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Midnite Solar Announced their new 10kw AIO at Intersolar Today

And this is all just speculation since you have no idea what arrangement Midnite has with this manufacturer. I'll defer to the president of the company.
I think I was established on one of these threads that Sol-ark has a similar Legal arrangement with Deye.
They are using a CM (contract manufacturer). He indicated he wants to keep them from having other customers by saying this:

"We need to keep that confidential as others would want to use the them."

That's not saying others would use MNS IP, it is saying MNS wants to block the CM from new customers.

There are ways to find out where it is being built so the "secret" won't last long. I suspect the statement was intended mostly to create an aura of exclusivity and exceptionalism about the product, not so much about the CM actually being secret or captured.

Mike C.
If you hire a contract manufacturer like Foxconn, etc., you shop around the marketplace and do your research. Then you make your best decision. The same way you found them and contracted with them to build your product, just like Apple with it's Iphone other companies and start ups will find them too. The contract manufacturer is not in hiding and in fact attends trade shows and has a sales team. If it was disclosed in this thread who the company is that is building and assembling the product, then at most a competitor would gain is a very small head start. Once this product is in the marketplace, it can be figured out who is doing the build and assembly. Unless they will sell a white label version with no support and maybe no firmware, what good is it?

There is a very popular 12k 18k PV inverter being sold in USA. The product is good, but the level of tech support needs improvement. There is delayed indirect contact with actual engineers of the designing and building company and there is no ability to perform any onsite testing of the product or even send field equipment to the site to be used in remote diagnostic testing.

I think what Midnite offers will be a solid product they can support. On site support would be great too. They have that history.

I think it would be to the advantage of Midnite Solar to recruit and train persons to serve territories in the capacity of onsite tech support for the inverter after installation. They could troubleshoot at the request of tech support, perform field upgrades and direct testing and facilitate RMA's when needed. The onsite persons would be in the form of independent contractors on call which is a format many corporations use today.

Imagine if this tech person was trained in Sol-Ark/Luxpower/Midnite/SMA inverters, how much that could help the solar community.

What Sol-Ark offers is a technical support group that is pretty much at or equal to the engineering level of that inverter so issues can be solved with a degree of deductive reasoning that works. That alone is worth something.
If I was your vendor, and I read this in a public forum, I would be unhappy with the sense of propriety expressed here. Do you really intend to suppress your vendor's ability to grow and work for others? In the long term, the more they work for others, the more they gain experience, and the better able they will be to serve you, too.

Mike C.
That might be true if it was not a Chinese company. But it is and MNS is making the right call. If you want a cheap Beta Box (Eg4) Chinese knock-off, just get one.
They are using a CM (contract manufacturer). He indicated he wants to keep them from having other customers by saying this:

"We need to keep that confidential as others would want to use the them."

That's not saying others would use MNS IP, it is saying MNS wants to block the CM from new customers.

There are ways to find out where it is being built so the "secret" won't last long. I suspect the statement was intended mostly to create an aura of exclusivity and exceptionalism about the product, not so much about the CM actually being secret or captured.

Mike C.
Not sure what your deal is but I think I’ve found a new person to block.
I suppose Midnite could have gone to Germany or Austria for their contract manufacturing. After all, SMA and Fronius are very reputable companies. But final pricing and margins could be an issue. That leaves Japan and South Korea.
I'm always suspicious about people being suspicious about suspicious things.
I don't know what there is to be suspicious about.
I don't think there has been any CEO/ owner like Robin of any brand on a forum talking , advising sharing information and knowledge beyond their product lines .
Some might say it's poor management behaviors but I beg to differ.
It only makes me want their product more .
A lot more can be said but I will leave it at that.
Bottom line it's still good customer service
What is the regulatory basis for this?

Mike C.
Probably more of a consumer protection thing than anything else. Never underestimate the general populations ability to do stupid things. I remember back in 2014 a guy that bought 10s of thousands of dollars of cybercoin miners and had no idea how to configure them, or that 30amp 220V equipment wouldn't run on his 15amp 110V household sockets (and no, you can't solve that by buying a 110v->220V transformer, which he suggested...).
We don’t care if our vendor works with other companies. What we do care about is all the proprietary information we taught them in order to make this inverter. Some of our competitors haven’t got the experience we have and they might like to go to our supplier and get what we have worked very hard for. Someone here mentioned the Chinese Outback charge controller. After I left Outback my partners decided it was too hard to manufacture the controller anymore so they found a high quality company in China to build it for them. They did 100% of the work including loading Outback’s code into the processor. Now my partners were fantastic engineers, but maybe not very smart business guys. The company continued going in the wrong direction for years until so had to get back involved. We got the company healthy enough to still it a year later. The company we sold it to had their own manufacturing in India, so they yanked the production away from China. Well, the China company had everything required to continue making the charge controller, so that is what they did. They could not make any updates to the code as all they had was compiled, but it worked just fine and still does. Manufacturing in China is risky. We have a great partner there.
Some states and Puerto Rico will not allow you to sell back to the grid without having a ten year warranty. California started this practice.
The Chinese Fang Pu Sung or whatever they call it is not a knock off. It is the real deal. They made a minor modification to the casting tooling that I designed in 2000 when the work went to India. They removed the embossed “Outback” and put their name on it. The LCD still shows up Outback as they cannot change the code.
We in no way are attempting to limit what our supplier does. We do have a ton of IP in that inverter though. The company we selected has incredible quality control and testing/burn in procedures. They are simply the best choice for this product.
We do have the opportunity to have onsite service for this AIO. You should see a video very soon from Current Connected in Las Vegas showing all parts and boards removed and replaced without taking the unit off the wall. I haven’t seen it yet, but it will show that this unit is very serviceable.
The LCD still shows up Outback as they cannot change the code.

Does "DDT" (throwback to CP/M) not exist any more?

Or, does the programmer take an encrypted file, and that name is not plain text in the source file? Or checksum prevents diddling?

(just technical curiosity. I would like to see more extensive plagiarism protection in hardware/firmware products.)
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The Chinese Fang Pu Sung or whatever they call it is not a knock off. It is the real deal. They made a minor modification to the casting tooling that I designed in 2000 when the work went to India. They removed the embossed “Outback” and put their name on it. The LCD still shows up Outback as they cannot change the code.
We in no way are attempting to limit what our supplier does. We do have a ton of IP in that inverter though. The company we selected has incredible quality control and testing/burn in procedures. They are simply the best choice for this product.
We do have the opportunity to have onsite service for this AIO. You should see a video very soon from Current Connected in Las Vegas showing all parts and boards removed and replaced without taking the unit off the wall. I haven’t seen it yet, but it will show that this unit is very serviceable.
Yeah, I get that.

Any updates from the other 18 guys/companies( Backwoodsolar and Solar Biz) except Dexter(Current Connected) and Rick Jacobs on the ONE?
I thought NAZ Solar Electric would have been in this as well.

Does "DDT" (throwback to CP/M) not exist any more?

Or, does the programmer take an encrypted file, and that name is not plain text in the source file? Or checksum prevents diddling?

(just technical curiosity. I would like to see more extensive plagiarism protection in hardware/firmware products.)
I promote intellectual sharing, If it is used for upliftment or in time of need like in COVID-19 vaccines but hate when it's being used for profit like COVID-19 vaccines again if my assumptions are right.
I had to cut out a significant portion of my 200 amp whole house write up due to the length allowed here. I would ask you to go on the MidNite Solar website for the full write up when it gets posted. It also includes a write up I found by Barry Cinnamon of Cinnamon Energy systems. Barry is a California dealer/installer. Barry did his own write up on the subject of whole house back up. I do not know Barry and have never spoken to him, but he came to the same conclusion as I and several others here have done. Whole house back up can certainly be done, but you need to go into it with your eyes open or it could cost many thousands of dollars more than you budgeted for. So, please read these full write ups and then decide for yourself.MaWith regards to transfer
Maybe asking a dumb question here.
Does Midnite plan on making a larger manual transfer switch?
Big Brother or sister to 👆
Yeah, I get that.

Any updates from the other 18 guys/companies( Backwoodsolar and Solar Biz) except Dexter(Current Connected) and Rick Jacobs on the ONE?
I thought NAZ Solar Electric would have been in this as well.

I promote intellectual sharing, If it is used for upliftment or in time of need like in COVID-19 vaccines but hate when it's being used for profit like COVID-19 vaccines again if my assumptions are right.
The United States has a "for profit" healthcare system and is regulated by the Federal Government. The manufacturer's receive government funds and private and public investment. They perform research and development and create novel molecules and technology. Scientific discovery is also performed in US research universities. These universities have agreements with faculty to promote, develop, manufacture and sell for a profit the products and services they discover. This is our system of capitalism. Maybe this system is prohibited in Guyana, but the fact that you don't like it is immaterial when it comes to Covid-19 vaccines on this website.

Furthermore, the US provided 2.8 million dollars of aid to Guyana in 2023 alone. The US has donated many thousands of doses of Paxlovid to Guyana and hundreds of thousands of doses of Covid-19 vaccines to Guyana. Your post was critical, and missing a big thank you to US taxpayers and businesses.

And, even if the US gave Guyana the intellectual property to the Covid-19 vaccine, it would do your country no good because it lacks the technology expertise to produce a product.
The United States has a "for profit" healthcare system and is regulated by the Federal Government. The manufacturer's receive government funds and private and public investment. They perform research and development and create novel molecules and technology. Scientific discovery is also performed in US research universities. These universities have agreements with faculty to promote, develop, manufacture and sell for a profit the products and services they discover. This is our system of capitalism. Maybe this system is prohibited in Guyana, but the fact that you don't like it is immaterial when it comes to Covid-19 vaccines on this website.

Furthermore, the US provided 2.8 million dollars of aid to Guyana in 2023 alone. The US has donated many thousands of doses of Paxlovid to Guyana and hundreds of thousands of doses of Covid-19 vaccines to Guyana. Your post was critical, and missing a big thank you to US taxpayers and businesses.

And, even if the US gave Guyana the intellectual property to the Covid-19 vaccine, it would do your country no good because it lacks the technology expertise to produce a product.
Thanks for the info.
But it's was more of a general statement not directed to a single Country,person or organization .
Was more of where we are and how we think as a species.My self included.
Wasn't meant to offend anyone.

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diy solar