diy solar

diy solar

Did I have a weird dream about Will adding a 'dislike' button?

Or was that a real thing about 6 hours ago that has since gone, together with a thread about it?

A confused Seagal :unsure:
It did happen.
Or it was a shared dream.
I wasn't awake for the entire conversation. So I don't know what happened, or why it disappeared. (May never know now)
Maybe we could get volunteers from California?

Must be a few Karens at the California Air Resources Board looking for more meddling opportunities. We need to keep this site safe. Think of the children!
They prob already have a bounty program: "Inform on your neighbors, if you see something say something."
Not a bad idea Hedges. Like this post if you disagree with hedges idea. And comment why it's a bad idea.

Seems good to me but just checking with everyone else
It's just going to be interpreted as telling the person you think they are stupid.
Negative Emoji's just cause problems which typically show up as active member numbers dropping.
Does not matter to me, my skin is pretty thick but I know lots of people who leave forums the minute they feel like it's stressful.
It's just going to be interpreted as telling the person you think they are stupid.
Negative Emoji's just cause problems which typically show up as active member numbers dropping.
Does not matter to me, my skin is pretty thick but I know lots of people who leave forums the minute they feel like it's stressful.
There a definitely some thin skinned among us.
Oh that is a fun idea. It could be a question mark and label it offtopic
This would handle "off topic" comments only.
It would still be good to have another way of responding to posts that are:
  • Completely wrong
  • Dangerous
  • Or you just don't agree with
Just a thought, but most threads go off topic only after the subject has been dealt with.
And often, because it is kept active with off topic, it sometimes comes back around because it stays visible and others get a chance to comment on the original subject.

diy solar

diy solar