diy solar

diy solar


7. Its ok to buy extra inverters as an upgrade. Backups are great!!

I am in the process of setting up a secondary system with my old but still useful 8X 100Ah AGM batteries. I have an extra inverter, charge controller and batteries! Now I will have 2 systems. I can use the 6000xp I have to perfectly maintain the health of the AGMS with the 6000xp AC feed to the extra inverter while connecting a low amount of solar to the extra charge controller. This enables me to utilize my old batteries capacity for a dump load, extra non critical circuits, ect.
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2. Use pure copper wiring only flexible welding wire #4 works great from the panels throughout the entire system
This is an odd statement. Flexible is not needed necessarily. Anything moving needs flexible, thats about it.
Recommending Awg 4 for an entire system is potentially inadequate for safety or too much money for an application. You need to know the numbers. I dont think you will find anyone using 4awg for panels. Perhaps from a combiner box to inside, But that is probably it.

4 Awg for a 12 volt system would limit you to 1000 watts or so from battery to inverter. 1000 watts cant run my microwave.
3. Always double the size of controller you think you need ( if you need 30a buy a 60a or bigger) once you realize the power of solar you will want more more more lol
This is pretty solid tho, when you start getting into odd solar panel placement like east/west or vertical solar, it is best to have independent SCCs in my opinion.
4. Pay extra for good inverters
spending allot of money on controllers and inverters doesn't mean you get a good product
Kind of a contradiction
5. Batteries are the secret batteries are cheap right now save up and keep buying them
Ok, Im going to stock up on nickel cadmium batteries right away :cool:
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so I started my research on solar over a year ago watched endless videos and research ( most were inadequate) I found will prowes one of the better reviewers although looking back now there was allot left out lol this is what I have learned
1. Buy bifacial panes 400 w panels are around $100.00 and they crank out allot of power and work great in the vertical position off roofs.
2. Use pure copper wiring only flexible welding wire #4 works great from the panels throughout the entire system
3. Always double the size of controller you think you need ( if you need 30a buy a 60a or bigger) once you realize the power of solar you will want more more more lol
4. Pay extra for good inverters
5. Batteries are the secret batteries are cheap right now save up and keep buying them
6. last but not least spending allot of money on controllers and inverters doesn't mean you get a good product they break for no reason and service and tech support is pathetic one brand controller may last 6 years and the next one bought may last 3 months.
After 18 months of research and actually being on solar I realize I know nothing lol but do I love that sun power
I know nothing like you but over the last week have been learning, I like the portable system like Will built and just gang up 3000 or 5000 watt systems as you need more power. What you are saying about quality is true from what people have told me since Covid. People in the know told me they were having great luck with the cheaper Chinese controllers inverters and if you had a problem no big deal you just bought another one and they held up good but then the same manufactured products just went to hell when Covid started and they had to quit buying them With Santa moving to China Asia for the most part and everything is being and has been monopolized by the elite rulers so they can give us what they want from day to day regarding production so this is a very very valid point. Competition amongst manufactures is the road to perfection and we are losing that quick with world wide communism going up.
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There is a reason the Anti-Federalist demanded the Bill Of Rights with #2 "The Right To Bear Arms Shall Not Be Infringed". They wanted make sure we could throw our poop at the empire the sun never sets on.
I sure hope we do. And soon. We shouldn't talk political here tho. Might offend some comrades :)
This is an odd statement. Flexible is not needed necessarily. Anything moving needs flexible, thats about it.
Recommending Awg 4 for an entire system is potentially inadequate for safety or too much money for an application. You need to know the numbers. I dont think you will find anyone using 4awg for panels. Perhaps from a combiner box to inside, But that is probably it.

4 Awg for a 12 volt system would limit you to 1000 watts or so from battery to inverter. 1000 watts cant run my microwave.

This is pretty solid tho, when you start getting into odd solar panel placement like east/west or vertical solar, it is best to have independent SCCs in my opinion.

Kind of a contradiction

Ok, Im going to stock up on nickel cadmium batteries right away :cool:
what's your point? lol
what's your point? lol
My point is that other people might stumble on this thread and get the wrong idea because of your generalizations that may not apply to them.
My post was to help you, but more importantly help the next person that doesn't think they know everything or take offense to constructive criticism.

Everything I said was true. You cant say the same.

Whats your point? lol (y)
my post is my personal observation and experience after watching 100's of videos I never did see one by YOU helping new guys get started sharing your brilliance and intelligence. setting that aside I got nothing from your post that would help me improve or buy better products . Like the header says


maybe if you had posted some informative videos I would have bought larger wire for my system?
Whats your point ? lol
That sounds very frustrating, having to watch videos hundreds of times to learn things. I guess you have the right idea. Working great for you.
What type of space monster is that in your Avatar? Wernher Von Braun stated the elite would use that card as one of their last in their Illuminated play book to dupe the mass collective.
maybe if you had posted some informative videos I would have bought larger wire for my system?
Who told you to buy larger wire?
What type of space monster is that in your Avatar? Wernher Von Braun stated the elite would use that card as one of their last in their Illuminated play book to dupe the mass collective.
Now im hungry.


maybe if you had posted some informative videos I would have bought larger wire for my system?

Plenty of posts on the forum to help selecting wire gauge.

Question and answer format might help you more than videos designed to get views and revenue.

I think it would be very valuable to post again when the results of your research results in some hands-on experience as to what actually works well. Experience is the very best teacher.

Now that you (OP) have video smarts, time to attend the school of Hard Knocks.
I absolutely agree with you.
Fortunately you're on the side of the human cattle us dumb sheople, I know I can count on you to break your saucer out when the time is right and cut down all the bankers and BAR attorneys and make a nice big batch of monster stew for you and your alien buddies.
Fortunately you're on the side of the human cattle us dumb sheople, I know I can count on you to break your saucer out when the time is right and cut down all the bankers and BAR attorneys and make a nice big batch of monster stew for you and your alien buddies.
I'm at the store getting spices right now!
You should head over to the chit chat zone, it's un moderated, I think you'd have a lot of fun in that section.
Be careful in the open section of the forum, bans aren't fun... I know.

@prkrgrp ,I'd also recommend you ask questions. You've made some good observations but some aren't so great.

What are your goals for your system?

diy solar

diy solar