-15 minor was old enough to know right from wrong. Always was able to read all the warning signs and on top of that denial for lawsuit was awarding company damages for damaged fence. Feel That judge did the right thing.

This judge looks weak and controlled and by statement of Fani could seek reindictment suspect his ruling when announced will be for fani… to proceed. Again he worked for fani and donated campaign money to fani. Soooo…. See him as corrupt already. Maybe he will prove me wrong but it is stated reindictment could take 6 months for dropped charges.

This Judge needs to make the ruling.
"A trial by combat"

"March on the capitol and fight like hell"
Every dictionary imaginable also includes the following definitions:

"to contend in any manner; strive vigorously for or against something:
He fought bravely against despair.

to have an angry argument or disagreement:
I'm not happy about my wife bringing a surprise dog home, but I don't want to fight about it."

quarrel or argue.
"she didn't want to fight with her mother all the time"


So we are left to decide whether your limited interpretation is the result of ignorance and lack of education, or just plain dishonesty.

Youre a democrat so I suspect its mostly the latter. Your ilk loves to waste additional years of education being indoctrinated in intellectually stagnant institutions where youre taught what to think. It takes you 16 years to learn what most of us do in 12 or less, and youre still shitty people lacking a shred of integrity.
Common idiot likes trump, that's about it. I guess a lot of people have something in common on this post.
Trump has nothing in common with the common man.
I think the word you are looking for is deplorables. And that worked so well.
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"A trial by combat"

"March on the capitol and fight like hell"
Tell ya what smart guy. Lets take your childish argument and start jailing political opponents for rhetoric like the word "fight".

Its as if you slept in the morning they tried that before and it failed.

If nothing else it shows the perverse double standard of justice. 11 minutes of democrats using the word fight hundreds of times, and only Trump is threatened with prison for it.
Yes our democracy is at stake.
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Put it on ignore.

It thinks penises can be turned into vaginas.
But it might argue can a cunt become a cock? Minus all the other features with associated plumbing…… Transgender is mental illness. Plain and simple. Gays that think they can reproduce is mental illness. Gays wanting to adopt as parents is Mental Illness.
Medical ppl determined that long ago - Reproduction by queers and transgenderism are insanity.. Ppl redefining are of course in that crazy minority class the confused section. Everyone knows they are nuts or nutless - removed crazy. The term Minor attracted People - Map is also reworded pedo to lessen impact on what society have deemed criminals….preying on children.

The part that makes it worse on them are contributors and promoters to their insanity. They by association those ppl are also crazy. Ppl need to watch the video from Sen Berg for reactions…. Video is about a senator with tranny son that committed suicide … senator an elected official now pushing for pedo to get child like sex dolls. When in reality ppl like the one you mentioned might volunteer to play the role of minor dressed in pig tails for a pedo like “The Big Guy.” It might even make a dollar or three…Joe has a lot of illegal money…to spend.

Post in thread 'Domestic Terrorist'
What was that? LOL

My hope is a nuke hits the USA congress while all are in session…. Maybe biden and harris et all in there…direct hit from a trusted foreign govt like Israel.

Be glorious …. I would vote to offer Israel a $1 trillion dollar reward for that hit job be their best false flag yet but only if they pulled Zelensky back to Israel, stuck a pacifier in his mouth, and showed him daily videos of his past dance routines.
My hope is a nuke hits the USA congress while all are in session…. Maybe biden and harris et all in there…direct hit from a trusted foreign govt like Israel.

Be glorious …. I would vote to offer Israel a $1 trillion dollar reward for that hit job be their best false flag yet but only if they pulled Zelensky back to Israel, stuck a pacifier in his mouth, and showed him daily videos of his past dance routines.

That wont change a thing, as 550+ other blood suckers will quickly rise to replace the ones nuked.

diy solar

diy solar