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diy solar

PowMR all in one or other brands


New Member
Oct 3, 2019
Does anyone have experience with

The price seems right but I don't want it to die on me a few months into it's usage. I also couldn't find any warranty information on this website.

Alternatively could someone recommend something similar?

Thanks in advance
IMO, and it is just my opinion, avoid. PowMr is a well known faker brand*. I wouldn't trust anything with their name on it. If you want an all-in-one that has a proven track record on the forum check the MPP Solar range. If you have a decent budget look at Victron.

If you settle on a MPP unit consider purchasing it from an approved / authorised seller for your area / country rather than direct import or from a drop shipper. You'll likely get better after sale support & service.

*They copied the MakeSkyBlue SCC (not exactly a good product in the first place) and actually run ads stating that MakeSkyBlue is the faker. See this thread.

As a bit of supporting evidence for just how 'good' PowMr is in case there is any doubt, claimed efficiency not meeting with reality? No Worries. Just adjust the readings to make it look better. 10.6A on PowMr, 9.1A in real life.

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I bought a hybrid inverter from, (3000 watt 24v ) which the spec'd as being able to do 145 DC max PV input. After It was paid for I asked them through chat if that was accurate because all other places where the spec was mentioned said Recommended PV input 100VDC. The guy asked where it was stating 145vdc. I said on the top right where the price and add to cart was. within a matter of 30 seconds it was changed to be 100VDC. The "sales" person said he was not responsible for the website, but in fact he was since how did it get changed so fast.??

They did issue a refund for me because I asked for it. $550.00 USD but they took 6 days to do a refund, rather than a reversal of the charge, so I lost approx $28.00 cnd dollars in that transaction. The failed to just simply reverse the charge which would of solved the exchange rate differences and visa.

The BEST PART was still to come when I called visa about this. The said Hmm this is weird. The charge shows up as "powmr UK " meaning from the UK, yet the bank account is in Malta Which is just off the tip of Italy! They though that was a bit strange.

I asked the chat rep when I was first buying the inverter if they were the manufacturer, he said yes, but also distanced themselves from the powmr Official store on aliexpress.

So who knows how legit website is. I got my money, well most of it back, and just didn't feel right.
So you can make your own judgements, I know I will not buy fromt hem again.
PowMr is a well known faker brand*.
Pretty sure that’s a brand made by the lovely folks that make Epever and a few other brands. Basically the same.

I gather that PowrMR products have been faked. I don’t think powrMR is the fake
They're pretty Tier-3 products, there are definitely better products out there like MPP, Growatt and EG4 that are better quality for not much more money. I've actually had good luck with my 2 metal PowMr's for over 5 years now and I've always gotten replies from their email whenever I asked a question, so maybe they just like me more than some.

Having said that, if your options are PowMr or living with candles it's better than nothing, but MPP, Growatt and EG4 are worth the extra money.
had good luck with my 2 metal PowMr's for over 5 years
Agree they are bottom-shelf or close to; I just get bemused when people say this or that won’t work for ‘junk’ I’ve bought as if I’ve been pretending they work, deluding myself LOL

For $89 and bottom shelf I’m pretty impressed with the ones I have; if they were $189 I’d never have bought one to begin with.
Hi all
some experience from my side with the PowMr 3000VA 24V. Charging from Solar Panel to Battery and AC out works fine and sinus wave of 230V is very smooth. However, when I charge the battery via AC in my internet router crashes. Just now I checked with an oscilloscope on AC in and discovered a lot of noise. When I connect the AC in on another phase in the house the internet is stable. but I am worried about other electronic equipment.
I cannot recommend that inverter (and not sure others PowMr are better).
Here first pic is AC in without charging battery, the others are with the AC noise:
I've been relatively happy with my Y&H4.2kw which is essentially the same hardware as PowMR 4.2Kw, but I did have to install an extra fan for MPPT not to overheat when it charges batteries from PV at low load.

Yes, they are the bottom of the barrel, but these days the bottom is not that bad. Your EASUN's, Y&H, PowMRs etc, they are all similar quality. You get what you pay for. As I said, I'm relatively happy so far. In fact I bough another 10.2KW unit and another one is hopefully on its way to me.

Hi all
some experience from my side with the PowMr 3000VA 24V. Charging from Solar Panel to Battery and AC out works fine and sinus wave of 230V is very smooth. However, when I charge the battery via AC in my internet router crashes. Just now I checked with an oscilloscope on AC in and discovered a lot of noise. When I connect the AC in on another phase in the house the internet is stable. but I am worried about other electronic equipment.
I cannot recommend that inverter (and not sure others PowMr are better).
Here first pic is AC in without charging battery, the others are with the AC noise:
View attachment 227182
This is not a lot of noise.... This is a lot of noise :) (found online):

To properly assess noise it is good to use an FFT function of the oscilloscope (if it has one). Then you can see in relation to 50Hz how much noise there is. I doubt the waveform shown would be that bad.
I run a Powmr as ups for my servers and our main fridge freezer, a half dozen epever units for irrigation around the farm and touch wood no issues yet. They were all relatively cheap but there's alot cheaper units out there so I wouldn't consider them bottom of the barrel but certainly not high quality. Would I run brand new expensive servers on them? No but without spending 1000s on solar they seem a great product to dip your toes into it once I have my Deye units up and running the Powmr will likely get relegated to a shack on the farm next to our pond rather than running cable out there but for now they work perfectly.

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diy solar