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diy solar

Preferred vendors and products thread, all products


New Member
Oct 2, 2019
I thought we could have a preferred vendors thread and get it stickied. @Will Prowse

Please post your preferred vendor here with a link to their website or product, even if it's on Amazon, Ebay, Aliexpress, etc. It would be handy to have people with actual experiences with vendors which are positive. Post vendors here if you've actually had experience with them for solar panels, batteries, invertors, etc.

Ruixu: batteries. Some people have mentioned they had good luck with their stuff.
My Primary Solar Vendor / Supplier has been Solacity in Kemptville Ontario near Ottawa. They ship everywhere and I can't say anything negative.
Another Vendor / Supplier out of Montreal Quebec that I have had good experiences with (and a very helpful fellow) is here : French Website

Very Happy with my Samlex EVO-4024 Inverter/charger which is my primary one. REF:
Also fairly happy with my "cheapo" Yiyen APC-3024 Low Frequency Inverter/Charger REF:
Sorry guys. In a recent video (
part 2:
) Will opened a Riuxu battery and found the battery Riuxu sent him for review did not represent actual batteries mailed to customers. Will opened a battery from another customer and the quality was down and he removed Riuxu batteries from his site.

Be careful and make sure if you do a review of something to not just test it thoroughly, but open it up to see how it's all packed up. It's common for Chinese suppliers to send a reviewer a special battery to review, that does not represent actual batteries shipped out. Even Chinese nationals say of other Chinese "Don't trust them." This is why business relationships in China take a long time to make, a year or more, before a purchase or agreement is made. Unfortunately I am unable to find the video I saw about this from 6 months ago.

But here's a YT search for more info on business in China.

I'm not saying don't do business in China, I'm saying be extra thorough in how you review the products, if the product quality matters.
  1. Buy an item but don't tell them you will review it. This way you will get the ACTUAL item being shipped, not a fake one.
  2. Look for bad or dry solder joints.
  3. Look for expanded electrolytic capacitors.
  4. Test the item under all rated conditions, like temperature ranges.
And that's just off the top of my head.
I would place step 4 as step 2 moving the others down in order. All operational testing should be completed on an as received product. Then do the dissection & physical inspection. JMHO.
All the testing & evaluations are very worthwhile & important for people on the hunt for good gear. Telling people to test, load down and more or less "stress to the edge" equipment is okay too (if done right). BUT ! NOTE !! The general majority of people out there may have a DVOM (Digital Volt Ohm Meter) and possibly a few other items for general purposes. Now many have a full on Fluke Equipped test bench !

Ideally, a separate & "Stickied" thread which outlines exactly how people can test & validate their purchases. How to test, what to use (simple stuff) and how to determine if it is doing what it should. Should people crack open batteries to look at the guts ? What could possibly go wrong eh ?? realize that most people are not technical enough to understand what they are doing and the potential implications.

Take Will and his using the roto cutter tool, great tool but a simple slip and your deep in the stinky brown stuff. Jig Saw OMG I cringed ! Picture a jigsaw blade hitting the batteries, imagine IF that was LiIon 18650 ! Flash Boom OH CRAP instantly ! Some folks don't even know enough to use a wood / non-conductive surface as a electrical workbench ! (picture the fool learning about that with a metal table)
I heard mention of using a heat gun to help soften the glue bond making it easier to open a battery case. Any opinions on this method??
I heard mention of using a heat gun to help soften the glue bond making it easier to open a battery case. Any opinions on this method??
I have to wonder if some cases may not be glued but may be ultrasonically welded, aka plastic welded.

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diy solar