diy solar

diy solar

High frequency verses low frequency inverters

You are assuming one is more efficient than the other which isn't the case. Depends on what you buy or make.
You are correct. The Efficiency I was referring only to wattage used in idle time.
As LF generally use more the HF
I should have been clearer but felt I was rambling and didn’t want to go overboard
Would agree that most HF's have good idle, even cheap ones. A good LF with toroidal transformer though is 20~30W idle so no worse than a HF. Mines about 22W. Again, depends on what you buy.
10 year warranty is simply the price to enter the California grid-tie market.

Other than that, I remember longer warranties on cars as a way to entice or give confidence to buyers who knew some foreign brands were more reliable.

diy solar

diy solar