diy solar

diy solar

New Solar Assistant beta 2024-04-05 and stable 2024-01-23 software released


Solar Wizard
Aug 23, 2021
Anyone on the new stable yet?
I’ll wait a bit myself. If anyone is a gremlin catcher, it’s me🥴
Anyone on the new stable yet?
I’ll wait a bit myself. If anyone is a gremlin catcher, it’s me🥴
Everyone's gremlins are different and at different stages of undernourishment. As such, results will vary, inverter to inverter. Your gremlins are not necessarily my gremlins. But, then again, I like to keep mine hungry.

Downloading now for my 6000xp.
Additional automatons is the only difference I have noticed.
Haven't dug into it.
I like it, when updates add features and functions.
Not, when they remove them.
And there's no option to revert.
I lost my quick link to inverter settings on the power management page.
Going to have to retrain my brain to do it the other way.
please go on, what does the automation allow the user to do?
It allows time of day triggers on any setting in the 6000xp page.
This will be very useful to me.
It pretty much can manipulate any setting but nothing fancy.
It still doesnt do anything with SOC.

I would like an automation to revert to grid at voltage AND a specific load.
Interesting for sure, at least they are working on some updates.
I lost my quick link to inverter settings on the power management page.
I don't want to loose my Power Manager, will stick with current version for now.

Just updated second Pi. (Batteries)
No changes. Still no delta.
Darn, the delta is what I really wanted.
I guess I wait.
I don't want to loose my Power Manager, will stick with current version for now.
You can get to the old page by going to Configuration/inverter/settings


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I guess that it's not really a big deal. (For me)
I think that the last time I changed any inverter settings was several months ago.
But, change is hard for this old guy.
My biological RAM is filling up and getting slower.
I like it, when updates add features and functions.
Not, when they remove them.
And there's no option to revert.
I lost my quick link to inverter settings on the power management page.
Going to have to retrain my brain to do it the other way.
You can go back. 1: backup your history data to the PC. 2: Format the SD card you’re using. 3: load the desired version on your SD card and get it running on the pi. 5: import your history from the backup you just saved in step 1.

I think I have a copy of the last stable version on my work computer if you don’t have it
You can go back. 1: backup your history data to the PC. 2: Format the SD card you’re using. 3: load the desired version on your SD card and get it running on the pi. 5: import your history from the backup you just saved in step 1.

I think I have a copy of the last stable version on my work computer if you don’t have it
I have orange Pi's
No SD cards

And, all of that computer talk hurts my brain.
I use my computer for watching videos and movies. lol
I like it, when updates add features and functions.
Not, when they remove them.
And there's no option to revert.
I lost my quick link to inverter settings on the power management page.
Going to have to retrain my brain to do it the other way.
I’ve considered using 2 Pi, one to leave alone and the other to try beta on to see if it’s good enough to use
Mine does.
Interesting. I was looking at switching to grid on a specific SOC coming from my victron smart shunt fed to SA.

It seems that SA doesnt consider the Victron smart shunt in its automation and uses the inverter SOS value instead.

This would work for me if it used the Victron shunt SOC and not the EG4 6000xp
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The main change for me with the 2024-01-23 release was correctly managing changes of time zone (e.g. heading into or out of daylight saving time) and how that data was managed with Home Assistant. It used to chuck a little hissy fit and leave you without interval data until it next reset on the following Monday morning.

I doubt I'll use the inbuilt automations, at least not for now. I need the extra flexibility of Home Assistant automations.
I don't want to loose my Power Manager, will stick with current version for now.
It's still there:
Screen Shot 2024-04-07 at 7.54.08 am.png

diy solar

diy solar