diy solar

diy solar

Did I have a weird dream about Will adding a 'dislike' button?

Instead of a dislike button, how about an off-topic button? Maybe those posters will get the hint if they see enough of them from the forum community.

Yes, and some calculated score per post (since most may not have many "likes", could be ratio "off-topic"/"views").
That, together with a "squelch" knob, would let users tune the level of off-topic they have to wade through.

Yah, I know. You can have any forum function you want so long as its black (I mean, pre-coded in the standard software.)
Ration members to 1 dislike per month. That would give it value and keep the meaning serious.
If he had proposed the idea I could have told him that a Dislike button on a Forum is like giving a bunch of High School students Guns. It's not going to be long before the shootings starts and it won't end well.
When people make a comment and you publicly state you Dislike it, they take it very personally and will look for every opportunity to repay the favor. Oddly enough even Gangs start to form. Like minded People/Friends/ (Coworkers ;)) Gang up and dislike almost any post a target makes.
The place becomes a Ghost town real soon.
We still have sad 😥 but what happened to angry 😡 ?
HEY now,

I can derail a conversation with the best of them, but it is usually after the original topic was answered.

A dislike button (the topic here) would sometimes be a good thing - a way of indicating that what was posted is totally incorrect or a very bad idea.

Maybe instead of a dislike button it needs to be a 'I disagree' button - emoticon of a smilely with arms crossed looking away?

Yer off-topic, go start a new thread.
You could use the question mark if yo think the info is incorrect.

diy solar

diy solar