diy solar

diy solar

My wife hates extension cords please help

Yes, the micro inverter shuts off feed to the grid tied house when the grid is down….and only charges the battery when the grid is down.

The battery (Ecoflo) will then only feed dedicated outlets with the “Ecoflow smart plugs”….or dedicated Romex runs….or isolated circuits with a switch or panel…or with the wife disapproved extension cord…at least that’s the way I’m seeing it.
Haha!! No it’s not the intention for this to be an advertisement….I despise those.

I sort of stumbled into the Powerstream UK/EU solution and I’m intrigued.

There is another UK/EU Powerstream thread here with good info

If there are any other solutions please let me know.

Y’all keep being helpful and entertaining.

Peace, love, laughter.

Post in another DIYsolarforum thread 'Ecoflow Powerstream'
…..this is what happens when “someone” doesn’t like a bright yellow 10AWG extension cord running 10 feet “discreetly” over a hardwood floor to under a bed to a surge protected power strip.
It's only a suicide cord if it can be energized while not plugged into a functioning grid, and then it's grid-tied, no? Clever!

Well, to me a suicide cord is any cord with male connection on both ends

Like most thing involving 2 males and voltage, it is going to end badly, especially if beer is involved
So I have this game I play on every forum i hang out on. its where I try to guess something about the person by their screen name.

so far i have CPTX= Captain texas, Corporal Texas, and Corporate taxes... so what are you former military, State police, or a member of the dread IRS?

By the way, Daddy Tanuki is my nickname with my daughters... Daddy (obvious) Tanuki "Within Japanese folklore, Japanese raccoon dogs (tanuki) have had a significant role since ancient times. They are reputed to be mischievous and jolly, masters of disguise and shapeshifting but somewhat gullible and absent-minded."

yes I shapeshift (fatter) as I drink beer and get gullible and absent minded while doing so...
I go by CCTX on another forum. But, CCTX was already taken here. CP are the initials of one of my best friends from University….and it’s a humorous play on the old CCCP Cyrillic alphabet.

I will provide no additional information over the internets.
I go by CCTX on another forum. But, CCTX was already taken here. CP are the initials of one of my best friends from University….and it’s a humorous play on the old CCCP Cyrillic alphabet.

I will provide no additional information over the internets.
no worries kind sir, thank you for indulging me in my stupidity.!
I will also play.
This is my imagined purest form of Daddy Tanuki ….repairing THE panel that will save the world. He has faith and bravery to make the greatest solar power sacrifice for the rest of us.

I will also play.
This is my imagined purest form of Daddy Tanuki ….repairing THE panel that will save the world. He has faith and bravery to make the greatest solar power sacrifice for the rest of us.

This is one of my favorite movies lol
I just stumbled across this thread - after finishing laughing, I offer the following.

I started with two Delta Pros connected together and plugged into a generator inlet box beside my panel. I used the appropriate interlock kit to prevent backfeeding to the grid. We ran our whole house on this setup for months until I finally pulled the trigger for a "real" solar solution. We learned a lot about our power consumption and what loads were really important.

We're in Texas, also, so we kept the garage door propped open a bit and even ran a fan to keep the air circulating.

We lost our interlock kit and inlet box when we upgraded our system for solar. Now, the Delta Pros sit in the closet awaiting the next emergency when our inverter craps out or we need power in the shop.

No more long extension cord running across the floor…..I do have a short GFCI extension cord between the Eco Flow and the flange inlet.

Fished 12/2 Romex through the walls to four GFCI outlets in each corner of the room for a dedicated/completely separate from the grid system.


diy solar

diy solar