diy solar

diy solar

GoKwh Parallel vs Series


Complete Protonic Reversal
May 3, 2024
New Jersey
Ok so I think to get the kind of power I’m looking for which really isn’t crazy, like I had said in another thread I want to operate two fridges and like one lamp and deep freeze that uses about 215kwh yearly. Have the one GoKwh 12v 100ah now attached to the Renogy 40 MPPT and my Giandel 2000w. SO if I add 4 more 100w panels outside and maybe use a GoWh 200ah that I’ve listed below I should be ok right? I mean since it’s same manufacturer it should not matter if I go parallel or series right just so long as I charge it all to 100% individually and they are all balanced I think. And so should I swap out my melts to T fuses or does anyone think I’m fine the way I am?

From the page you linked:


Parallel is fine.

The snag is series. Yes, technically you could put them in series, but you would still only have 100Ah @ 25.6V as it's limited by the lower capacity battery. You would also need a new inverter since it's clearly 12V.

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diy solar