diy solar

diy solar

Building the sickest ® VAWT ever. Brilliant minds unite please!!

one can understand yes how I can get riled up if given advice on how to reach the gates but then never been held the hands to walk me through them.

it happens all the time and we should no longer allow for it.

By no fault of my own then I get to decide. I am the mamabbab MEJAMBA :)
now of course this was a joke. But I did try to signal that if we have no seniors to go by then I have to take over. And I think I can and will if need be.

If I take over things though then the quality will be less great though. Then it is just me with my dedication.

But it is like I always said. I will get there.
are we all certain we are all strapped in?

322 watts is just a bare minimum! This is from a 3m/s perspective which is not too uncommon here.

But what is also not uncommon is when my cries for...




Are finally heard
(inspired by bram stocker's dracula)

if this does not instill fear then nothing will ever. And you and I will meet each other at the psyc ward.
I am scheduled there tomorrow. ;)

I do not know the wind speed nor do I care. one way or the other things are going to get exciting.
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Full Turbulence Detected!

Yeah I know it is silly to have to resort to compressing webm files.
But I am building a wind turbine.

Not a file sharing platform :(

The sound alone will make ones knees shackey at best. Let alone when actually taking some of them blows full force :)


  • potential fear.rar
    2.1 MB · Views: 1
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Sorry, I was on a trip this week and had no access to the Internet.

The heating pads are resistors and do not care at all if you provide AC or DC. They are fine. Just be careful and use clip leads to hook them up, or hook up a multi-outlet distribution cord and plug them in.
Thank you Gary. It opens new doors.

Anyway I think I know in the meantime why we have not seen any good amps yet and with the little we did see things started snapping at around 27 watts.

It is because I am still a moron :( I think that is what it is :)

You see that I 'forgot' 'again' that having smaller wires on the AC high voltage side is much more forgiving than on the low (+40VDC is lethal. Don't be a moron like me) DC voltage side.

Yet how did I wire things from the rectifier to the battery with the shunt in between? hahah yes you have guessed is. Moronically :)

So even though the custom t2.5 belt is in I no longer really believe we actually need to go even more brutal than 1:11.

Why the pulley snapped is simply because there was soo much resistance in the wire going to the battery that the whole setup basically became like a bottleneck. A break of sorts.

hahah one tries braking this turbine from close to the center :) it is near impossible :) On the outer rim it takes not too much effort. I have not seen 9KG stopping force as of yet.


next time I wire this shunt up is with the BIG wires between the load and the battery like on the schematic.
I am such a dumbass that I used the same tiny wire for all lines in the diagram at first. :(
(not these new tiny wires that are way more tiny then the original yellow ones.)

Now I realize that this t2.5 belt is but 20mm wide. Unless I did not read it correct it has but 0.5KW of pulling potential.
But we do not need that much to accelerate the disk. Let inertia help us out there. And having big fat disks will definitely do that.

But if a t2.5 is really needed, as opposed to a new T5 or the original T10, to get close to 322 watts of input power to the battery bank. And 0.5kw pulling potential is not enough then I will get more of the same and then stack them.

But in many ways I really do think now that the best way to test an alternator is to test it against it's intend load.

I mean these cells will give minor resistance until close to being full.
This does not mean though that I would not like to also give other points of view like that of Gary's a run. I mean why not?
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now I did have to make one other change though to the setup from the 1:30 perspective.

I needed to get a 3 phase full bridge rectifier that is up to the task.

hahha and I found one. An industrial grade, made in Germany, one that anyone can buy. So still DIY (let us forget about philosophy for once ok?).
ETA 3 working days.
Working range: overpowerd :) hahaha
Price: yeah ok. this is leaning towards the not so DIY. But come on gang we have to move forward to see if there is merit to this all.

Once all is said and done then one can fine tune and reduce price.
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Although I take it as a high praise I would never ask anyone to be sorry or to apologize for well meant help.

Sure I bitch at times when one comes again swooping in with random talks. That is my prerogative!!

Yet you (and Hedges) are not addressed here with this statement, as the core of your input still is what is making this project possible.

Maximum respect to you and all of you that operate alike.
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Anyway, if not challenged by people in the know, I will go forth.

go forth HARD.

I bring forth that a hungry(not resisting input yet) battery bank is actually ideal for a test load.

I mean what are we testing here?

A washing machine ancient artifacts found in the desserts of Egypt?

If this is so bonkers then we should bring forth the guillotine:)

Nah I think I understand in the meantime. Just follow my lead.

Yet I am always open to scrutiny and push back.

!!!!! It is essential to push back if a reader can.!! I will not break down in tears if well meant. Hell more likely you get up in my halls of fame.

I just think I know that I need to find out if I really know.
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we need some of them wires from this old bag I just pulled out of the dusty corner
hahha you all thought I had nothing above 200 amps rated?


hahha I told you do not mess around with me.
and because it is bed time over here and my nation lost the football match.

I thought to take one shot and then go stop being a problem to the world for a night.


yep, its for real.

It is what I call a "lucky shot"

Our friends with cameras will understand what I just said there.

The magic here is that it is not obvious there is a thick window pane in between the inside plant and the rest of the world.

Only those with trained eyes can spot it.
Full Turbulence Detected!

Yeah I know it is silly to have to resort to compressing webm files.
But I am building a wind turbine.

Not a file sharing platform :(

The sound alone will make ones knees shackey at best. Let alone when actually taking some of them blows full force :)
I figured out in the meantime why I could not sync my local folder with the remote one.

Look this. It is scary!!

if you would like some audio to go with it for added dramatic effect then just remove the file part out of the URL.
when looking deeper into the footage I see how little the plants are moving. while anything above lets say 1 meter is getting pounded.

This is important information as to properly design and configure the blades.
So I got called out recently by a swell guy.

This guy has been lifting weights for a long time without the proper recognition.

So in a one to one conversation where emotions are difficult to keep in check he placed his shot towards me.

'wannabe pioneer' is what I am in his view.

damned that hurt and it took me a while to roll with the punch.

But during rolling backwards while getting ready to get on the feet again I realized that this great man is correct!!

Please allow for an explanation.

* I create drama for entertainment. For the reader and as a driver for my self..
* The silver lining is a true story yet we always need tangents of sci-fi!!
* hyping is my middle name yet the results I can come up with will be honest. It needs to be else risk ridicule. And I am not looking for going out known like that.
* You remember our light clock? The one that goes ping ping ping? Well I am not sure how many more pings I have left.
* What I do have left is will and means. Time and knowledge are the great unknowns I am afraid.

Now I share with you something exciting.
I still am not really sure we need a 1:30 though. But what can go wrong right? Maybe stick with 1:11?
Height above average terrain is your pal. Ideally you will have the turbine high enough to avoid any turbulence caused by ground objects.
Height above average terrain is your pal. Ideally you will have the turbine high enough to avoid any turbulence caused by ground objects.
With a setup like this at a site like this there is no escaping turbulence unless going HIGH. NO one will ever allow for it. THe turbine will spin for 3 seconds and the municipality will force me to take it down.

Nah!!! We have to learn how to master the turbulence. Air Wheels (TM) come to mind still.!!

How I interpret this new info is that I should make blades that are higher than the current 2.44m. yet not taller than 3m( so that auto folding can still be a thing. If too tall then while auto collapse they'll touch each other).

So that when they auto fold during a crisis situation (e.g. RPM overdrive) they can fall below the brutal layer of turbulence. One change needed though. The hinge point should change from the inner point of the blade to the arm to the outer point of the blade to the arm.
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ok screw this obscurity I tried to implement in an effort to keep things entertaining.

This operation style conflicts with what we really need.

Please one and any look with me over my shoulder and assess if this rectifier is indeed the right choice.

My reasoning is that if 20Hz will bring us around 130 Vac (these are just snippets of my memory. I am not sitting down and doing hard research now)
then in the context of a 1:30 that would be 60Hz making for 390 Vac if not mistaken.

Now we all know that 390 Vac is child play. :) Like on a merry go round :)

But is this unit indeed capable of handling this rather adult input?
1600V sounds good.

What's the highest Hz and V that might occur in high winds?
If a load suddenly disconnects, does voltage from coils spike higher because current is already flowing?

Shunt regulator/brake is common for wind.
I have absolutly no idea yet.

step one is to impress myself and yours alike.
step two would be to make sense of it all.

I do have a BMS and charge controller waiting behind the scenses but now this is still 'going in dry' time.

I am sure we will come across all the safety measures once we feel we are 'ok to go'
ok here goes whether or not a 1:30 is sane or not.

hahah look the chat my (un)trusty AI buddy just had.

ok how fast can the disk spin before the magnet will come loose due to centrifugal force?

  • Magnet dimensions: 60x10x5mm
  • Magnetic pull force: approximately 5-10 kg (49-98 N)
  • Disk radius: 360 mm (0.36 m)
  • Magnet mass:
    First, we calculate the mass of the magnet:
    • Volume (VVV) = 60×10×560 \times 10 \times 560×10×5 mm3^33 = 3000 mm3^33 = 3×10−63 \times 10^{-6}3×10−6 m3^33
    • Density (ρ\rhoρ) = approximately 7500 kg/m3^33
    • Mass (mmm) = V⋅ρV \cdot \rhoV⋅ρ = 3×10−6 m3×7500 kg/m3=0.0225 kg3 \times 10^{-6} \, \text{m}^3 \times 7500 \, \text{kg/m}^3 = 0.0225 \, \text{kg}3×10−6m3×7500kg/m3=0.0225kg


  1. Centrifugal Force (FcF_cFc):
    Fc=m⋅ω2⋅rF_c = m \cdot \omega^2 \cdot rFc=m⋅ω2⋅r
    • mmm = 0.0225 kg
    • ω\omegaω = angular velocity in radians per second
    • rrr = 0.36 m
  2. Maximum Angular Velocity:The centrifugal force must not exceed the magnetic pull force (taking the lower end for safety):
    Fc≤49 NF_c \leq 49 \, \text{N}Fc≤49N0.0225⋅ω2⋅0.36≤490.0225 \cdot \omega^2 \cdot 0.36 \leq 490.0225⋅ω2⋅0.36≤49
    Solving for ω\omegaω:
    ω2≤490.0225⋅0.36\omega^2 \leq \frac{49}{0.0225 \cdot 0.36}ω2≤0.0225⋅0.3649ω2≤6019.75\omega^2 \leq 6019.75ω2≤6019.75ω≤6019.75≈77.6 rad/s\omega \leq \sqrt{6019.75} \approx 77.6 \, \text{rad/s}ω≤6019.75


The disk can spin at a maximum of approximately 741 RPM before the magnet comes loose due to centrifugal force, assuming ideal conditions and using the lower end of the magnetic pull force for safety.

hahahha now I just have absolutely no idea what just happened there. But if an RPM of 700 is possible than a 1:30 still is childs play.

diy solar

diy solar