diy solar

diy solar

What was your most interesting recent non solar project?

yep though over the 10 years since i bought my place i have seen less and less abandoned vehicles. The Japanese LEO's will leave an abandoned vehicle in that area if they have no proof of death. I used to see two or three per season, but I have not seen any at all since the plandemic. not sure if that's good, bad or indifferent, but it seems like less people taking the self induced dirt nap.

from my place the south west corner of aokigahara is about 4 miles as the crow flies from my property. that and the fact that AUM the death cult had property holdings in this area is partly why my cabin was so affordable at the time. me I have none of the common concerns with either so I was like cheap property! whoot! and the area around my cabin is beautiful with a nice view of fuji.
That is definitely heebie jeebie territory. It's like your living in the set up of a Steven King novel!
My wife and I have made arrangements for some Nigerian Dwarf milking Goats, they will arrive in June.
So off to cut some lumber and get ready for the new members of the homestead. Luckily we have an 11-year-old girl here interested in being the one to look after them, and make some spending money from the milking part.
My wife is looking into making her own cheese. Will be interesting for sure, since we don't have anyone in our trading group that does this locally.
Gotta go and get to work - will take some pics later when there is something to show, in case anyone is interested.
My wife and I have made arrangements for some Nigerian Dwarf milking Goats, they will arrive in June.
So off to cut some lumber and get ready for the new members of the homestead. Luckily we have an 11-year-old girl here interested in being the one to look after them, and make some spending money from the milking part.
My wife is looking into making her own cheese. Will be interesting for sure, since we don't have anyone in our trading group that does this locally.
Gotta go and get to work - will take some pics later when there is something to show, in case anyone is interested.
homesteading is always interesting... except when its a profit driven utube channel.
Nope, we just did a visit to check them out, be sure they are healthy and good natured, I have young grand-kids that come to visit, so I wanted to see the goats and get an idea of how tame they are. Actually these are very nice well trained goats, and the 11-year old liked them immediately so that was a positive sign, since it will be her job to look after them. LOL. We will pick them up in a few weeks after I get a pen ready and build a small shelter for them to sleep in at night - we have wolves and bears around sometimes at night.
A tree fell onto my bandsawmill over the winter, didn't do a lot of damage but needed to do a few repairs to get it back into working order. Once the saw was fixed, I used it to cut up the offending tree - irony that the tree that tried to kill the saw ended up getting sawn up into boards for the new goat pen and shelter LOL. Our usual process: lower tree-trunk sections go through the sawmill, then slabs and upper sections go to fire wood processor. Lumber and fire wood as a result, win win. and no tax.
homesteading is always interesting... except when its a profit driven utube channel.
yeah I hear ya,
I have never been interested in making videos, and our work on the homestead is purely self-reliance interest. That was part of our motivation to learn about solar as well. We run a successful business, and there is no shortage of work in that regard, but there is more to life than work, and money, one day we will be gone, may as well enjoy living while we can. Couple new projects this year, including a bigger greenhouse, and new barn. Lots to do, while I am still able to do it! one day soon I think I will not be able to do as much, so better keep moving as long as I can. Besides, spring arrived about 3 weeks earlier than normal, so trying to take advantage of the weather.
My dad bought a 24ft RV last week, so replacing the lead with LFP, installing a tablet in the van to monitor OBDII info, wifi camera to said tablet so he has a rear view when towing, fix his aircon, just pimping out the camper a bit.

Family camping trip for the next week!

Next year will be solar panels, 3kw AIO, and a couple 304ah DIY batteries. For now though, no solar so it counts!
Most recent is the 11th version of my diy lathe for changing tips and ferrules on cue shafts. This is a photo of the 7th version.
I am going to start an electric foundry next. Those cast iron brake discs are not going to melt by themselves...
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Foundry would certainly make a change from all the hot water heater diversion stuff most resort to :)
Foundry would certainly make a change from all the hot water heater diversion stuff most resort to :)
I do some castings from time to time. The connectors you see in the legs of the modular table in that photo are aluminum castings of my own design. I have some kanthal SiC heating elements i got from ebay.that can get to 1600 ºC. If you can do cast iron casting you open up a world of possible projects, is also a way to dump a tremendous amount of solar energy production into something usefuld during the summer.

diy solar

diy solar